The most greedy time-travel in history: the history of a fortune-loving little woman

Chapter 361 Friend's New Book: Mrs. Lai Shang Qingqing

Chapter 361 Friend's New Book: Mrs. Lai Shang Qingqing

Shrimp?My sister helped her get engaged to that major general of Leng's family?
Wanqing gasped, sat up from the imperial concubine chair in shock, Hu'er stared at Xiao Yu and asked, "Xiao Yu, did you hear me right?"

"How is it possible?" Xiao Yu waved her lovely fists and defended herself: "I heard the general and the members of the Leng family say it with my own ears, and they said that they would exchange birthdays after reporting back to the old lady."

Wanqing collapsed on the chaise longue, buried her face in the soft pillow, her whole body was twisted on the chaise longue like a soft noodle, it is said—that Leng Guanpeng was nine feet tall, as strong as an iron tower, with a face Like Heitan, the whole person is like a gorilla.

It is said that his smile can scare evil spirits to death, and his name can stop children from crying at night...

It is said that he still eats human flesh...

God, she must never marry that gorilla surnamed Leng!She, Chen Wanqing, is determined to marry a refined scholar!

Action is worse than heartbeat, coaxing Xiaoyu away but making cakes for her, Wanqing immediately worked her lazy bones, collected money at an unprecedented speed and ran away.

Where are there more scholars?

Is this even a question?
Learn literary and martial arts, sell to the emperor's family.

Next year happens to be the time for the big exam, and students from all over the world will gather in the capital. If they rush to the capital now, next year they might be able to catch the new champion.

Thinking of the gentle and courteous Zhuangyuan Lang, Wanqing couldn't help but feel excited.

Wearing the attire of a small army leader, Wanqing traveled very smoothly all the way, and soon stepped on more than half of the road from Kunzhou to the capital.

But at this time, Wanqing's boiling blood has almost calmed down. When it was three or four days away from the capital, Wanqing was a little discouraged and half-lyed on the grass, leaning against a tree, and didn't want to move lazily.

She misses the dangling chaise longue...

She misses the soft silk satin quilt...

She misses the delicious crispy roast duck...

She misses sweet pastry preserves...

She misses the refreshing rose scented tea...

she misses...

In short, she regretted it.

Woohoo, Xiaoyu, I am so pitiful for your young lady, I need your little hands to rub my shoulders and back.

With her eyes closed, Wanqing fantasizes about Xiao Yu's cute fists... pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch ... all muscles and bones are relaxed...

Wanqing deeply regretted not taking Xiaoyu with her when she ran away.

That gentle gentleman who doesn't know where to hide is really not as cute as Xiao Yu's little fist with just the right strength.

"Hiss... hiss..."

Wanqing suddenly heard Aima Taxue's angry cry, and then several screams and roars followed by the wind.

Covering her mouth, Wanqing yawned delicately, greedy people, Taxue is not an obedient little white rabbit, you can catch it if you want to.

The sound of kicking gradually approached, and Wanqing could hear loud shouts such as "Be careful..." and "Come here...", and then the ground vibrated obviously. It seemed that many people were chasing the trampling on horseback. Snow.

Wanqing snorted coldly, stretched her waist, then leaned against the tree with her arms folded and waited to see who was interested in her snow treading.

Taxue came running towards him, and there was a person sitting on the horseback. Because of Taxue's non-stop jumping, Wanjun didn't see the appearance of that person clearly, but a group of armored people chasing after Taxue made Wanqing frowned.

Judging from their riding postures and the rhythm of the ups and downs of these people's bodies between the horses running, Wanqing can conclude that this is a group of elites.

An elite that can be compared with the elite of the Chen family.

Then the identity of the immediate person is definitely not simple.

Wan Jun sighed, whistled lazily, and appeased Ta Xue before he threw the man off.

Hearing Wanqing's call, Taxue ran straight to Wanqing's side.

