Chapter 356

The crown prince died, and no matter whether the court ladies or the eunuchs and mothers in the palace, they were all dressed in plain clothes.

Although everyone knew that the prince's death was strange, but since the emperor said that the prince died of a sudden illness, then the prince died of a sudden illness.

The mourning hall is located in the Prince's East Palace.

As soon as Tang Shanshan woke up from a coma, she was helped put on a white dress and brought to the mourning hall—Tang Shanshan wanted to faint again right away.

After seeing Mrs. Tang, she already remembered most of the things - for example, her parents, and bits and pieces about Qi Zihan, but she forgot why she was in the palace.

Also, why do I have to keep watch for the prince?
Besides, she clearly remembered that Qi Zixuan was three or four years older than him, why did he die suddenly?
She was dizzy, but Tang Shanshan still knew what was at stake, suppressed her doubts, and obediently knelt in front of the mourning hall without saying a word, doing whatever others asked her to do, as obediently as a puppet.

At night, lying on the wooden bed, Tang Shanshan couldn't sleep at all. She remembered that she was on the grassland, and she was going to ride horses with Qi Zihan and Zhuotu, why did she suddenly arrive at the palace?

Also, why does the current self seem to have grown up a lot?
These things were mixed in her mind, Tang Shanshan only felt a splitting headache.

Ah, don't think about it, anyway, you will always know what's going on.Covered with a quilt, Tang Shanshan closed her eyes in a very lonely way, no longer thinking about these intertwined mysteries.

While half dreaming and half awake, Tang Shanshan suddenly heard the sound of "Tuk Tuk Tuk" in the room, she couldn't help raising her head in doubt, and looked around.

The room was empty, there was no way to hide even a mouse entered the room, Tang Shanshan looked around the room, why didn't she find anyone or anything else?

Thinking of the rhythmic sound of "Tu Tuk" again, Tang Shanshan suddenly felt a little creepy—could this be the visit of the legendary good brother?

Teeth chattering, Tang Shanshan forced herself to comfort herself, no, no, she Tang Shanshan was born under the red flag and grew up in the new society, she must believe in science in everything.

But how does science explain the resurrection of the dead?

(End of this chapter)

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