full-time home son-in-law

Chapter 105 An Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 105 An Unexpected Meeting

Seeing two people is like lovers meeting each other, only seeing each other in their eyes, completely ignoring everything around them.

Wang Aiping suddenly said in a strange way: "Hey, look at you, is this the reunion of lovers after a long absence?"

Hearing this, the two of them suddenly came to their senses, and the scene was a little awkward.

On the contrary, Chen Shihong seemed to have known Wang Aiping for a long time, so she rushed forward and pinched Wang Aiping's cheek, and said, "Stinky girl, when will your mouth stop talking nonsense?"

Being pinched and pulled by Chen Shihong's cheek, Wang Aiping was about to fight back immediately: "Oh, you are heartless, because of this man, you actually want to fight with my mother? Don't think that my mother will be afraid of you. I will fight with you today! Fight."

About half an hour later, Lu Chen sat at the dining table opposite the checkout counter of the small hotel, yawning and looking at the two women who were still entangled.

Since half an hour ago, the two women pinched each other's cheeks and pulled each other, and they have been deadlocked for half an hour.

Seeing that neither of the two women wanted to give up, Lu Chen couldn't help but said, "Hey, let me tell you how long the two of you are going to fight?"

Neither of the two women let go. While pulling each other's cheeks, they said in a strange voice: "You let her let go first."

Saying this in unison, the two women looked at each other and said in unison again: "You let go first."

After saying these words at the same time, the two women glared at each other, instead of letting go, they pulled each other hard almost at the same time.

Seeing the two women fighting endlessly, Lu Chen stood up yawning and said, "You two fight slowly, I'll go up and sleep first."

At this moment, Wang Aiping finally let go of her hand and said, "Okay, okay, I, I admit defeat, admit defeat."

Lu Chen looked over in surprise, not expecting that Wang Aiping, who is usually unreasonable, would sometimes take the initiative to admit defeat.

Chen Shihong, who is usually serious, said arrogantly: "Admitted defeat, right? You are in charge of dinner. Remember, I want to eat Yangchun noodles."

While speaking, she let go of her hand, gently patted Wang Aiping's cheek, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, our little Aiping's face was almost pulled out of shape."

He slapped Chen Shihong's hand away, covered his cheeks with both hands and said, "Hmph, you have no conscience, just for the sake of your lover, don't give up your old love."

Chen Shihong blushed immediately, and said coquettishly: "What nonsense are you talking about? They have already..."

Before Chen Shihong finished speaking, Lu Chen rushed forward to stop her: "Ah, ah, we just met before, and we don't have the relationship you think."

As he spoke, he gave Chen Shihong a wink, then slowly moved the palm covering her mouth away, and said with a smile: "Okay, you old friends haven't seen each other for a long time, you definitely want to have a good chat, I'll help you get your things Move in? By the way, which one do you want to live in?"

Seeing the appearance of the two, although both of them categorically denied it, Wang Aiping clearly saw that their relationship was not normal.

After pondering for a while, he said with a smile, "I'll just live next door to you, and you can move the box up there."

Lu Chen didn't say much, just picked up the two huge suitcases, and went straight upstairs.

After seeing Lu Chen go upstairs, Wang Aiping immediately grabbed Chen Shihong and asked, "Tell me, what is the relationship between you two?"

Chen Shihong thought for a moment, but could only say helplessly: "Actually, the two of us really have nothing to do with each other."

Wang Aiping said disapprovingly: "Tch, don't lie, look at the way you two looked at each other just now, you almost couldn't pull out your eyes."

Hearing this, Chen Shihong looked a little sad, sighed and said: "Some things are destined to be impossible to obtain."

Seeing the resentment in Chen Shihong's eyes, Wang Aiping immediately smiled and said, "Oh, I can't tell, the cold school belle of our dance academy would fall in love with such a poor boy? It's been a few years since I've seen you? His taste has changed. So unique?"

Hearing Yin Yang's strange teasing, Chen Shihong suddenly said coquettishly: "Oh, why are you still so outspoken?"

Seeing that Chen Shihong was obviously angry, Wang Aiping hurriedly comforted him: "Okay, okay, don't worry, I will definitely help you get rid of that kid."

"I'll ignore you if you're talking nonsense." But then Chen Shihong couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Tell me, how can you help me?"

Seeing Chen Shihong lowering her voice and looking like a little woman, Wang Aiping pretended to be serious and straightened her face: "Who said just now that my old lady speaks without restraint?"

Hearing the words, Chen Shihong said with a straight face: "Hmph, forget it if you don't want to talk about it, I don't care about it."

After saying that, she turned around and was about to leave, Wang Aiping quickly grabbed Chen Shihong and said, "Oh, it's all right, I'll go to your room to chat slowly tonight."

As soon as the words were finished, Lu Chen came down from upstairs and saw two women whispering together, and said with a smile, "How good is this?"

Then he asked a little strangely: "By the way, why did you come, Shihong?"

Chen Shihong immediately put on a very ladylike look and said, "Oh, I'm here to participate in the dance competition. The solo part final of the dance competition will be held in the Grand Theater of the Film and Television Capital."

Lu Chen nodded, and then asked: "Then how did you find this place? Find such a weird small hotel to live in?"

Wang Aiping immediately yelled: "Hey, you are heartless, my mother kindly takes you in, charges you the lowest room rate, and serves you food and drink. How dare you say that about my place?"

Hearing this, Chen Shihong immediately grasped the flaws in the words: "Hey? Are you still serving food and drink? Are there any other services?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Aiping tugged on her pajamas indifferently: "What's the matter? I have a special service and I want to tell you? Are you jealous?"

Chen Shihong blushed instantly, and said coquettishly, "What nonsense are you talking about? You really dare to talk nonsense about anything."

Then, he turned to Lu Chen and said, "Don't listen to her, we are actually college classmates, so every time I come here, I come to see her."

Pretending to be annoyed, Wang Aiping turned around and left, went around the cash register and patted Chen Shihong and said, "Okay, now that you've met your lover, I won't be here as a light bulb."

After saying that, without giving Chen Shihong a chance to get angry, he rushed to the small hotel's small kitchen and closed the door.

Seeing that she could not catch up, Chen Shihong had no choice but to smile bitterly at Lu Chen: "I'm sorry, that's how she is."

Lu Chen also said with a smile: "Hehehe, it's okay, I've learned something in the past few days."

Then a voice came from the kitchen: "You two sit down and chat first. Today, my wife will cook in person, so you can have a real treat."

The two standing in the front hall of the small hotel looked at each other and smiled, then walked to the dining table and sat down, but they didn't know how to speak?
After a moment of silence, it was Chen Shihong who spoke first: "Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Are you and the Su family really falling apart?"

Faced with these two questions, Lu Chen smiled and replied: "It's nothing, I just want to do what I want to do, and I don't want to be bound all the time."

At this moment, the two looked at each other speechlessly, but from the smiles on their faces, they could clearly feel each other's understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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