Chapter 348 The Prince's Position ([-])

"Shanshan, Shanshan..." I love you too.

He gave everything, just for a word of love from her. With such a word, no matter how much suffering he experienced in the middle, he didn't care.

As long as there is her, as long as they are together.

It seems that because the prince is no longer here, Mother Huixuan and the others don't force Tang Shanshan to learn the rules. Anyway, they know that no one will pay attention to concubines who fall out of favor.

As for Tang Shanshan, she couldn't even say she fell out of favor, she was just a prince and concubine, and now that the prince is not around, no one would care about her.

Xiaoxia was taken away by Concubine An, Aunt Huixuan went back to serve the Empress, and the remaining aunties and maids in each palace went back to their respective palaces, and Zhu Yunxuan became silent for a while.

On the contrary, Tang Shanshan enjoys this kind of life a little bit, she wants to eat and drink, she has Yaohong to accompany her to talk during the day, and Qi Zihan takes time to accompany her at night, her life is very pleasant.

In her spare time, Tang Shanshan began to think about the Yiran clubhouse that she had been tortured by Aunt Huixuan for a while.

After asking Qi Zihan to contact Man Wu, Man Wu brought Tang Shanshan a scented powder, saying that apart from the same dozen of rouge gouache powder as Yiran Clubhouse, this is a scented powder launched by Qingdai Pavilion just last month.

Tang Shanshan always felt that this smell was very familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

"Dong dong dong..." The gate of the courtyard was slammed, and Tang Shanshan had already put down the powder that she couldn't remember, and she was thinking about how to make the rouge powder in the Yiran Club no longer leaked. When there was a knock on the door, Tang Shanshan waved her hand nonchalantly and asked Yaohong to open the door.

There was a nanny outside the door, leading a lady who was wearing a second-grade official costume to stand outside the door, Yaohong was a little puzzled, she glanced at the madam's excited expression, and asked the nanny who was leading the way without thinking too much: "Auntie, may I ask who this is?"

"This is Mrs. Tang, the mother of the empress concubine, and the empress asked to bring her to see the empress concubine." The nanny replied.

Yaohong was taken aback, and took a closer look at the lady, and found that between the eyebrows, the empress concubine and this lady were indeed somewhat similar.

Book Title: The Embarrassing Thing about the Fox: Bewildered Fox
She clenched her fists tightly and shouted angrily to the big smiling eyes in front of her eyes: "I never lie, I am a vixen, I am really a vixen!"

He chuckled lightly: "It's a strange thing that you are a vixen. Don't think that I don't know that you are a person who knows that I am a vixen killer. You just said that to tease me on purpose. If you want to lie to me, there is no way!"


(End of this chapter)

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