Chapter 109
Because of Qian Zhicheng being thrown over his shoulder last time, he has always hated this kid who was playing tricks on the street in front of him.

As a scene manager in Sun Chungu's crew, for Qian Zhicheng, he has seen too many street tricks like this.

Of those extravagant performers, which one didn't look flattering when they saw him?I didn't expect to meet such a stunned young man who kept fighting against me.

Originally, he had messed up his entry into the film crew yesterday, thinking that it was revenge for being thrown over his shoulder, but he didn't expect to meet him again here.

When we met again, it was this stunned young boy who stepped up to make trouble again. It was really disgusting. This time, we should teach this kid a lesson.

But what Qian Zhicheng didn't expect was that the other party would be so eloquent that he was rendered speechless.

Especially what he said later, instantly resonated in the elevator room, after all, most of the people here are people who come to the film and television capital to seek their dreams.

For these people, queuing in the elevator room is already very impatient, but there are still four elevators that are regarded as the privilege of some people, which can easily arouse everyone's public indignation. Saying it out will naturally win the approval of all the people waiting in line in the elevator room.

In the blink of an eye, not only did Qian Zhicheng not gain any advantage, but he became the target of public criticism in an instant.

The people standing in line in the elevator room were obviously already dissatisfied, and it happened that Qian Zhicheng became everyone's outlet.

Qian Zhicheng originally looked proud and wanted to suppress some people who were making fun of him.

But what I didn't expect was that someone suddenly followed up with some words, which instantly ignited the anger of the crowd.

"Yes, yes, why? Why do we have to queue, and you can use those empty elevators?"

"Yeah, you have brought so much equipment over here, those elevators are clearly used for carrying people, why do you monopolize them to transport equipment?"

"Transporting equipment, there is a freight elevator behind, you are clearly engaging in privileges, everyone is engaged in film and television, why do you want to be special?"

"This is a public place, and the elevators here are also public tools. Why do you have privileges?"

Hearing the angry shouts from the crowd around him, Qian Zhicheng's face instantly turned livid.

Facing accusations from a group of people, Qian Zhicheng yelled directly: "Shut up, everyone, don't put gold on your face here, how dare you call yourself a filmmaker with a bunch of extras? Humph, let me tell you, These boxes are full of film, if it is damaged, you can’t afford to pay for it.”

"No need to pay." When Qian Zhicheng's words left everyone speechless, the voice that had helped Lu Chen before suddenly sounded again.

Qian Zhicheng immediately roared angrily: "Who? Who is talking nonsense again? You were talking nonsense just now, why dare you speak out and dare not stand up?"

The next moment, the crowd was pushed away, and Sun Chungu stepped out from behind the crowd and said, "I said it, you don't need to pay."

When Qian Zhicheng saw Sun Chungu walking out of the crowd, he was stunned, he opened his mouth and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Sun Chungu walked slowly in front of Lu Chen, patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and said, "Young man, what you just said is very good. This is a public place and everyone should be treated equally."

Then, he turned his head and scolded Qian Zhicheng angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze? Bring someone to push all the things to the freight at the back."

Faced with Sun Chungu's reprimand, Qian Zhicheng naturally didn't dare to say anything more, and hurriedly lowered his head and asked the Master to take all the boxes from the elevator away.

Seeing the person who showed off his power just now, he was restrained to death at this moment, and he didn't even dare to vent his breath.

It really made everyone in the elevator feel very happy. I don't know who picked the head, and everyone applauded together.

Sun Chungu smiled and patted Lu Chen who was a little dazed and said, "Young man, why didn't you look for me afterward yesterday? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Chen remembered what happened yesterday, and asked in surprise: "Director, were you waiting for me yesterday? But when I hung up the phone and came back, you all left already?"

Hearing this, Sun Chungu understood everything, and said with a smile: "That's the old man, I'm sorry, let's go up first when the elevator comes."

Sun Chungu dragged her into the elevator, and after the elevator door closed, the elevator room exploded.

"Oh my god, that old man just now is, isn't it Sun Chungu?"

"Yes, it's Sun Chungu, a well-known director."

"Oh, I actually missed the opportunity to communicate with the great director head-on."

"I, why didn't I recognize it just now? I just missed such a great opportunity."

When a group of people were feeling sorry for themselves, someone sneered and said: "Opportunities are for those who are prepared. You people are unprepared, and you will not be able to grasp the opportunity."

Although I don't know who said the words, the scene fell into silence as soon as the words came out, and the people waiting for the elevator stopped making noise and lined up again in an orderly manner.

At this time, Lu Chen, who was standing in the elevator with Sun Chungu, was still a little uneasy. After all, he was surrounded by a gold medal director, and he was as famous as Su Sihai. He had to admire the quality of people in this world. Seeing such a Big-name celebrities, no one took the initiative to take a photo with them just now?
Sun Chungu seemed to see what Lu Chen was thinking, and said with a smile: "What? Are you wondering why those people didn't rush up to tear my old bones apart just now?"

Looking at Sun Chungu in surprise, before he could speak, he heard the old man say with a smile: "Hahaha, didn't you realize that those people didn't recognize me just now?"

Looking back on the scene just now, I found that, as the old man said, everyone in the elevator room was focused on themselves and the field manager.

And Sun Chungu was really cunning and cunning, so he took the opportunity to drag himself into the elevator, without giving those people in the elevator room a chance to regain their composure.

Lu Chen gave a thumbs up and said, "Director, you are really cunning and scheming, you are very powerful."

"Hahaha..." Sun Chungu responded with a smile: "Young man, are you trying to say that I'm old and cunning?"

Hearing this, he immediately clasped his fists in response: "Don't dare, I really admire you, kid."

When Sun Chungu saw Lu Chen's appearance, the smile in his eyes grew stronger the more he looked at him, and he asked directly, "How is it? Do you want to follow me?"

After a pause, he lowered his voice and said, "Although there are candidates for the supporting role before, I can let you be the protagonist in the next play, how about it?"

The three words "be the protagonist" are indeed very attractive, which made Lu Chen's eyes shine in an instant.

But after thinking about it, my personal conditions in this world are not very good, and the path of being a protagonist is not my original ideal.

Since we have come to such a world and have more opportunities, it is not necessary to go back to the old way and continue to work as an actor.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen bowed to the old man very seriously: "Thank you, director, for your kindness, but please forgive me for being a bit ignorant of compliments. I'm afraid I can't agree to you this time. This time, I want to participate in that WeChat event." film competition."

Sun Chungu was a little surprised to see that Lu Chen was so serious and rejected him so simply.

I already thought that the young man in front of me was very special, but now I see him differently.

After a moment of silence, the old man smiled and said, "Okay, it's good for young people to have ambitions and pursuits, so I wish you success."

Having said that, the old man took out a business card from his coat pocket, handed it to Lu Chen and said, "If you need anything, you can always find me."

(End of this chapter)

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