The most greedy time-travel in history: the history of a fortune-loving little woman

Chapter 360 Jinjin's New Book: Black-bellied Lord: Please don't run away, lady

Chapter 360 Jinjin's New Book: Black-bellied Lord: Please don't run away, lady


The first couplet: The husband has a black belly and chases his wife wholeheartedly; the wife is cold and loves to run;
The second couplet: Happy friends, you chase me and run away, jumping up and down, the ends of the earth;
Hengpi: Chasing is healthier
[-] The gentleman on Liang ([-])

"Master, please slow down." Chunyan felt pitiful while feeding Xiao Mingwei. The fourth young master is such a handsome and unrestrained handsome man, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

It's a pity that the damn bandits robbed the merchants half a year ago, the second young master died, and even the corpse could not be found; the fourth young master was injured in his internal organs, so far he still has no signs of recovery, so he can only stay in bed.

"What's new recently?" Xiao Mingwei panted and asked in a low voice.

It is said that there was a new flood in Hejian, tens of millions of people were homeless, and the people were displaced, but the emperor and the dignitaries only knew how to enjoy themselves and did not care about the lives of the people at all.

When talking about the news, Chunyan, who was in charge of serving Xiao Mingwei, had tears in her eyes. Her hometown was also hit by floods. If Mrs. Xiao's wife hadn't passed by to save her, it was still a question of whether she would be alive now, let alone in the With his salary, Xiao Yuan lived a life without worrying about food and clothing.

So when I say it, I feel the same way.

Mrs. Xiao, who came to see her son, also sighed a lot.

It was night, everything was silent, the moon was dark and the wind was high, a petite figure appeared on the roof of Xiao Yuan, lurking to avoid the sight of the night watchmen in Xiao Yuan.

Afterwards, the petite black shadow flashed, and flew towards the northeast of Xiao Yuan like a shooting star chasing the moon.

Immediately afterwards, another taller figure in black also ran towards the northeast closely behind the previous black figure.

Seventy miles to the northeast of Xiaoyuan, there is a long mountain. Because there is a huge gap connecting to the port on the other side of the mountain, this place has become an important traffic road, and the small town at the foot of the mountain has also developed into a small town. Huge and prosperous towns.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.Where there is profit, there are businessmen.Even though there are many bandits in the mountains, they can't stop countless businessmen from panning for gold.

Therefore, Yuelin City at the foot of the mountain gathered countless wealthy businessmen.

The ancestral house including the Xiao family is also in this city, but the Xiao family originally lived here for generations, not profit-seeking merchants who moved here later.

Xiao Yuan is just a Zhuangzi with an excellent scenery, because of the good scenery, it has now become a place for Xiao Mingwei to heal his wounds.

[-] The Gentleman on Liang ([-])
Xiao Yuan is just a Zhuangzi with an excellent scenery, because of the good scenery, it has now become a place for Xiao Mingwei to heal his wounds.

Heiying seemed to be very familiar with Yuelin City, except to avoid the night patrolling soldiers, he almost ran straight to a mansion.

Standing outside the wall, Heiying took out a small bottle from his arms, poured it on his hands and smeared it all over his body, and was about to put it away, when Heiying suddenly turned around and looked at the bottle that was standing not far away, leaning against the wall with his arms around his chest. Looking at another shadow of himself.

"Little beauty, lady, why don't you take your husband with you when you go shopping? Do you want to leave your husband and run away with someone else? You really hurt my husband's heart... Oh, I am broken all over the place." My heart." Seeing that he was seen, the black shadow leaning against the wall immediately leaned forward and said sadly.

"Xiao Mingwei..." The originally melodious voice of the petite black shadow sounded like gnashing of teeth.

It turned out to be Xiao Mingwei, the fourth young master of the Xiao family who was supposed to be bedridden.

"I'm here for my husband, what are my orders?" The tall black shadow Xiao Mingwei automatically ignored the anger in his sweetheart's voice, and moved his face closer to answer when he heard the call.

Lu Yi suppressed her anger, and this unscrupulous man followed, and then automatically ignored the little joy and sweetness in the small corner of his heart.

In fact, she didn't know that Xiao Mingwei was pretending to be sick, but half a year ago, during the same dark and windy day, which was suitable for robbing houses, murdering and setting fire, she found that she was followed by a tail that could not be shaken off.

Lu Yi made a decisive decision, gave up the mission for the day, and ran to the wilderness in the suburbs.

After some fighting and eating a lot of tofu, Xiao Mingwei's flat face showed and he smiled at her.

From this, Lu Yi knew that she had been tricked, not only herself, but everyone else.Xiao Mingwei, who had been ill for half a year, was not sick at all, he was very healthy, alive and kicking like a live fish.

