Chapter 1004 Fight Bravely
Hua Yong nodded thoughtfully and said, "It's really possible. If you eat this meat, you might really become like them. That's the real horror. Humans are neither human nor ghost, Beast or not, beast or not, that's really ugly."

"You two little guys really don't know how to appreciate it. How delicious their meat is, you don't want to eat it. I finally drove them all in front of you. You don't have anything to eat , I feel really disappointed.”

A strange voice came directly around the two of them.

Hua Yong and Lu Qianji immediately stood up, looking at 4 weeks cautiously.

"Who is playing tricks, why don't you come out quickly?"

But what answered them was a black bear's slap.

The two of them dodged very quickly, it was the black bear's slap, and they all frowned at once. It turned out that they really thought it was a black bear, but they didn't think of the black bear's body, the mouse's head, what the hell made them Both of them felt very terrified.

Lu Qianji swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in disbelief, "What the hell is this? Why does it still exist? You really are devoid of conscience. A person like you should be struck with thunder."

"You little guy's mouth is really annoying. This is the greatest invention. Don't you feel its power? And his wisdom is also very good. This is the combination of wisdom and strength. , you don’t understand at all.”

Hua Yong frowned slightly, stepped forward quickly, and punched this No wonder it flew upside down.

But at this moment, the monster did something that made them very weird, that is, with both hands, it quickly dug a very deep hole in the ground and got in.

The two of them directly and quickly looked at the ground on guard. If there was any abnormality on the ground, they would try to avoid it, but after waiting for a long time, there was no abnormality.

"You sneaky guy, you know what kind of shit came out, I think he is as cowardly as a mouse and has escaped."

"Really? You can wait for a while, I hope you don't regret it later." The man in the dark smiled strangely.

Hua Yong immediately looked at 4 Zhou seriously, and said coldly, "There is something wrong with leaving here quickly."

But at this moment, the whole ground began to tremble. These monsters that looked like mice and bears were just one, but now hundreds of them suddenly appeared, and they all rushed towards the two of them quickly. .

"What the hell is this? How could there be so many of them suddenly? It's simply unbelievable. How did you do it!" Lu Qianji said loudly while running.

The person in the dark has been following them for 4 weeks. Although they have not found his trace, his voice has been ringing in their ears.

"10 points is simple, that is because they all ate my special meat, so they became what they are now, how about it? Isn't this a 10 points great invention, they can completely subvert all tribes, as long as they If there are enough of them, the whole world will be mine."

At this time, a small flying knife appeared in Hua Yong's hand, and he threw it directly and quickly to the right.

The person in the dark screamed suddenly, obviously he was directly stabbed in the body by the throwing knife.

All the wild beasts around stopped, and their attacking steps all stopped in place, and kept there, screaming as if they were also injured.

Lu Qianji took a short breath, and said incredulously, "How is this possible? How could you find his location? I noticed it just now, but I didn't find his location. How did you notice it?"

Hua Yong didn't care, shook his head and said, "This is a hidden weapon taught to me by my master. It's a pity that I haven't mastered it yet. Otherwise, I can definitely kill this guy with one knife. If my master If I knew, I would definitely have to continue practicing 1 times.”

Lu Qianji was suddenly helpless and speechless.

Along the way, he can be said to have been deeply hit now. He never thought that a person could be so perverted, and when this person told his master that he was stronger than him, he The mood is broken.

"I really don't know why both of you master and apprentice are so perverted, but what should we do now? Should we look for his traces, or leave here quickly?"

After thinking for a while, Hua Yong took out another throwing knife, but this time he did not throw it out in a hurry, but waited quietly.

Just when Lu Qianji was getting impatient, the throwing knife in Hua Yong's hand was thrown straight ahead.

The throwing knife cut through the darkness instantly like lightning, and a bright light quickly pierced a black shadow.

Hua Yong walked over directly and quickly, only to see that the black shadow turned out to be a very old man, but now he has completely lost his vitality.

All the wild beasts around were crazy, and they all attacked the surroundings quickly, and all the creatures in front of them began to attack continuously.

Hua Yong frowned slightly, and took out a Fang Tian painting halberd, which was the best weapon his master gave him.

Hua Yong stepped forward directly and quickly, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand quickly slashed across the bodies of those beasts.

After hearing a thud, all the beasts fell to the ground.

Hua Yong directly took a few steps back, his face was a little pale, because the move he made just now was the most domineering move, but it was also the most exhausting move. He has already used some excessive force, so he is a little tired up.

"Let's leave here quickly, but there shouldn't be any danger here, but we can't guarantee whether there are other wild beasts, so we must find a safe place to rest now."

Lu Qianji quickly helped Hua Yong leave here, found a very secluded place, and began to rest.

Lu Qianji sat on the ground, curiously took out a book, and read it carefully, but when they were reading it, suddenly a white shadow flashed before their eyes, and when they read it again At the time, everyone was a little surprised, because this white shadow turned out to be Bai Yunfei, who appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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