Chapter 347 The Prince's Position ([-])

He couldn't tolerate the woman he loved as a treasure, being wronged in any way.

Therefore, disregarding the rules of the monarch and ministers, regardless of the rules of brothers, and regardless of the rules of father and son, he made a move.

Persuading the prince to leave is the best way. Not only will the soldiers be bloodless, but it will also take care of the righteousness of the monarch and ministers, brothers, and father and son on the surface.

As for the throne, it was not what he cared about.

However, Qi Zihan didn't intend to tell Tang Shanshan about these things, she didn't need to know these dirty things, she just wanted to enjoy the life under her wing.

"Are you going to be the emperor in the future?" Tang Shanshan saw that Qi Zihan was distracted, and poked his chest angrily.

Qi Zihan smiled slightly, not hiding it from her, and said: "Yes, if the emperor doesn't return to the palace, I will naturally be the crown prince, and the crown prince, isn't he also the crown prince?"

"But..." Tang Shanshan said with a drawn out tone, "I don't want to marry into the palace, and I don't want you to be the emperor?"

"Why?" With a low smile, Qi Zihan hugged the person in his arms tightly and asked with a smile.

"Because the emperor will have the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of Sangong..." Tang Shanshan said, "I don't want you to have another woman!"

Are you worried about this?Qi Zihan couldn't help laughing. It seems that his intimacy and aggressiveness during this time has worked. Shanshan is also gradually understanding the emotions between men and women. She even knows how to be jealous and doesn't want him to be with other women. .

Kissing Tang Shanshan's forehead lightly, Qi Zihan promised with a smile: "No, I won't like other women, and I won't let other women come between us."

"Really?" Tilting her head, looking at Qi Zihan's gentle and smiling face, Tang Shanshan confirmed with some surprise: "What you said is true?"

"Of course." Qi Zihan smiled, he wasted so much hard work, isn't it just to let them be together?How could he be so stupid as to trip himself up in the end.

Tang Shanshan was happy, and cheered in a low voice: "That's great, Qi Zihan, I love you the most."

"..." Qi Zihan hugged the person in his arms excitedly, unable to say a word.

His most cherished woman told him that she also loves him, so how could he not be excited?In the past, she only said that she liked it at most.

"Shanshan, Shanshan..." I love you too.

Book Title: The Embarrassing Thing about the Fox: Bewildered Fox
She clenched her fists tightly and shouted angrily to the big smiling eyes in front of her eyes: "I never lie, I am a vixen, I am really a vixen!"

He chuckled lightly: "It's a strange thing that you are a vixen. Don't think that I don't know that you are a person who knows that I am a vixen killer. You just said that to tease me on purpose. If you want to lie to me, there is no way!"


(End of this chapter)

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