full-time home son-in-law

Chapter 104 Accidental Audition

Chapter 104 Accidental Audition
"Hey, hey, who is that, that person over there, what are you thinking? What are you looking at? It means you, get out of the way."

When Lu Chen was still in a daze, he suddenly heard a shout, and at first he didn't take it seriously.

But soon found that there was no one around where he was, and then he saw several cameras pointed at him.

Rao was born as a gold medal player in his previous life, but suddenly faced with such a situation, he was stunned, and he stood still for a long time without recovering.

Finally, the non-movement aroused the other party's anger, and a person stepped forward and stretched out his hand to push himself away.

There were no extra thoughts, Lu Chen swore that at this time, he really had no extra thoughts, and subconsciously fought back the moment the other party reached out.

Grabbing the palm that was pushed towards him and twisting, twisting the opponent's arm behind him, it was a direct throw over the shoulder.

This scene happened so suddenly that the photographers and crew were completely stunned.

However, just when someone wanted to stop it, the director directly waved his hand and said, "No, don't interrupt, keep going, actors come on."

The next moment, Lu Chen saw a group of actors in black suits swarming towards him.

what's the situation?This can be regarded as self-defense, okay, your people did it first, can't you say something well?What's the matter?Does this depend on the number of people?Really?

Without giving Lu Chen the slightest chance to react, those people had already rushed forward, threatening to beat him up.

Faced with such a danger, he naturally couldn't just catch him with his hands, and resolutely launched a counterattack against the person who pounced on him.

However, in the process of shooting, I will still pay attention to some methods, try not to cause harm to this group of people, I don't want to be sent to the police in the end.

There are more and more people watching around, and everyone is horrified to see a group of people beating up a person.

But when they saw the cameras set up around them, they all thought it was filming, so everyone just stood by and didn't intervene.

Facing a group of guys in black suits, Lu Chen was so annoyed that he did it without saying a word.

Wearing a black suit and playing martial arts like others, do you think you will be filming The Matrix again?Besides, if you want to shoot yourself, why do you have to feel sorry for me?It's really troublesome, if it's more serious, it will really be sent to the police later.

While Lu Chen was complaining in his heart, he didn't keep his hand at all, and knocked down guys in black suits to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, there were more than 20 people, all of whom were brought down by Lu Chen, lying on the ground at the entrance of the subway station.

All the onlookers, as well as those filming crew members, were also shocked. They didn't expect Lu Chen to have such a good skill.

More than 20 strong men in black suits, even if they are not professional fighters, they have undergone some training.

In the end, they were all knocked down by Lu Chen alone. I really saw what it is that one person can hit ten.

When everyone was dumbfounded and still in surprise, they suddenly heard the director shout: "CUT..."

Then, watching helplessly, the group of black suits who had been put down got up one by one, walked past Lu Chen and patted him on the shoulder, and many of them gave him a thumbs up.

Faced with a group of people all backing back to the camera, I was stunned again. I didn't expect everything just now to be photographed.

"Papapa" has not recovered, the crowd suddenly burst into applause, and everyone is full of praise for the performance just now.

The next moment, the crew removed the cameras lined up in a row, and in a blink of an eye the subway station entrance returned to its previous bustling appearance.

Everything came and went so fast that people could only look dumbfounded, not knowing how to face such a scene.

After a long time, seeing that everything had returned to its original state, and even the person who had been thrown over his shoulder got up and left by himself, Lu Chen could only resentfully prepare to leave.

"Hey, that who, don't go, you, it's you, come here, come here."

Just when he was about to leave, he was stopped by the director of the previous filming crew, after thinking about it, he still walked over.

When I walked up to the director and faced the director directly, I saw that the director was a rather old man.

It's just that although the old man's beard and hair are already white, he looks energetic, with a pair of piercing eyes that are insightful and revealing the brilliance of wisdom.

Before the old director could speak, Lu Chen bowed first and said, "I'm sorry, I interfered with your filming just now, I, I really didn't mean to."

But after apologizing, he looked up and found that the old director was not angry, but continued to look at himself with a smile on his face.

I'll go, what's the situation?Does the old guy have any special hobbies?Even if it is the person who beat you, we will not compromise casually.

Just as Lu Chen was thinking wildly, the old man suddenly said, "Your Majesty Sun Chungu, your performance was very good just now. I am really satisfied with those scenes. I am currently filming an urban light comedy, in which there is a supporting role that is partly I wonder if you would like to participate in the martial arts scene?"

Hearing director Sun Chungu's words, everyone present was stunned, and the person who was thrown over his shoulder before exclaimed in surprise: "Old Sun, this..."

But before he finished speaking, Sun Chungu raised his hand to stop him, still smiling at Lu Chen: "Young man, are you willing?"

It's a good thing that the pie in the sky is falling, but it's actually a supporting role. Although it's not the main character yet, it's much better than starting a small business.

Just when Lu Chen was about to say yes, the cell phone in his pocket rang suddenly. He took out the cell phone and gestured with some embarrassment.

Sun Chungu didn't mind at all, he smiled and made a please gesture, motioning for himself to answer the phone first.

So Lu Chen hurriedly stepped aside, and the moment he connected the phone, he heard the roar of the Hedong lion on the other side of the phone: "Stinky boy, where did you go? I introduced you to such a good audition opportunity, but they waited until Now, you haven't even shown up, where is the person? Come to me quickly."

The roar of the proprietress Wang Aiping woke up Lu Chen, and then he remembered that he was here to audition.

After thinking about it, I still told the truth: "Just now, I accidentally broke into a film crew to shoot, and now they have found me and asked me to play a supporting role."

Wang Aiping's growl rang again on the phone: "Do you understand what is first come first served? You have already promised others, how can you be cut off halfway?"

What the hell is this?Even "Jianhu" came out?Ma'am, didn't you get dizzy from playing mahjong?
Although he was a direct offender in his heart, he continued to say: "But people are so kind, and they let me play a supporting role. The old director is called Sun Chungu."

"Aren't you out of your mind? Have you forgotten what you were doing?" Just said a few words.

Just when she was about to get angry, Wang Aiping suddenly changed the subject: "Wait a minute, you said just now, what is the name of the person who has a crush on you?"

"Sun Chungu, he introduced himself like this, what's wrong? Is he a liar?"

Wang Aiping immediately yelled: "Fuck you liar, do you know that your kid is out of luck, Sun Chungu, that is a well-known director of the older generation in China, that's all right, all right, I'll help you over there Turn it down, you can play Sun Chungu's supporting role well."

Before hanging up the phone, he could vaguely hear a muttering voice on the other side of the phone: "What a lucky boy, he can meet such a good opportunity as soon as he comes."

(End of this chapter)

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