Chapter 379 The Love of the Rose ([-])

Rose Love ([-])

There were many onlookers, but there was nothing they could do. Even the doctor could only shake his head and sigh.

After the third lady heard the reason, she ordered people to leave the child's parents, and then had the child stand up in his arms, fed some cold water that had just been brought from the well, and then kept the silent child in his arms. Bouncing and bouncing.

Not to mention, what a miracle, the child who was not breathing, suddenly burst into tears and came alive.

The old lady who knocked on the door was the child's grandmother. Whenever she saved up some eggs, she would send them to the third lady, saying that she would use them for her health.

Although the servants of Miss Cao San's family said no, but the old lady just held her temper-you can't do it, this is not for you, it is for Miss Cao San!
It is the same today.

During the tugging and tugging, a soft sedan came from the second entrance.

Hearing the old lady's voice, the third Miss Cao's voice came from the software: "Nu Bo, since it's the old lady's kindness, you can accept it."

"That's right, that's right, you child, it's not true." The old lady scolded Nu Bo who kept pushing the unwanted eggs, making Nu Bo scratch his head helplessly.

"Bilan, go to my room and bring that silver lock." Miss Cao San gave another order.

Soon, Bilan returned to the sedan chair, and without waiting for the third lady in the sedan chair to speak, she handed the things to the old lady who was talking to the third lady.

"What is this for?" The old lady hurriedly stuffed the thing back, but Bi Lan stuffed it back again.

"Take it back, take it back, my old lady is not trying to do this." The old lady said angrily.

But I heard the third lady in the sedan laugh "hee hee" and said: "Aunt Cui,...cough are so real."

It turned out to be using what Aunt Cui said about Nu Bo just now to retort Aunt Cui.

Aunt Cui wanted to decline, but the third lady said again: "Aunt Cui, if you think this is really valuable, then sell your dog leftovers to Miss Ben."

"Sell?" Aunt Cui was confused.

"Yeah,...cough cough...I need an errand runner, and Gousheng is just right for me." The third lady coughed twice, and then continued.

Only then did Aunt Cui know what Miss San meant, and she could not be willing, the rest of her dog's life was saved by Miss San, running errands was nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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