"Little brother, get out of the way, be careful..." They didn't see Wanqing whistling, but those who followed Taxue only saw the frantic horse rushing towards a soldier who was half lying on the grass in a daze. shouted hastily.

Huh?These people are still very good.Wanqing stroked her chin in thought.

Arriving in front of Wanqing, Taxue let out a long hiss, and the person stood up. The person on the horse was only concerned about not letting himself fall off, only then did he realize that there was someone in front of him. Seeing that Wanqing was about to be trampled by the horse's hoof, he panicked. He shouted "dodge", but it was already too late.

And he was thrown off the horse because he was too surprised.

"His Royal Highness Prince Rui..." Seeing the people on the horseback being thrown off, the people behind were shattered, screamed and rushed forward, but it could not prevent the fate of any of His Highness Prince Rui's being thrown into meat paste .


Seeing His Highness Prince Rui who landed safely, and the little soldier standing crookedly beside His Highness Prince Rui at some point, everyone looked at each other—what's going on?

However, it was a fact that they saved Prince Rui, so they crowded around, first pleaded guilty to Prince Rui, and then thanked Wanqing, they were in a hurry for a while.

As soon as he was in shock, Prince Rui gave a deep salute to Wanqing who was standing like a willow tree blown to this side by the wind, and said: "Thank you little brother for saving my life."

With a flash of silvery light, Wanqing retracted the soft sword in her hand to her waist, and bowed crookedly: "The last general will see His Highness Prince Rui."

Before Prince Rui could speak again, the sound of horseshoes started again.

This time it was a pure white horse, and the person on the horse was also dressed in white Shengxue. Although it was between gallops, it still gave people a sense of calmness and stability.

It seemed that as long as he was there, there was nothing to worry about.

Wanqing's eyes lit up.

"See you sir." Prince Rui saw the person coming, before he got off his horse, he saluted and greeted him.

"Your Highness, as long as you have nothing to do." Like the gurgling water and the ethereal sound of a flute, the voice of the man in white has an indescribable charm that makes people feel peaceful.

It's just that he received Prince Rui's salute safely but didn't get off the horse, it was really rude.

Prince Rui turned a blind eye to the rudeness of the man in white, but respectfully said: "Thanks to this little brother for saving me."

Following Prince Rui's words, the white-clothed Taifu's eyes turned to Wanqing, and said: "Thank you, little brother."

Wanqing raised her head and said, "Are you Mr.?"

"Yes." The man in white answered simply, neither hypocritically modest nor proudly showing off.

"Then you should have read a lot of poetry and books, right?" Wanqing continued to ask.

The man in white gave a faint smile and nodded, "Of course."

"Then you talk to others like this? Don't you know it's impolite? At least you have to get off your horse, right?" Wan Qing asked with a smile.

She likes this person, but I don't know if he is also like this when he gets angry... um... Qingya.

Yes, it is elegant!Tilting her head, Wanqing finally came up with a word that could describe the man in white.

It was decided that as long as he had no wife or marriage, he would be her husband, Chen Wanjun.

It's just that as soon as Wanqing's words came out, everyone fell silent and glared at Wanqing, even Prince Rui, who was gentle and polite just now, also looked at her reproachfully.

Wanqing was surprised, she just thanked her a thousand times, would this be like a sworn enemy?What's wrong?
Silence, only the wind blowing.

"Ge Hong, help me get off the horse." The voice of the man in white broke the silence here. Ge Hong, who was named, glared at Wanqing angrily. Someone had already spread a white cloth on the ground.

Ge Hong hugged the man in white and helped him sit cross-legged on the white cloth.

Smiling lightly, with a whirlpool at the corner of his mouth, the man in white raised his head to look at Wanqing, and asked, "Is this okay?"

Wanqing was shocked.

Such an elegant figure turned out to be a disabled person who could not walk on both legs.

Biting her lower lip unconsciously, Wanqing felt distressed, she thought he should be the kind of person who pointed the world with a smile and scolded Fang Qiu, but why...