What is even more depressing is that from now on, no matter where she goes in the middle of the night, there will always be a tail called Xiao Mingwei hanging behind her.

How hateful!

But shameless people are invincible, Xiao Mingwei is the best example, how can the quiet Lu Yi argue against the eloquent Xiao Mingwei.

3 The gentleman on Liang ([-])

But shameless people are invincible, Xiao Mingwei is the best example, how can the quiet Lu Yi argue against the eloquent Xiao Mingwei.

Every reprimand ended in failure, and even after being eaten tender tofu, Lu Yi decided to keep a distance from this black-hearted man.

It's a pity that if you can't fight, you can't win, how can Luyi avoid a guy who is as sticky as sticky candy.

"Smear it on." Luyi said coldly, and threw the small bottle in her hand to Xiao Mingwei.

If you can't shake it off, try not to let someone hold you back.

"It's still a lady who cares about her husband. I'm so touched." Xiao Mingwei took the small bottle, unscrewed it, and smeared on himself while spitting.

Lu Yi didn't bother to pay attention to this cheeky black-hearted man anymore, she tiptoed onto the fence, and carefully lurked on the roof, observing the movement in this big mansion.

"Little beauty, what's your goal today? This seems to be the house of Huang Shiren's family. It is said that Huang Shiren is very rich..." A low voice whispered in his ears, but the warm snort on his neck was itchy, Lu Yi couldn't help being a little anxious.

The hands of the people around her seemed to be a little irregular. They rested on her back in tight black clothes. When they passed, it seemed that her entire spine was trembling.

The unruly hand seemed not satisfied with being in a corner, and gradually tended to slide down, and the warmth of the ear was getting closer and closer, and Lu Yi felt as if her earlobe was being sucked.

That kind of taste made Luyi feel as if her whole body had been pulled out, and her whole body was numb.

The body could not help but tremble slightly.

The tiles on the roof made a low creaking sound with the trembling of Lu Yi's body, which was particularly ear-piercing in the silent night.

Lu Yi, who was a little confused, was awakened by the sound, her face was very hot, and she was about to scold Xiao Mingwei for being more behaved, but she could only keep silent - there was the sound of orderly footsteps in the distance, someone was watching the night.

The owner of the big hand knew that Luyi didn't dare to act rashly for the time being, so he expanded his territory even more willfully to the small waist that Luyi couldn't grasp, and then hugged him without moving.

4 The Gentleman on Liang ([-])

The owner of the big hand knew that Luyi didn't dare to act rashly for the time being, so he expanded his territory even more willfully to the small waist that Luyi couldn't grasp, and then hugged him without moving.

Enough is enough to be a human being, Xiao Mingwei secretly smiled in his heart, the little girl will definitely go crazy if he goes on, he will make progress slowly at a time, he is very patient and not in a hurry.

After the night watchman passed by, Xiao Mingwei took the initiative to take his hands away and jumped to the roof on the other side, observing the surrounding environment vigilantly.

Although Xiao Mingwei couldn't put it down because of the warm feeling, it's still a good thing to say, take advantage of others' dangers with moderation, it's not good to be too greedy, just like being acupointed a few days ago is a lesson.

In the dark night, on the gloomy sky, there are only a few stars hanging weakly, and the occasional sound of a dog barking in the distance breaks the silence of the night, but the night becomes more lonely afterward, only The wind whistled.

Xiao Mingwei nodded in satisfaction, it was a good weather for robbing houses, killing people and setting fires.

The tiles around him made a slight sound, Xiao Mingwei knew that Luyi had followed, put away his wild thoughts, and then the two of them figured out the direction and ran towards the separate courtyard on the southwest corner.

Without trees, without shrubs, there is no shadow, and without shadows, there is no way to hide your figure.

Luyi had already found out that this independent small courtyard was a place specially used by Huang Shiren to hide money, but she didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

There are several houses in the center of the large open space. In the middle of the house is a three-storey watchtower, which is used to observe the surrounding environment. Big lanterns are hung on the four corners of the house, and the watchtower is also full of lanterns. Even the yard is also full of Lanterns, under the bright lights, no one can hide their figures.

Lu Yi frowned.

The original idea can no longer be used, Lu Yi frowned and tried to find a way.

"Wow, this Huang Shiren is really ruthless, I like it." Xiao Mingwei really admired this Huang Shiren for being able to come up with this method to prevent his hands from being empty-handed.

There is still time to make sarcastic remarks!Lu Yi glared at Xiao Mingwei fiercely, then turned her head and frowned to think of a solution.

"Miss, let me take a sip of incense, and I will send you in." Xiao Mingwei salivated, and proposed in front of Lu Yi.

