Chapter 344 The Prince Is Missing ([-])

Sure enough, it was the weasel who gave the chicken New Year's greetings-no good intentions.

Tang Shanshan snorted coldly in her heart, this old emperor wants her to be a widow for the rest of her life!

After being told about this matter, Tang Shanshan was driven back to Zhuyunxuan to stay there. Anyway, she had to stay in Zhuyunxuan until the dust settled.

But the more Tang Shanshan thought about it, the weirder it became. This matter was all weird.

How could Prince Qi Zixuan think of leaving the palace?Could it be because of the matter of He Huiyuan and Rou Yun's young master?
How did Qi Zixuan, who had never lived among the people, manage to travel thousands of miles from the capital to the south after leaving the palace?

Did he bring enough money before leaving the palace?
This is unlikely.

For people like them, when they go out, servants bring them silver to pay their bills, and they don't know the importance of silver at all.

Weird, weird, holding her chin, Tang Shanshan felt extremely dizzy, what the hell is going on, it's a mess.

Although she has some understanding of these things after receiving such a long time of training in the palace, Tang Shanshan still feels a little overwhelmed when she is asked to analyze such complicated things. Relatively speaking, he still likes to make money.

"Tuk...Tuk...Tuk..." Light knocks, two short and one long, came from the side of the cabinet.

It was Qi Zihan. Tang Shanshan jumped up and wanted to rush to the side of the cabinet, but suddenly stopped her steps and turned off the lights first - otherwise others would see the shadows of the two of them.

When she got to the side of the cabinet, Tang Shanshan knocked on the cabinet in the opposite way to Qi Zihan's one long and two short, "Tuk Tuk... Tuk... Tuk..." and then opened the cabinet door.

After a barely audible "zaza" sound, Tang Shanshan got into the cabinet and closed the door.

Then, Tang Shanshan lightly knocked on the cabinet door, and the dark space suddenly shone with light.

Tang Shanshan saw Qi Zihan who was smiling and looking at her with open arms.

Tang Shanshan blushed, and slowly snuggled into Qi Zihan's arms, and then Tang Shanshan felt that her face was being held up, and her lips were also warmed by others.

The numb and sweet feeling spread from the interdependent lips to the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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