Chapter 1060

The four of them directly and quickly came to the town, and naturally searched quickly. Without doubt, the whole town was completely searched by them.

Bai Yunfei looked at the three people with a chuckle and said, "How are you doing now? Is the search material still complete? You must know that we can't let go of any material, because we still have to survive here, and we don't know how to survive." When will it be, so the living supplies must be properly prepared, otherwise, you will starve to death here, or you will die of thirst, this is not a good way to die."

Jiao Yang nodded slightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, the trousers in this small town are relatively rich, at least it can allow us people to survive well, and there is no problem for a few days, but in terms of martial arts, it is not a problem. Didn't get much useful, we have to go to other places to continue the search."

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "I don't know why this small town is so poor. We haven't even found a single weapon. Now we can only fight with bare hands. It's too dangerous."

Chen Weimin did take out some weapons directly and quickly, and said with a smile, "I have received some weapons here, but the other materials are relatively less. Please share these weapons quickly, at least you can, and you won't be empty-handed." Fight people."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled faintly and said, "Hurry up and divide up the supplies in person, and everyone will average them out, so that we can survive better. Even if someone gets lost, we can still rely on the supplies to survive." Come down and live until our support."

Chen Weiming nodded slightly, took the lead directly and quickly, and put all the supplies in front of him, while the other two looked at each other, and quickly put the supplies in front of him, Bai Yunfei also accepted him The supplies were also taken out, and after private distribution, they left the town again and entered the forest.

Not far from them, four people sneaked into the forest.

"Boss, do you think there will be anything in the forest? I think we might as well find some houses, so that we can search for many things that can improve our strength, and we can also search for many daily necessities that can be replenished. They are all broken knives and weapons, how can we fight other people?"

"You idiots, don't you know what we used to do? These forests are our best protection. We can do a free business here. In this way, we can quickly improve our Are you strong?"

The other three people all quickly turned to the fat man, and said flatteringly, "Boss, you are more thoughtful, but how do you know that someone will pass through this forest?"

The fat man smiled and said, "10 points is simple, that is, judging from the traces around, they will definitely come here from the other side, so as long as we lay in ambush here, we will be able to take them all." Next, we will be considered to have real supplies in the future.”

Bai Yunfei and the others came here directly and quickly. They didn't know that there were actually 4 people ambushing them here, and even if Bai Yunfei and the others knew about it, they wouldn't take it to heart, because the strength of these 4 people was simply unsightly. , I am afraid that one of Bai Yunfei and the others can crush the four of them at will.

Walking on top of Bai Yunfei, he suddenly heard a click from the tree, Bai Yunfei's expression changed immediately, and he said loudly, "Be careful of sneak attacks!"

But the four bandits who knew that they had been exposed jumped out quickly, pointed at Bai Yunfei and said loudly, "This mountain was created by me, and this tree was planted by me. If you want to live from now on, save your lives. "

"This is really interesting. It's very rare to be able to encounter robbery here, but are the four of you really serious? Can you rob anything here just by the four of you? I You can't even beat ordinary wild beasts."

The fat man snorted slightly, pointed at Bai Yunfei, and said coldly, "You little boy, don't give me so much nonsense here, hurry up and hand over your things, and I can give you a good time, if you dare to resist If so, I will teach you a good lesson."

Bai Yunfei appeared behind the four of them in an instant, and the knife in his hand quickly hit them. Li Jian and his weapons were all knocked down by Bai Yunfei. After that, Bai Yunfei returned to the original place again, lightly He looked at the four of them lightly.

The four bandits all screamed strangely before, seeing that all their weapons had fallen to the ground, they immediately took a few steps back in fear, and looked around from time to time.

Su Liangjun said disdainfully, "You can't even afford your own weapons. Weapons are your second life. You can't even grasp your own identities. I don't know what face you have to rob your house here. I I see you should leave here obediently."

After the four guys looked at each other, they all raised their fists and quickly punched Su Lingjun.

Su Liangjun stepped back directly, and the long spear in his hand stabbed out like lightning, and immediately pierced two of them.

As for the two people in the back, Chen Weiming shot directly and quickly, and saw that his claws quickly grabbed one of them and stabbed him to pieces, while the other was directly entangled by the scorching sun with the whip in his hand. Caught the throat and killed it completely.

Looking at those people who died, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that your cooperation is really a 10-point tacit understanding. This is better. We need such a tacit understanding. Only in this way can we be good." We won the final victory, but now we are dead. These 4 guys, hurry up and take all the supplies they have on them. Maybe there will be some good things in them, so that we can have a direct and fast way to have an independent life. "

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "These are just ordinary bandits, there are more powerful people behind, I'm afraid we should really be careful, if we are really attacked or hit by them Their traps are really bad dice, so we still have to take precautions in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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