full-time home son-in-law

Chapter 106 Dinner at the Small Hotel

Chapter 106 Dinner at the Small Hotel
Wang Aiping's small hotel actually has a little bit of Japanese style, but it is also somewhat different from Japanese style.

The biggest difference is that the small hotel does not have a wooden floor, and you do not need to take off your shoes when entering.

However, the interior layout of the entire small hotel is still very Japanese, and the simple layout will make people feel very warm.

In order to welcome Chen Shihong's arrival at night, Lu Chen saw Wang Aiping show off her cooking skills for the first time, which was really amazing.

Not only are there very delicate noodles, but there are also various side dishes that match the noodles, which are exquisite but not lose their color and fragrance.

Looking at the plates of small dishes in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help admiring: "Miss Boss, I didn't expect that your cooking skills are so good."

Chen Shihong said with a smile: "Hehehe, you probably don't know, but when it comes to food, our family's Aiping is definitely a good hand."

Just as he was talking, Wang Aiping brought out the last side dish, put it on the dining table, and said carelessly, "How do you say that people seem to be foodies?"

Seeing this, Chen Shihong unceremoniously picked up the side dish with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, saying, "Don't you?"

Wang Aiping wrinkled her nose and said, "Of course not, she is a beautiful and beautiful gourmet."

"Okay, gourmet, gourmet, sit down and eat quickly, look at you, you don't eat well when you are busy."

Pulling Wang Aiping to sit down, Chen Shihong continued to say to Lu Chen: "I'm afraid you can't guess, our family Pingping is among the best in school, but after she graduated, she wanted to be a cook, so she went to a family. She studied at a three-star restaurant, and after a year, she kicked out the head chef and became the head chef herself."

Lu Chen was really shocked by these words, although there are no so-called Michelin star restaurants in this world.

But in fact, there are professional restaurant ratings, and it seems that restaurant ratings in this world will be more stringent.

Being able to get a three-star rating is enough to show that the restaurant is definitely a world-renowned existence.

But in such a restaurant, Wang Aiping started as an apprentice and became the chef within a year, which is really scary.

Wang Aiping raised her chin proudly and said, "Hmph, who made that old guy always want to take advantage of my mother when he was learning how to cook?"

"And the supervisor of that restaurant is not a good person, so my mother resigned directly after being the chef for a month."

"I want them to know that if I offend my mother, they don't want to feel better, and my mother will make them feel uneasy."

Lu Chen was dumbfounded, and couldn't help giving Wang Aiping a thumbs up: "The lady boss is really amazing."

Wang Aiping first accepted the compliment proudly, then raised her hand and tapped Lu Chen's head with chopsticks: "Can't you grow up a bit, kid? Look at you, you've been here for almost a month, and you've been idle all day. I recommend you to audition." , you don’t go well, you say, how can you eat without money?”

After being repeatedly hit by chopsticks, I could only say helplessly: "I don't want to either. Who knew there were three production crews there at that time? Didn't I go on a business trip?"

"Besides, who would have thought that what you said was good, but you made a call, and I answered the call, and within a few minutes, the person disappeared."

Wang Aiping was annoyed and continued to beat with chopsticks: "You, are you still reasonable? You don't know how to call and ask? You failed the audition, and you blame me for calling you?"

Chen Shihong, who was sitting next to her, became serious when she heard this, and grabbed Wang Aiping.

Then he asked Lu Chen: "For so long, haven't you found a crew to film?"

Wang Aiping hurriedly said, "Hmph, he's just idle and ambitious, so it's no wonder he can be found."

Holding back Wang Aiping who was still talking about it, Chen Shihong said, "Actually, he is quite talented, don't say that."

Wang Aiping said disapprovingly: "Che, if you are really talented, then go shoot it yourself, why bother to ask the crew to see people's faces?"

Regardless of Chen Shihong's obstruction, he continued: "Look at him, there is a micro-movie competition in the film and television capital recently, if he has the ability, he can make a competition? Shihong, I know you like this kid, but as a My good sister would like to remind you, don’t be fooled by some people’s appearance, be careful that you will lose everything in the end.”

Chen Shihong scolded: "You started again, why do you have to be so outspoken every time you speak? Can't you speak well?"

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly said, "Wait a minute, you just said, is there any microfilm contest?"

Wang Aiping stood up straight away, walked to the back of her cash register, grabbed a piece of paper and threw it over: "Take it and see for yourself."

Unfolding the paper thrown by Wang Aiping, Lu Chen suddenly became excited after seeing it: "Oh my god, it's really great, my chance has come."

Seeing Lu Chen dancing, Wang Aiping sat down beside Chen Shihong and said, "It's over, it's over, you're crazy."

Chen Shihong said very firmly: "I believe in him, he will definitely be able to do it. In fact, you have no idea how powerful he was before."

Wang Aiping ate the side dish and said, "Yes, yes, of course I don't know his merits."

Chen Shihong didn't catch the pun at first, and said directly: "Hehehe, you haven't seen his strengths yet."

"Pfft" burst out laughing, Wang Aiping continued to ask: "Then how long is he?"

"He..." Just as he was about to answer, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and turned to see Wang Aiping's ambiguous eyes.

After recalling the question, Chen Shihong suddenly came to his senses, blushed and patted his sister while saying: "Oh, you, you are really getting dirtier now."

Wang Aiping avoided the beating and said with a smile: "Hehehe, you said that yourself. You have seen his strengths, but I didn't say anything."

The next moment, the playful laughter of two women sounded in the small hotel, and the silver bell-like laughter spread far away.

And when Lu Chen saw the poster of the microfilm competition, he was completely immersed in his own thoughts.

It’s really great. I finally ushered in my own moment. I didn’t expect that there would be a micro-movie competition here. In my previous life, micro-movies were very popular for a while, and there is a classic micro-movie that has been recognized by everyone so far. I keep in mind that I believe that if I take that out, I will definitely make myself famous again in one fell swoop.

What Lu Chen is thinking about now is the very famous micro-movie "Old Boy" in another world.

It was a micro-movie about youth. When it was released, it aroused many people's nostalgia for youth, and it was really regarded as a classic.

However, Lu Chen didn't intend to copy it completely, and decided to recreate that one based on everything in the current world.

I believe that after some adaptations and incorporating some elements of this world, it will definitely arouse the same resonance in this world.

The remembrance of youth is something that easily resonates in any world, so use such a youthful micro-movie to start your film journey in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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