Chapter 380 Love of the Rose ([-])

Love in the Rose ([-])

After seeing Aunt Cui off, the sedan chair traveled westward, and slowly arrived at a peach forest halfway up the mountain, but it was already the end of May, and the peach blossoms had already withered.

Bypassing the peach forest and walking another three to five miles on the mountain road is a temple.

Everyone in the small village knows that Miss Cao likes to pay respects to the Buddha; everyone knows that Miss Cao often goes to this temple on the mountain.

As for why Miss Cao San only came to this temple, it was because - there was only such a ruined temple in a hundred miles around.

Of course, broken refers to the past, since Miss Cao came, in order to facilitate worshiping the Buddha, the official Master Cao sent many people to renovate the temple and reshape the golden body of the Buddha.

And not long after, a wandering and well-educated eminent monk occasionally came here to place an order. Seeing that the scenery here is beautiful and quiet, it is good for practice, so he stayed here. He often talks about Buddhism and scriptures with Miss Cao San every day. , the old and the young seem to be friends who forget the year.

But today, this quiet and elegant Buddhist temple seems to have a trace of solemnity.

The soft sedan continued to move forward, unimpeded all the way, and arrived at the residence of the eminent monk.

The eminent monk was playing chess with a young novice, and when he saw Miss Cao coming, he put down the chess pieces with a smile, called the little novice to pour tea, and said that he wanted to talk about scriptures with the third lady, and sent the young novice and the people accompanying the third lady go out.

"Miss San, please come inside, have pity on my monk, my six senses should be pure, but I have to be entangled in common things..." Pointing to the meditation room, the eminent monk ignored the third lady who had already got off the sedan chair, and put on a table by himself. Deputy Zhenlong chess game, start research.

Miss Cao San coughed, looked at the door of the meditation room, and was stunned for a while.

Stepping forward, a ferocious look appeared on Miss Cao's sweet face, and then she made a very indecent move - lift her foot, kick!
The door of the room opened in response, but Miss Cao San coughed because of this action, and stood still holding the door and gasping for breath.

"Shanshan, you..." Following a sentence full of heartache, pity, longing, sweetness..., Miss Cao San—no, it was Tang Shanshan who was hugged in his arms.

"Ahem... this is a quiet place of Buddhism..." the eminent monk who was concentrating on studying the Zhenlong chess game over there suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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