Suddenly smiling, ignoring everyone's angry eyes, Wanqing also sat down cross-legged like the man in white.

It's just that the posture of the man in white is just like a bell, and his demeanor is as elegant as an exiled fairy; and Wanqing, even if she sits down, is like a noodle that has been boiled and then rolled up to dry, not crooked.

Ignoring everyone's frowning, Wanqing asked, "Do you have a wife, sir?"

Although it is said that her daughter's family should be more reserved, Wanqing doesn't want to miss this person, who makes her heart flutter.Besides, at home on weekdays, no one taught her that girls should not take the initiative to chase after their husbands.

"Little brother, why are you asking this?" Prince Rui's tone was gentle, but in his words, it showed that he was very annoyed.

Even a lifesaver can't be so rude to Mr.

"It doesn't matter." Smiling stopped Prince Rui from continuing to speak, he shook his head, "Yang didn't marry a wife."

"Then is Mr. married?" Wanqing's eyes lit up, and she continued to ask.

"Never married." Smiling, the white-clothed man's eyes were clear, like stars in the sky.

"Oh..." Wanqing groaned, and then began to pull her hair vigorously with her left hand.

Tangled ah……

When the matter came to an end, Wanqing suddenly felt a little shy.'s a bit embarrassing for a woman to propose to a man.

There are gentle breezes caressing, flowers sending fragrance, grass swaying, and people in white clothes fluttering, wanting to go home by the wind.

"Then, how about you marrying me?" Wanqing's heart tightened, as if this person was about to leave in an instant, the words that had been suffocating in her throat came out "cengceng".

Everyone collectively "hissed" and looked at the scene in front of them with strange expressions.

The man in white looks like a banished fairy, elegant and noble; the person opposite is in the standard khaki leather armor, standing or sitting, loose and loose, wrapped in the khaki leather armor, like a lump ——Papa.

This is no longer a question of the toad wanting to eat swan meat, but a question of the toad's papa wanting to eat swan meat.

What's more, this poop is still a man.

"The toad wants to eat swan meat!" Ge Hong was furious, immediately drew out his big knife, and stepped forward to chop Wanqing.

In everyone's mind, Mr. is a god-like existence, how can he allow others to defile him.

With a flash of silver light, Ge Hong only felt a strong force coming from him, and the sword he had been using for more than [-] years flew away, and was nailed into the soil far away, until it reached the handle of the sword.

Although the others saw Ge Hong's distressed appearance, they were still ready to move.

"Stand back." The man in white whispered, and everyone stopped obediently, but their angry eyes were still fixed on Wanqing.

As if tolerating a mischievous child, the man in white smiled and stared at Wanqing.

That expression made Wanqing a little annoyed.

She's not a child, okay?

"To marry or not to marry?" Wanqing impulsively stepped forward, half-kneeling on the white cloth, her hands tightly clutching the front of the man in white, Hu'er stared, and asked ferociously.

The tip of her small nose touched the man in white's nose, and she looked at the man in white's smiling eyes with annoyed eyes, staring at him without blinking, insisting on an answer.

This posture, no matter how you look at it, is a bit like forcing someone into prostitution.

The mountain breeze caressed gently, and the frizzy hair that had been ravaged by Wanqing tangled with the shiny black hair of the man in white, and they could not be separated from each other.

Get married as husband and wife, will the white heads never leave?The corner of the man's mouth was slightly raised, his heart was inexplicably hot, his eyes were clear, and he stared at the person who forced the marriage.

For a long time, just when everyone thought he would refuse——

"I don't have a betrothal gift—" The man in white's smile smeared the corners of his eyes, giving him a bit of smoke and fire.

"Sir..." Prince Rui exclaimed——

The jaws of the onlookers were dislocated collectively.

"It's okay, I don't have a dowry either." Wanqing was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a smile, like a lazy fox who stole a chicken to eat.

Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
It turns out that swan meat is always eaten by the bravest toads—

(End of this chapter)

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