Chapter 339 Disappearing Bizarrely ([-])

"Hey, what's going on here?" Tang Shanshan was thinking, but suddenly heard a delicate voice coming from outside the door, her nerves tensed up instantly, and then relaxed again, hmph, anyway, it's already like this today, let's look at Ann What can the concubine do to her.

"My servant has met Concubine An, empress Jin'an." Before Concubine An entered the door, Tang Shanshan greeted Concubine An, and took the lead in giving Concubine An a standard court blessing. Even if Sister Huixuan was standing in front of her, Can't fault it either.

This is the result of her daily drills and beatings from time to time for more than a month.

Concubine An glanced at the people kneeling all over the ground, said "Yo" in surprise, and asked, "Shanshan, what happened to these slaves? Did they make you angry?"

Tang Shanshan thought about it, and realized that Concubine An just chose this time to come. Someone must have reported what happened here. Tang Shanshan couldn't help but feel a little confused. What is this palace? There are spies everywhere.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Concubine An rushed over.

But no matter how big her head is, Tang Shanshan has to deal with the situation in front of her. With a faint smile, Tang Shanshan didn't say anything, but said: "The nuns are all very good, but Shanshan feels that all the nuns seem to be better than Shan Shan is suitable to be the master."

Concubine An must have known the whole story.

Tang Shanshan didn't know why Sister Huixuan insisted on opening the wooden cabinet just now—did she know that Qi Zihan was here just now?
But Tang Shanshan can be sure that both Sister Huixuan and Concubine An will be very happy if she can catch her.

Now she is not a proper crown princess—although she doesn’t want to be a crown princess either—but not being a proper crown princess means that it is much easier to depose her than a real crown princess.

So Tang Shanshan has been cautious in her words and deeds recently.

When she was speaking now, Tang Shanshan was careful and didn't make her words very clear—anyway, these nuns and below must have committed crimes.

While dealing with Concubine An, Tang Shanshan wailed: Oh my God, this damn palace...Qi Zihan, hurry up and save me, guessing like this, carefully, I will be suffocated to death.

(End of this chapter)

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