full-time home son-in-law

Chapter 110 Registration Form Filling

Chapter 110 Registration Form Filling
After receiving the business card handed over by Mr. Sun, just as the elevator reached the fourth floor, the elevator door opened and Lu Chen walked out of the elevator holding the business card.

Standing at the door of the elevator, he did not forget to bow to Mr. Sun, as a thank you to Mr. Sun for his kindness.

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, Sun Chungu smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

After the elevator door was closed, he looked down at the business card in his hand, and found that the business card was very simple, with the word "Sun Chungu" written on the front and a phone number printed on the back.

Without thinking too much, Lu Chen directly put the business card in his pocket, then turned and walked outside the elevator.

Walking out of the elevator room, I saw a lot of people squatting in front of a large spacious table. Opposite the large table was a conference room with only half of the door open.

Walking to the door of the meeting room, after confirming that the meeting room is the registration office, he stepped in without hesitation.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a staff member who was dozing off at a table by the door.

There were still quite a few people queuing in the room, but the staff obviously had no intention of easing them up, and just dozed off on their desks.

Glancing around, he reached out and tapped on the table lightly, intending to ask the person at the door about the registration process.

Who knew that just after knocking on the table twice, the man stood up suddenly and said in horror, "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I didn't, I didn't sleep."

Seeing that the dozing person wanted to bow to himself, Lu Chen quickly stopped him and said, "I'm sorry, I just want to ask, is the Micro Film Contest registered here? May I ask how to register?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the other party immediately came back to his senses, raised his head and looked at the plainly dressed Lu Chen.

In the next moment, his humble face changed instantly, and he sat down arrogantly, without looking at Lu Chen, swaying his body and asking, "Are you here to sign up? Get a form, go out and fill it out, then go inside and line up, hand it in." After the schedule, go back and shoot the film, and pay for it yourself, remember to come and hand in the film at the end of October."

The other party's continuous introductions can be regarded as very clear, but listening to them like this always makes people feel perfunctory.

Lu Chen picked up the registration form placed at the front corner of the table, looked at it and asked, "Excuse me, how is the competition selected?"

Hearing that Lu Chen still had questions, the other party was obviously a little impatient, but he continued, "Submit the film, and we will help you upload it to the website of the Film and Television Artists Association."

"And... yawn... There will be a special webpage for you to promote online. From November to the end of January next year, there will be auditions on the Internet for three months."

"The [-] films with the highest clicks will enter the next round of expert review, and the final results will probably be published in the March issue of the Film and Television Artists Association magazine."

"Yawn..." While yawning, he asked, "How is it? I've made it very clear, right?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly and asked, "Does the whole race take so long?"

The other party immediately smiled and said, "What are you thinking, kid? You don't need time for filming? Auditions don't need time? Experts don't need time for watching films? Judging doesn't need time? It's only been more than half a year, and you think it's too long? If you want to hurry up, Go out and turn left, take the elevator to the second floor, there is a singing and dancing competition over there, that one will become famous very quickly."

After saying that, the other party simply ignored Lu Chen, leaning on the chair and flipping through the magazines on the table.

Well, this is treating myself as someone who wants to be famous and crazy, so, fill in the form honestly.

Without saying anything more, he picked up a form and walked out of the room, walking to the form filling area outside.

The place to fill out the form was a long table placed against the wall, and there were no chairs to sit on. Almost all the applicants stood there and filled out the form on their stomachs.

Without disturbing others, Lu Chen also found an empty seat, stood over and bent down to start filling out the form.

While filling out the form, I suddenly heard a very soft voice from the side: "Hey, buddy, sign up?"

Lu Chen raised his head and looked over, and saw a very wretched man approaching him, and when he saw him looking over, he grinned and gave him a kind smile.

Although he tried his best to show kindness with his smile, in the eyes of others, he still didn't feel like a good person.

At first he didn't want to talk to him, but the other party continued to say: "Dude, don't ignore people, I, I have a way to help you, and you will be shortlisted directly."

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt a little interesting, and asked with a smile, "Shortlist?"

Straightened up and looked at the other party up and down: "But you don't look like someone with that strength?"

The other party quickly explained: "Brother, there is a saying that 'you can't look like a person', don't think I can't pretend, but we have real strength."

Hearing these words, Lu Chen felt even more interesting, and continued to ask: "Then what strength do you have? Show your hands and see?"

Hearing this, his face suddenly changed, and he said with a wry smile: "Brother, are you entertaining brother? How can he show you this thing?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes, said with a smirk, "It's very simple, I think the doorman in that room is upset, you go over and give him a slap."

The wretched man's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears. He didn't expect the ugly young man in front of him to be so cruel.

Seeing that the other party's eyes widened and he remained silent for a while, Lu Chen smiled and said, "It can't be done? Then forget it, I'll just fill out the form honestly."

When Lu Chen bent down, there was a sudden "pop" sound of laughter around him.

The man turned his head to look, only to find that people around him were watching, and now everyone regarded himself as a clown and watched the joke.

At this point, I finally realized that I had been played by the young people who filled out the forms, and was played around with a few words, and now I saw people around me laughing at me, which really made the middle-aged man feel ashamed and angry , Raise your fist and ask for force to get back some face.

"Ah... Be careful..." The exclamation of the people next to him just remembered that the middle-aged man had already punched Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hardly raised his head, but just took a step forward with his feet, and the brash man fell to the ground directly.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Just a moment ago, they saw the man flaunting his might and wanting to hit someone, but now they were already kneeling there.

Lu Chen stood up, looked at the man in surprise and said, "Oh, brother, you, what are you doing?"

"Come on, come on, get up." While helping the middle-aged man up, he said distressedly, "Brother, I know you lied to someone, but it's okay, I think as long as you sincerely repent, everyone will forgive you, everyone said is not it?"

Seeing Lu Chen open his mouth and directly ask other people present, everyone who filled out the form looked at each other, and almost subconsciously replied: "Yes..."

The man was really helpless, and said to Lu Chen with a wry smile: "Brother, my brother was killed this time, and my brother recognized it. I don't know your brother's name?"

Lu Chen replied with a smile: "Little brother Lu Chen, I don't know what the name of the elder brother is?"

At this time, the people around who filled out the form saw that the two were chatting enthusiastically, so they buried their heads in filling out the form, and ignored the two of them.

In the eyes of most people, a liar is just not worth spending so much time paying attention to.

Of course others couldn't tell, but the man could tell that Lu Chen in front of him was an "expert".

The man clasped his fists very seriously and said, "My name is Fang Dabao, and everyone I know calls me Baozi."

Lu Chen also clasped his fists in return and said, "Brother Bao, it seems that you are quite skilled, why do you do such a thing?"

Fang Dabao sighed helplessly and said, "Oh, brother, to tell you the truth, the things here are beyond words."

(End of this chapter)

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