Chapter 343 The Prince Is Missing (Part [-])

However, Tang Shanshan suddenly thought of a very serious problem - the crown prince disappeared, what would she do as the prospective princess?
Tang Shanshan's head is getting bigger, she is the royal daughter-in-law, well, she has never been married, but this matter has been announced to the world as early as when the emperor decreed the marriage, and now the prince has run away——

So what does she do?
But after thinking about it, it seemed that Qi Zihan was in charge of this matter, and she didn't need to worry about it herself, so Tang Shanshan relaxed a little, and waited for the old emperor or empress to speak with low eyebrows.

Anyway, it's not for her to talk about it.

Moreover, since the old emperor called her here today, it must have been decided.

See, after being trained in the palace for four months, she has become smarter, knowing that the emperor will call her to tell her what they have decided.

But it's true, they didn't hear any rumors beforehand, and Qi Zixuan had been on the run for so long before they told her.

And Qi Zihan, he must have known about it a long time ago, really, he even kept it from her, Tang Shanshan quietly glanced at Qi Zihan, only to find that he was staring at her with a smile on his face.

Tang Shanshan's face flushed slightly. This guy, every time we meet recently, likes to stare at her, or hug her, and press his lips on her forehead.

Like treating your most precious treasure——

Tang Shanshan's heart throbbed a little.

Now there is no Qi Zixuan standing between them, is it——

Could they be together-

Tang Shanshan's heart was pounding with excitement because of her conjecture.

But seeing the old emperor with a serious face in front of her, Tang Shanshan quickly suppressed her thoughts, alas, now is not the time to think about that, let's think about how the old emperor will deal with her.

"Shanshan," the old emperor's tone was unexpectedly kind, which made Tang Shanshan a little uncomfortable, and suddenly thought of the words that the weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, and immediately stepped up her guard, waiting for the old emperor's next words.

Sure enough, it was the weasel who gave the chicken New Year's greetings-no good intentions.

Tang Shanshan snorted coldly in her heart, this old emperor wants her to be a widow for the rest of her life!

(End of this chapter)

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