Chapter 1040 The Battle Is Fierce

Lu Qianji chuckled and said, "Me too, it's the same. Although I usually like to calculate, but now I don't want to. I also want to have a good fight, because only in this way can my There has been a breakthrough in strength."

Shen Hongchun suddenly said helplessly, "There should be no one here to disturb us for the time being, so let's take a rest here, is that okay?"

Hua Yong and the three of them looked at each other, all of them showed a little smile, and then sat down, quietly waiting for such a master to arrive.

As time slowly passed, some masters gradually appeared. However, these masters did not really identify the four of them, but just took a look and then quickly evacuated, because they don't want to be with any masters now. Instead, they want to hunt and kill those ordinary people, because those ordinary people can get some useful things from them by killing them.

Hua Yong frowned slightly and said, "What's going on? Why don't these people come to trouble us? Do we want us to take the initiative?"

Lu Qianji shook his head slightly and said earnestly, "It's not the real time, don't you realize that something is not right here? I think these people around are definitely planning to wait for the opportunity to reap the rewards The benefits, so we can't take any action now, just wait quietly."

Huang Xiaoer thought for a while and said, "I have an idea to call them all into confusion."

Recently, I wanted to stomp the ground quickly, and the whole ground began to tremble continuously. Obviously, he was communicating with the power of nature, and many cracks began to appear around him, and all the masters were shaking quickly. Body, at this moment, they all no longer hide, but directly fight with each other.

As time slowly passed, there were only 100 people left in the entire arena, and all of these 100 people were the strongest.

At this moment, a man in red appeared in the center of the arena with a sword in his hand. He sneered and said loudly, "I am here waiting for you trash to come. If you trash want to If you survive, surrender yourself, otherwise, I will send him to leave this world completely."

Hua Yong couldn't bear it and jumped out quickly, hehe, he sneered and said, "I've been waiting for a long time, and I finally met a master, now I want to see how powerful you are, actually How dare you be so arrogant."

Shen Hongchun frowned suddenly and said to Lu Qianji who was beside him, "What's going on? Why did you go out suddenly? Why don't you two look at him?"

Huang Xiaoer shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I don't know what happened, he just rushed out by himself."

Lu Qianji also said helplessly, "Do you think the two of us can stop him? If the two of us can stop him, it won't be the case. I'm here helplessly watching. Now, I'm afraid we have become Lost the fat in everyone's eyes."

Shen Hongchun sighed slightly, and said helplessly, "No matter what the reason is now, the three of us must stand together, otherwise we may be scattered by the enemy."

But at this moment, the man in red swung the sword in his hand directly and quickly, and a sword aura soaring to the sky quickly stabbed at Hua Yong.

But what surprised the man in red was that Hua Yong didn't have any intention of dodging at all, but directly and quickly greeted him. When his sword energy was about to touch Hua Yong, he saw Hua Yong unexpectedly He directly grabbed his sword energy with his hand, and returned his sword energy.

The man in red suddenly widened his eyes, and fell to the ground in disbelief, because he never thought that he would be killed so easily, and he even more did not expect that he would die in the Under his own sword energy.

"Damn, you dare to kill our people, take my life!"

I saw three men rushing out quickly, all of them holding long guns, and quickly stabbed towards Hua Yong.

Hua Yong shook his head slightly and patted his right hand quickly, and the three throwing knives flew out instantly.

The three men's eyes widened immediately, and they fell to the ground with a throwing knife stuck in their foreheads.

"I didn't expect that the master taught me the flying knife's special skill. It can be said that killing people without blinking an eye. If it is other martial arts, it may take some effort, but using the flying knife can really save a lot. What about time?"

All the people around quickly retreated, because they didn't have any confidence to catch it now, and they used throwing knives, so we obviously planned to let others kill Huayong and they would trouble others.

As time slowly passed, there are only more than 20 people left in the entire field, and 80 people have all died here, and no one chose to quit, and all chose to stay and fight.

At this moment, the whole ground began to tremble continuously, which was bigger than the movement Hongxia made just now. During this time, all the people involuntarily fixed their bodies, but what surprised everyone was their The positions have all changed dramatically.

Almost everyone appeared in a different place, and there were no enemies or friends around. Obviously, someone deliberately separated the 20 of them, and then let them fight one by one.

A tall man chuckled and said, "It's interesting, it's really interesting, I'm afraid that if all of us gather together, it won't be easy to tell the winner. I've never been afraid of anyone fighting alone. It's really interesting. I'm really looking forward to who my first opponent will be, who can withstand my Kuang Dou's attack."

A man in black even showed a slight smile, and said with a hey smile, "It's really good. I was still worrying about how to sneak up on people, but now I'm all alone, so it's easier for me to sneak up on you. All the little prey, Wait for the arrival of my dark eagle."

A woman in red said worriedly, "It's disgusting. How could such a change happen? Just like my sisters, they are in danger. No, I have to find them. If anyone dares to hurt them, I must Let them know how powerful my red rose is."

(End of this chapter)

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