Chapter 1061 Ambush
The four of them left here quickly and continued to walk towards the center, because there will be a lot of enemies and some wild beasts behind, so they can't bear this, so they can only quickly enter the safe zone. most appropriate.

Just when they had just walked to a small wooden house, they all stopped quickly, because there was a clicking sound from inside the small wooden house, obviously someone was searching for something inside, so all four of them quickly moved the small wooden house The wooden house was surrounded and approached slowly.

At this moment, suddenly a tall man came out of the wooden house, but when he saw Bai Yunfei standing in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, and quickly punched Bai Yunfei past.

Bai Yunfei staggered to dodge his punch, hit the man in the chest with his hind foot in an instant, and flew out, hitting the wooden house heavily.

"What about your companion, don't tell me that you are the only one staying here, you bear it just now, my whole life means that your companion is definitely there, but where is he, confess your companion, I will give you a happy .”

The strong man shook his head slightly, and said coldly, "If you have the ability, kill me. I will never tell you where my companion is."

Su Liangjun chuckled and said, "Anyway, there is no way for you to leave in your current state, and there is no way for you to recover from your injuries. We will just wait here and see if your companion will come to rescue you." you."

The strong man snorted coldly and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I have separated from them a long time ago, so you will never find where they are, and they will never come to rescue me. If If you don't believe me, we're just spending time here, and I want to see how long you can spend here with me."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, we will spend a long, long time here with you, and it won't take long before we can wipe out all your companions, because I believe they will never give up. You, if you don't care, they will definitely come to save you, so as long as you are still alive, we can wait here."

As time passed slowly, as expected, there was the sound of running fast. The two thin men of my sister ran over quickly, saw the big man lying on the ground, and quickly ran over and said, "Boss, you It's okay, we'll save you now."

But at this moment, Bai Yunfei and the others shot quickly, killing the two men in an instant, and the big man also died directly depressed.

I saw that their bodies were lit up, and the light was divided equally among the four of them.

Chen Weimin frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "I don't think we should do anything just now. They don't seem to have much malice towards us. Why do we have to kill them? Let them go to some beast promotions by themselves." Isn't strength also okay? If you directly eliminate them in this way, it is equivalent to making them more and more behind, isn't this a bit too bad."

Jiao Yang shook his head helplessly, looked at Chen Weimin and said, "Why is your Bodhisattva heart breaking out again? Don't you know that if you sympathize with other people here, it means that you will lead yourself to death. If you really want to ask for a dead end, then you should not follow us. If you do this again, I will really not form a team with you next time, and I will never come in with you again. I feel very uneasy, but it doesn't make me feel very peaceful, why weren't you like this before, how did you become like this now?"

Looking at the scorching sun that suddenly broke out, Chen Weimin suddenly didn't know what to say.

Su Liangjun sighed slightly, shook his head slightly and said, "Although I don't know why the netizens changed? But I know that sooner or later, Sister Ma will definitely pick up the one before her, so we must We need to give him a chance to adapt, but sometimes kindness is not a bad thing. After all, he also considers from the standpoint of all people. Although it is not from our own standpoint, it also means that he has a heart. Kindness, this is also a very good thing.”

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly at this moment and said, "Actually, sometimes many things are not as you imagined, and you should also take a good look at them. Although he will become what he is now, but his other You must have never seen one side, but when I have the opportunity to show you the other side, I believe you will be absolutely amazed."

At this moment, there was a sound of beating and killing in front of them. They hurried over to try to catch the leak, but after they passed, they suddenly found that the battle was over, and the other team was eliminated by 4 men.

The four men who were talking and laughing also lost supplies there, obviously they were 4% satisfied with the surprise attack just now.

Bai Yunfei took out his bow and arrows, pulled up the four arrows and shot them at the four men in an instant.

At the same moment, the four men were directly pierced by Bai Yunfei's arrow, and their hearts died.

Bai Yunfei didn't intend to call in to pick up supplies, but quickly hid with three people, waiting quietly.

At this moment, several men jumped out of the installation quickly, and they ran towards the room where the men fell very quickly, obviously they planned to pick up the supplies.

Su Liangjun launched an attack without waiting for Bai Yun to score the points. The hidden weapon shot out instantly, killing the knives in the hands of the two men, and quickly cut off the man behind him, leaving only the last man. The reaction that came in time was completely strangled to death by the whip in Jiao Yang's hand.

Chen Weimin still didn't do anything as usual, because he still couldn't afford to be so cruel, so he could just watch from the sidelines, like a salted fish without any ideals.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, looked at Chen Weimin at the side and said with a chuckle, "It seems that you still haven't really figured it out until now, when you really figure it out, you will know what you are now. How naive, and you have to learn to release the self inside yourself, you can't be like this now, because you will not end well if you are like this now."

(End of this chapter)

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