Chapter 1064 Beast Attack
Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said, "Does this mean that we are also in danger? Otherwise, how would they die? It seems that we should be careful. Since someone can kill four of them, it means It means that someone can touch us or hurt us, so we should be more careful."

Chen Weimin frowned slightly and said, "If my seasoning is not bad, it should be that they were killed by wild beasts. The number of wild beasts I saw is definitely more than 10 points. However, if we launch an attack on these wild beasts If you attack, you should also be able to get a lot of energy to strengthen yourself."

Su Liangjun shook his head in disapproval and said, "We are all at the peak level of King Wu now. I suggest that we should get used to our current intelligence. The strength between us has jumped too much. Now I I can feel that I can't really control my own strength at all, as if my strength is out of balance, this feeling is very uncomfortable."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "Zhu Liangjun is right, now the three of you must get used to your strength, and now I have just reached the level of Emperor Wu, so I can't do it." I really want to protect myself here, so being careful now is the most appropriate way.”

The sun frowned slightly, looked at the dark night outside the window, and said helplessly, "If we can have lighting equipment, we don't have to worry so much, but it's a pity that we can only live in the house." , but can’t be outside, it’s really helpless, I can only hope that the night will pass quickly.”

At this moment, there were bursts of beast roars from outside, obviously they had seen it, and all the flames here gathered here.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, as long as there is fire, they won't come up, but if there is no fire, they will definitely come up, so these flames are still burning here, if you plan to You can go outside to kill them, but let me remind you first, those wild beasts outside are all 10 points strong."

Su Liangjun quickly took out his bow and arrow, and shot at the beast outside.

All the beasts outside quickly dodged the arrows, but they didn't leave. Instead, they kept approaching. Obviously, they were hesitating whether to charge up.

At this moment, an arrow was suddenly shot out from nowhere, and landed in Bai Yunfei's house, and there was still some very strange smell on the arrow, which began to emit continuously.

Bai Yunfei stood up in an instant, quickly pulled out the arrow, and said helplessly, "It's really careless, I really didn't expect them to use such a method."

Scorching Sun frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Is there something wrong with this? Isn't it just that the smell is a bit unpleasant, why, can it still have some influence on us?"

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, and said helplessly, "What do you know that these smells can attract wild beasts from outside, and those wild beasts from outside will definitely rush in, and these smells can make them lose their minds and go crazy." Attack, this is their most terrifying strategy to kill with a knife."

Su Liangjun quickly picked up the gun and shot it outside.

But it was too late, many beasts rushed into the house quickly, reached their second floor, and attacked them.

Bai Yunfei took the lead and quickly attacked those beasts on the initiative. He chopped off all the beasts one by one, and their heads fell to the ground, but there were more beasts rushing in from behind.

Fortunately, Su Liangjun's reaction was fast enough, some of the beasts ran to the distance directly and quickly, and did not come to them, so they shared some firepower with them.

As time passed, all those beasts were killed by Bai Yun and the three of them, while Chen Weimin was hiding in the dark and waiting for the sneak attackers to arrive.

Sure enough, after a while, two men came here directly and quickly, and they all showed a little smile.

"Just say that my trick is 10 points. These people are really stupid. They dare to sell fire in the house. Don't they know that this will attract our attention? Now they should all Killed by these wild beasts, now I can finally make a fortune."

"Can you be sure that they are really dead? But we haven't received any reinforcement at all. Does that mean they haven't died yet?"

"It's possible that they didn't pay attention, but they feel uncomfortable now. I don't believe that there are so many beasts that they won't be injured. The strength of the two of us is only afraid of a few of them being disabled. We just need to kill them all. If we are dead, we can still be strengthened, but what I am worried about now is whether other people will get close to them, and the strengthened light will enter their bodies."

The two walked while talking, but neither of them noticed that Chen Weimin behind them was slowly approaching them.

At this moment, Chen Weimin launched an attack suddenly, Li Claw quickly grabbed the body of one of the men, and Shi suggested that the man's body was thrown out by him like a rag, and the other man reacted later He wanted to launch an attack, but it was too late, Bai Yunfei directly fell from the sky, pierced his head with a sword, and killed him.

Su Liangjun came down at this time, frowned slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that there are so many of these two damn guys, and they can come up with such a way. If we hadn't discovered it, I'm afraid they would have been killed by them." It was killed, but where did these two guys search, and they are so rich, it's really good."

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly, and said somewhat dissatisfied, "I've already killed so many people and gained so many enhancements, why didn't I break through to my current strength? I really can't wait to improve sooner and break through to become Emperor Wu At that time, I don't believe that anyone can match us."

Su Liangjun shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "We are pretty good now, and our strength has improved a lot now, so there is no need to be so entangled now."

(End of this chapter)

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