Chapter 1059
Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "But you don't have to worry so much. This world is not as simple as you imagined. Even if they can really come in with many people, I'm afraid they will be punished at that time."

Chen Weimin said with some differences, "I'm really curious about what kind of punishment they will receive. How can they conclude that these people are illegally together?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You will know when the time comes, and I'm afraid it won't take long. Now many forces have brought their people in, so wait here for a while, and you'll know soon." You know, fun things are going to happen."

Jiao Yang frowned in confusion and said, "The reason why we are so close to here is to allow us to watch a play here?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly, and said, "Then you are really wrong, I didn't ask you to watch a play here, I asked you to wait for the benefits to come here."

Just when they were about to ask, for some reason, the sky suddenly darkened, and then, countless thunderbolts struck down quickly, and all the people in front were panicked and dodged quickly, but they didn't It was useless, these thunderbolts covered each of them as if they had eyes, killing them all.

Waves of powerful energy quickly entered their bodies, and their strength grew rapidly.

Bai Yunfei directly reached the peak strength of King Wu, and the three of them unexpectedly broke through their own strength and entered the strength of King Wu.

Chen Weimin looked at his own strength in disbelief and said in surprise, "What's going on? Why has our strength suddenly become so strong? We don't seem to have any fights at all. How could we suddenly increase our strength? What the hell is going on? What's the matter?"

Su Liangjun also looked at Bai Yunfei curiously and said, "Is this the surprise you told us about?"

Bai Yunfei nodded and said, "That's right, this is the surprise I was talking about."

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "I really didn't expect such a good thing to happen, but how did you know that such a thing would happen? Could it be that you have already expected it?"

Bai Yunfei slightly nodded and smiled and said, "That's right, I've expected it a long time ago, because the illegal formation of a team will be hit like this, and now all the cases have been almost cleared out. It's a very good thing. You can train some wild beasts or other soldiers here, because there will be some wild soldiers here. As long as you kill them, you can also improve your strength, and you can also find the soldiers inside. Some materials are used to improve one's own strength, so we must grasp this opportunity well, and there will be no such opportunities in the future."

Su Liangjun chuckled and said, "This time is really a big blow to them. They have lost 10% of their losses, and they haven't gained any useful benefits. They have just lost all of them." Eliminated, I am afraid that these cases are now regrettable and their intestines are about to break."

Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said, "Actually, this is very good news, because all those damn big forces have withdrawn, and all ordinary people here can quickly improve their strength. Most people can be promoted quickly, but those powerful people have fallen into the next world, which has brought great hope to all ordinary people."

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "That's such a pity. I'm afraid our people have been excluded by now. If we had known such news earlier, we wouldn't have allowed them to form a team like this. It's such a pity." .”

Jiao Yang frowned slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "You should have known it a long time ago, so why didn't you tell us? You know we are all together, what's the point of doing this?"

"I'm just pursuing a fairer treatment. I won't reveal other useful things because of your power. Everything here is to be discovered by yourself. If there are too many If you rely on other people, I am afraid that you will not have any improvement at all. Now the three of you are indeed my teammates, but who knows, you will still be my teammates when you come in next time, so don't hold any doubts about me. I have too much hope, I will only take you to get the first place here, but wait until the next time, that may not be possible.”

Su Liangjun chuckled and said, "Brother Bai, look at what you are saying. We are all comrades in arms. How can we be so unfamiliar? We still need to fight together urgently, and we have to put our own I'm leaving my back to the other party, can't I talk like that."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, sighed softly and said, "Do you think I don't know about such things? But what can I do? I can't reveal too much, I can only rely on Yourselves, and there are many dangers here, maybe even I will capsize in the gutter, so everyone should look for supplies and improve your own strength."

Chen Weimin nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "I think Brother Bai is right. We really can rely too much on other people. We have to rely on ourselves. Only when we are strong can we do everything." Now it is a very good opportunity for us. Now that all the big forces have been excluded, I am afraid that even that person is not much left, so now it can be a good opportunity for us. 10 points is a good opportunity, and only by quickly improving our strength can we do more useful things.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Let's go quickly, I'm afraid it will be for the supplies later, and they have already picked them up. At that time, there is really no way to improve your strength. You must know some martial arts in it. It can also improve your combat effectiveness a lot, so I advise you not to miss it."

Su Liangjun said quickly, "There is a small town ahead, and the doors are all hidden. It should be that no one has received the goods. Let's go in and search."

(End of this chapter)

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