Chapter 355

Sitting on the chair, Master Tang frowned, thinking about Qi Zihan's words. After a long time, Master Tang sighed and said, "Nephew, let me think about it."

It's a big deal.

Qi Zihan smiled slightly, and said to Master Tang: "My nephew is here because Uncle Tang is Shanshan's father, so I came to tell Uncle Tang, but my nephew will never let Shanshan suffer any more grievances." , regardless of whether Uncle Tang agrees or not, my nephew will act according to plan."

After speaking, Qi Zihan bowed and left.

"Nephew, go slowly." Sitting on the chair, Master Tang lowered his head and thought about Qi Zihan's plan that could be said to be bold and reckless.

The crime of deceiving the emperor on the one hand, and the life of the daughter on the other, which is more important?
On the balance in my heart, the weight of family affection is getting heavier and heavier.

How can the monarch and his ministers be compared to the closest relatives of flesh and blood?Master Tang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Come here."

Qi Zihan left the Tang mansion, then turned and walked towards another big house.

This is a bold plan, and it needs to be more cautious. After all, although the Queen and Concubine An seem to be dying now, they seem to accept their fate, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse. Broken things.

It was a pleasure to meet another person, Cao Ronggui, the commander of the inner city guards of the imperial palace.

A person who knows current affairs is a hero, and Cao Ronggui is such a person who is knowledgeable and interesting.

Originally, Cao Ronggui was originally a peripheral figure of the Queen's line of power, so he was not very important.

Now that Qi Zihan actually came to visit in person, Cao Ronggui immediately felt that this was a great honor and a "climbing ladder" sent to his door, as long as he could do a good job of His Royal Highness the Second Prince—no—it should be said that it was the task of His Royal Highness the Prince-to-be , to rise to the top, isn't that just around the corner?
It's just a matter of sending a court lady whom His Royal Highness the Second Prince likes to go to Prince Qi's Mansion, the original residence of the Second Prince, that's all.

After fully agreeing, Cao Ronggui personally sent Qi Zihan to the gate—if Qi Zihan didn't let him, he would definitely send Qi Zihan into the palace.

The future prince, the future emperor——

(End of this chapter)

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