Chapter 1005 Accepting Apprentices

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Why didn't you see that I was 10% surprised, or did you never think that I would appear in front of you?"

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and said happily, "Of course not. Master, have you been following us all the time? Is our performance okay?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "The performance is quite good, but there are still some shortcomings. You just need to get used to it slowly, and it's okay."

Lu Qianji breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a chuckle, "Mr. Bai, why did you show up now? Could it be that if our lives were in danger, you wouldn't show up?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and watched with a slight smile. Lu Qianji said slightly and satisfied, "You are right. If you really have no choice but to pass, even if you die, I won't." Anything, as far as you think, everything can only depend on yourselves, if you can't even save yourself, why should I save you?"

Lu Qianji frowned and said puzzledly, "Are you mistaken? He is your apprentice. Don't you just watch him die and ignore it? How can a person like you deserve to have an apprentice?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "If you can't even bear this condition, then you don't have any qualifications to be my apprentice at all. If there are some old guys who bully you, then I will Of course I will shoot, but these are just what you can handle, why should I shoot."

Hua Yong nodded in agreement and said, "Master is right. If you can't even complete this challenge, then there is no way to become master's apprentice. Then I might as well die myself."

Lu Qianji suddenly shook his head helplessly and said, "I think this world is really crazy, how can there be such a thing? Don't you think that both of you have some mistakes in your ideas? Disciple and master don't Is it equivalent to the relationship between father and son? How did it become so different when you two came here? "

Bai Yunfei showed a slight smile, and said softly, "I think you are more suitable to be my apprentice, why do you want to be my apprentice?"

Lu Qianji suddenly pointed to himself in disbelief and said, "You are serious, can I really worship you as a teacher? You are not lying to me, you can also appreciate my stupid qualifications." Eye?"

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Why are you so unconfident in yourself? I think it can make you as strong as you are. Aptitude is nothing to me at all. The important thing is whether you have the heart. "

Lu Qianji immediately nodded happily and said, "I am willing, of course I am willing."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Then you just remember, if you were killed at the same level, I will not avenge you."

Lu Qianji smiled awkwardly and said, "I know, of course I won't have the same thoughts as before. I know that my previous thoughts were too naive, so I won't have such thoughts again. "

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, flicked Lu Qianji's head quickly, and then said with a smile, "Now I have passed on the martial arts that suit you, so the next step is up to you. I have to continue playing, so I won't accompany you two."

Bai Yunfei left here quickly. Lu Qianji had already woken up at this time, and suddenly said in surprise, "Could this be the strength of the master? Could this be the magic of the master? This is simply incredible."

Hua Yong smiled slightly and said, "You should know it by now, but now you can be regarded as my younger brother, but you should respect me more in the future, don't think I don't know, you always think I'm stupid, but I just don't want to haggle with you on some small things."

Lu Qianji slightly rolled his eyes and said, "You are very stupid in the first place, okay? There are many things you do yourself are too simple, okay?"

Hua Yong shook his head slightly, and said softly, "You don't know a lot of things. I act on my own feelings. I trust my intuition. That's why I don't know a lot of things. You are so formal, but it doesn't mean that I am really what you think."

Lu Qianji smiled slightly and said, "Of course I know, I was just joking with you, but you are my senior brother now, so we should cooperate better if we are as close as brothers."

Hua Yong smiled slightly and said, "Understood, let's get out of here quickly, I still want to taste the taste of the wine, they say that your wine in Chengdu is very beautiful, I want it too try it."

Lu Qianji smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I can let you have a good taste. I can definitely make you linger for 10 points on our fine wine."

The two of them left here directly and quickly, heading straight for the nearest nearby city.

At this time, Bai Yunfei stopped not far from them, and said coldly to the surroundings, "Can't I invite you out?"

Many people in white clothes appeared in front of Bai Yunfei directly and quickly. They all looked at Bai Yunfei cautiously, but no one dared to launch an attack alone.

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said softly, "You damned fellows, you are so courageous, do you really think you can escape my detection? Do you really think that all the things you have created? Don’t you know? It’s just that you didn’t launch an attack behind me, so I ignored you, are you there? Seeing that I wanted to do something right after I left, you really don’t repent.”

Those men in white frowned all of a sudden, but no one spoke, but directly tore the white clothes on their bodies into pieces, turning them all into orcs one by one, and quickly fired at Bai Yunfei attack.

Bai Yunfei looked at these orcs very coldly, and slapped them lightly.

After all those people stayed in place, their bodies were all reduced to ashes, that is, they disappeared without a trace as if they had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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