Chapter 1041
Shen Hongchun frowned slightly, and said worriedly, "This is terrible. I don't know where the three of them are now. If they can't meet up with everyone quickly, the three of them may suffer."

But at this time, Hua Yong didn't show any worried expression, instead he showed a smile, and said with a hey smile, "This is really interesting, you can test my strength, it's really a good choice, But now there are only 16 people left, how many of these 16 people can be my opponents?"

Lu Qianji frowned slightly and said quickly, "There are still 16 people left, but we must join everyone now, otherwise, it is easy to encounter some unnecessary dangers, and, Xiao Er's side It is even more dangerous, because he is only suitable for long-range attacks, not melee combat, if someone gets close to him, he may only be eliminated."

At this time, Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly, and looked at the enemy in front of him helplessly, he just didn't expect that he would be separated with someone, and he was still very close to him.

Seeing what the enemy in front of him would do, he waved his fist and punched Huang Xiaoer in an instant.

Huang Xiaoer directly and quickly mobilized the surrounding energy, forming a very huge shield, blocking in front of him.

Hearing a bang, the huge shield in front of Huang Xiaoer's eyes was smashed in half by the enemy, and the man laughed, and clawed directly at Huang Xiaoer's throat with both hands.

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly, and quickly gathered a ball of flames in his right hand, forming a fire dragon, and quickly smashed towards the enemy.

The enemy took several steps back in an instant, avoiding his fire dragon, sneered and said, "So you are only good at these energy attacks, but not good at close combat. Your weakness is really too obvious. I advise you to admit defeat quickly, otherwise I am afraid that I will really kill you by mistake."

Huang Xiaoer frowned slightly, and said with a slight snort, "You can indeed see my weakness, but whether you can get close to me is another matter, and how do you know that my attack will definitely not be able to kill you, and Now that the two of us have distanced ourselves, do you think you can still get close to me?"

I saw that person sneered, and ran away at a direct and fast speed, approaching within ten meters of Huang Xiaoer in an instant.

But before he was happy, he felt that his feet became very soft. When he felt that something was wrong and wanted to dodge, it was too late, and he suddenly found that his legs were sunk in the soil.

Huang Xiaoer shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Since you already know that I am very good at energy martial arts, but you never thought that I would use it at your feet, remember, in the future thousands of Don't provoke people like me again, otherwise, you may never have another life."

But when Huang Xiaoer directly and quickly gathered a group of flames to burn that enemy, he was surprised to find that this person escaped from the vortex under his feet at some point and disappeared in front of him.

At this moment, a sense of threat suddenly came from mid-air. Without any hesitation, Huang Xiaoer directly and quickly displayed the power of his whole body, and saw a ball of flames burning on his body. After that, she It soared into the sky like a rocket and crashed into the sky.

After hearing a rumbling sound, the person who was originally hostile to Huang Xiaoer fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily, without any breath.

Huang Xiaoer is also in 10 points of pain, because he also suffered some minor injuries. If it were not for these injuries, he really would have no way to kill this person. He killed this man, but the injuries on his body were beyond his expectation, because he thought he would be seriously injured, but he didn't expect that he was only slightly injured.

Shen Hongchun frowned slightly, and quickly searched for the enemy, as well as the three little guys, when suddenly he felt some movement on the left.

Shen Hongchun directly and quickly took out the weapon, and walked over there carefully, because he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he had to be more careful.

At this moment, a sword energy suddenly shot from the side, and Shen Hongchun fled directly and quickly.

At this moment, a man quickly stood up and said in surprise, "Shen Hongchun, how is this possible? How can you participate in the competition here? Who brought you here? What qualifications do you have to come here?" ?”

At this time, Shen Hongchun frowned slightly and looked at the man carefully, then snorted coldly and said, "So it's you, Wang Mengyang, why are you very surprised to see me come in? Why can you come in if I can?" Can't come in? You really are too selfish."

Wang Mengyang sneered and said, "It's a real joke that a person like you can break through. A person who can't even break through as a martial arts saint dares to participate in the competition. I don't know how you survived." Now, but if you meet me, I'm afraid you are really going to be unlucky, because I will definitely not let you pass through here."

Shen Hongchun snorted and said, "That's just what I wanted in the past. Now I have already broken through, and my strength is stronger than yours. You should say yes and shouldn't meet me, so now It's up to me to solve you completely."

Wang Mengyang sneered and said, "Hello, I've wanted to teach you a lesson a long time ago, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would never be in this world, and now we are in such a miserable state, just because you made us A lot of resources have been lost, so I can just vent my anger on you."

Shen Hongchun sneered, and swung the weapon in her hand quickly, only to see that his weapon had turned into a short knife, and instantly a flame burst out from her knife, and slashed towards Wang Mengyang.

Wang Mengyang immediately swung his weapon quickly, trying to resist, but he couldn't resist his flaming saber technique at all, and was instantly sent flying.

Looking at Wang Mengyang, who was sent flying away in one fell swoop, Shen Hongchun slightly shook his head, and said flatly, "I thought you were still doing it for money, but now I didn't expect you to become so weak."

(End of this chapter)

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