Chapter 378 The golden cicada escapes its shell (23)

Golden cicada shelling (23)

The small Zhuyun Pavilion burned for two days and one night before the fire was gradually extinguished.

When people went in, there was nothing but devastation. In Tang Shanshan's house, only two skeletons that had turned into ashes were found, mixed with other wood ash and dust, and it was difficult to return to each other.

When the crown prince went to the funeral, the tablet of the crown princess was also on the list. At the same time, notices were posted in the capital and all over the place, advocating that the crown prince and concubine Tang Shanshan was dignified and skillful. princess.

This is a small courtyard with two entrances.

An old lady with a basket slapped open the door, and then kept handing the eggs laid by her own old hen to the boy who opened the door, asking him to take care of her if she wanted to.

Five months ago, an official named Cao came here and bought the yard, saying that his third sister was sick and needed to rest.He saw the simple folk customs and pleasant scenery here, and his third younger sister also liked it, so he bought the yard.

Then the people here saw that the soft sedan chair that kept coughing was carried into the yard, and it hadn't come out for several days, only a few maids, servants and women would come in and out to buy some daily necessities .

According to them, it's winter now, and the third lady's illness can't let the cool wind blow, so she can only hide in a room with warm pavilions, and can only come out to see the wind next year when the flowers bloom in the warm spring next year.

People's curiosity soon died down, but when the peach blossoms bloomed in March, a soft sedan chair started to come in and out by chance.

According to people who have seen it, this third lady is so handsome, although she is not as attractive as Cui Lin, the only popular brothel in the town, she is sweet and lovely, as caring as her own sister .

It's a pity that the third lady's face was pale, and she coughed intermittently, which really made people feel distressed.

Then came the big news.

It is said that when the third lady was going out one day, she happened to meet a child who choked to death after eating candy.

There were many onlookers, but there was nothing they could do. Even the doctor could only shake his head and sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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