05 Bandit's Nest ([-])

"Miss, let me take a sip of incense, and I will send you in." Xiao Mingwei salivated, and proposed in front of Lu Yi.

Lu Yi cast a cold look over and pushed away the face that obstructed her vision.

Xiao Mingwei chuckled secretly, his cute little lady was shy, well, in order not to make her angry, let's deal with Huang Shiren, the fat sheep first.

Is there any way in this case?

Of course there is, and that is—hard break!
Xiao Mingwei took out a black face scarf and handed it to Lu Yi, and then covered the scarf under Lu Yi's strange eyes, and then, Xiao Mingwei rushed towards the bright light illuminated by the lamp very alone.

Xiao Mingwei, you bastard.It was only then that Lu Yi understood the meaning of the face scarf that Xiao Mingwei handed her, and she felt annoyed inwardly, she had no choice but to put on the face scarf and rush into the yard where the scuffle had already started.

—— Ding Ling's Sugar Palm——Crackling——Booming and Choking——Cracking of the Fruiting Palm——Ding Ling's Fruiting Palm——

After a burst of sound and light effects, two men in black with a large pile of unknown items in their arms rushed out of the small yard and ran along the roof to the southwest.

Behind them is a huge send-off team holding swords, guns, halberds and spears...

The two galloped all the way, gradually getting rid of the send-off team behind them.

Taking a breath, he continued to run to the southwest. Along the way, Xiao Mingwei talked to Lu Yi with salivating face many times, but Lu Yi avoided them without saying a word, completely ignoring him.

The lady is angry.Xiao Mingwei smiled, it's good to be angry, angry for a second, angry croaking, angry is better than ignoring yourself when you are angry.

Then Xiao Mingwei started telling cold jokes while running.

"In the hot summer, a dog walked a long way and was very tired. When he met another dog, he said: Damn, I'm just tired like a dog."

Glancing sideways at the little beauty's face, well, it's too dark to see any expression, but the little beauty's aura shows that she is very angry this time.

Then make persistent efforts!

"A stone is very cold, he doesn't like to talk, and in the end, it is so cold..."

Glancing sideways again, it was still too dark to see the little beauty's expression, but the aura around the little beauty showed that she was very angry.

If you continue to work hard, you won't believe that the little lady will ignore him.

06 Bandit's Nest ([-])

If you continue to work hard, you won't believe that the little lady will ignore him.

"One day, there was a burst of angry knocking on the door outside a Taoist temple. The Taoist priest was grabbed by the collar just as he opened the door. A monk outside yelled: "You bastard, how dare you rob the master with the poor monk!"

Glancing sideways again, it was still too dark to see the little beauty's expression, but the aura around the little beauty indicated that if it continued, the possibility that the little beauty would stab herself with a soft sword in the next moment could not be ruled out.

Try again... Forget it, life is still more precious.

But Xiao Mingwei will not just admit defeat.

Standing at the gate of the cottage, looking at the bright wind lamp on the door, Xiao Mingwei said with a smile: "Little beauty, come and give me a smile."

Luyi glanced coldly at Xiao Mingwei, stuffed the baggage in Xiao Mingwei's arms, and then walked forward.

"Don't laugh, it doesn't matter, I'll give you a smile, hehehe! Ah, little beauty, lady, please walk slowly, wait for your husband." Seeing the little beauty ignoring him, Xiao Mingwei gave a low howl and hurried to catch up.

It's an extremely bumpy road to chasing his wife, when will he, Fourth Young Master Xiao, be able to hug a beautiful woman back home?

This is a small cottage.

However, within the entire area of ​​Yuelin Mountain, and even on the green forest roads of the entire southern six provinces, Jixian Villa is well-known, and some people even secretly enshrine the plaque of Jixian Gathering Righteousness in their homes.

As soon as he entered the gate of Jixian Villa, Xiao Mingwei let go of his voice and howled: "Come here, my wife and I are here to visit."

Luyi glared at Xiao Mingwei viciously, in exchange for Xiao Mingwei shrugging his shoulders and smiling lazily, there are all single men here, everyone seeing women is like a wolf seeing fresh meat, so don't worry about it.

With Xiao Mingwei's shout, the whole cottage was instantly brightly lit.

"Stinky boy, I know you're here, so there's no need to shout." Before the person appeared, a loud and rough voice came from inside the cottage: "What are you doing at the door, are you still waiting for the second uncle to go out and invite you in?"

"How dare you work for the second uncle." Xiao Mingwei said poorly, and handed the things in his hand to the little guy on the side, and then pulled Luyi's hand like lightning and entered the Juyi Hall on the left.

Dear friends, please join us......

(End of this chapter)

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