full-time home son-in-law

Chapter 108 The Conflict in the Elevator Room

Chapter 108 The Conflict in the Elevator Room

When the morning light slowly rose outside the window, after a night of hard work, the script was finally revised according to the current world situation.

Standing up, she stretched to face the morning glow outside the window. Although she hadn't slept all night, she was very energetic.

Resolutely closed the notebook, then quickly dressed, went to the bathroom for a wash, and then left the small hotel, intending to go for a morning run.

The film and television capital is a real city that never sleeps. When I ran on the old street early in the morning, I saw that many shops on the street were already open and busy.

Those who didn't know whether they were busy shooting until midnight yesterday, or got up early in the morning to find work, gathered in front of the breakfast shop on the street.

Seeing the busy shops on the street and those people who are radiantly welcoming the new day will make people unconsciously infected.

The haze of loneliness yesterday disappeared in an instant, and his self-confidence rose again, and his eyes became firm after that.

I believe that in this film and television capital, there will definitely be a place for myself, and through my unremitting efforts, I will definitely reap my own success.

Facing the rising sun, I ran around the old neighborhood. Before returning to the small hotel, I passed by the Xiaolong Tangbao shop and bought two packs of soup dumplings.

When I returned to the small hotel, I found that the proprietress and Chen Shihong hadn't woken up yet, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that these two women really drank too much."

Without bothering the two women, he went into the kitchen of the small hotel, turned on the fire and started cooking porridge.

When the aroma of porridge filled the air, a yawning Wang Aiping appeared at the kitchen door, and said sleepily, "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

While carefully stirring the porridge, Lu Chen said, "It's still early in the morning? It's getting late, the sun is shining on your butt, hurry up."

Just as she was talking, she turned her head and saw an unusually beautiful scene. She exclaimed and turned her head and said, "Miss Boss, you, do you want to put on your clothes first?"

Hearing this, Wang Aiping looked down at herself, and then screamed, almost tearing off the second floor and the roof of the entire small hotel.

"Pfft, hahaha..." About half an hour later, the three people sitting around the table in the front hall of the small hotel looked at each other again, and Chen Shihong couldn't help laughing out loud.

Facing the eyes of Wang Aiping and others coming to kill, Chen Shihong suppressed a smile and asked Lu Chen: "Hey, how is our Pingping's figure?"

Wang Aiping was furious when she heard the words: "Chen Shihong, you, you still say it, you still have the nerve to say it, it's all your fault."

Lu Chen stretched out his hand to touch his reddened cheeks, and said helplessly, "I'm the most pitiful one. I didn't see anything, so I got slapped for nothing."

Hearing this, Wang Aiping turned her head and glared, "You, you bastard, you, what else do you want to see? Tell me, what do you want to see?"

Lu Chen hurriedly raised his hands in surrender: "Don't, don't, then, that's a misunderstanding, okay, I really didn't want to see anything."

"Pfft, hahahaha..." Chen Shihong next to him couldn't help it, put down the porridge bowl and laughed again.

Faced with Chen Shihong's big laugh, Wang Aiping really had no choice but to say angrily: "You, just laugh, eat yours quickly, and get out of here, you two bitches."

Chen Shihong responded with a smile: "What's the matter? Are you attacking personally?"

Wang Aiping, who was depressed, forced a smile and said, "Dear Chen Shihong, eat well, and then go to sign up, don't be late."

Seeing how humble her good sister was, Chen Shihong nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, I forgive you this time."

Wang Aiping also laughed immediately: "Thank you, Ma'am."

A breakfast was eaten amidst Chen Shihong's laughter from time to time, and then Lu Chen and Chen Shihong went out together.

Walking out of the small hotel, Chen Shihong said to Lu Chen, "Let's go, let's go together. It just so happens that the registration places for both competitions are at the Film and Television Convention and Exhibition Center."

"En." Lu Chen nodded, and walked with Chen Shihong.

Arriving at the Film and Television Convention and Exhibition Center, although it was still very early, there was already a sea of ​​people here, and it could be seen that many people came to sign up for various competitions.

Chen Shihong found the information desk with ease, and inquired about the registration places for the dance competition and the micro film competition.

Going back to Lu Chen who looked like a headless fly, he patted him and said, "Okay, my registration is on the third floor, and yours is on the fourth floor. Whoever finishes first will wait at the water bar over there?"

Lu Chen came back to his senses, looked in the direction Chen Shihong pointed, saw a water bar in the corner of the exhibition center, nodded and said, "Okay."

After that, because there was an escalator on the second floor, the two separated and took the elevator upstairs.

There are no escalators on the floors above the third floor, so there will be a lot of people waiting for the elevator, and there are already many people waiting in the elevator room.

Although there were already many people waiting in the elevator room, Lu Chen saw that four of the elevators were actually at a standstill.

It seemed that none of the people waiting for the elevator in the elevator room intended to get close to the unmanned four elevators.

Although he felt that such a scene was a bit strange, Lu Chen didn't want to be that early bird, so he obediently followed the crowd in line.

As the team moved forward step by step, although the elevators went up and down frequently, there were too many people waiting for the four elevators to continue.

Suddenly, someone behind him pushed him, and Lu Chen unsteadily took a step towards the empty elevator next to him.

As soon as he took this step, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Hey, what are you doing? Don't you know you are queuing here? You can't use the elevator over there."

Just as Lu Chen was about to turn around to explain, he saw a group of people pushing in with big boxes.

And the person who yelled at him was actually an acquaintance, that is, the crew member who was thrown over his shoulder by him yesterday.

Obviously, the other party also recognized him, and seemed to regard him as an enemy, and the enemy was naturally extremely jealous when they met.

The man ignored 21, pointed at Lu Chen's nose and shouted, "Who do you think you are? Are you able to use the elevator here?"

Originally, Lu Chen didn't want to cause trouble, but the other party's attitude made him feel uncomfortable immediately: "Why can't it be used? There is no sign on this elevator saying that it is not allowed to be used or reported for repair. Can a good elevator be used? You Is this discriminatory? Also, which eye of yours saw that I was going to use it? I am in a good line here, and someone pushed me over."

Seeing that Lu Chen dared to fight back, that person was stunned, and so were the people queuing up around him.

At the next moment, the crew's manager smiled and said, "Hahaha, it's ridiculous, who do you think you are? An outsider who also wants to use the elevator here? Do you know the rules here? The four movies here The elevator is specially prepared for those stars and big directors, and it depends on you? Do you still think you are qualified to use it?"

Lu Chen responded neither humble nor overbearing: "No one is born a big director or a big star. What's wrong with a star director? Isn't everyone human? How can they enjoy privileges? I think your words not only insulted those who were waiting for the elevator. People who have insulted those big stars and big directors, using your narrow vision, said those stars and directors are as narrow as you."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked again. Everyone couldn't help but look sideways, and many people whispered in agreement with these words.

The person who wanted to humiliate Lu Chen was also dumbfounded, standing there feeling annoyed, but he couldn't refute for a while.

Suddenly a voice sounded from outside the crowd: "Okay, well said, young man, you are right, no matter who is here, you should not have privileges, this is the capital of film and television, here, no matter if it is a star, a director or a trick, everyone We are all filmmakers, and we are all doing our part for film and television, so we should not be narrowly divided, and we should wait for the elevator together."

(End of this chapter)

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