Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1065 Preparing for a surprise attack

Chapter 1065 Preparing for a surprise attack
Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "You are contented enough now. You must know that many people like you can improve their strength, and what they can do is 10 points of effort. Your current academic qualifications are already considered very good, and you have to break through. It will be even more difficult, and it will be 10 times more difficult than it is now, so you must be fully prepared, otherwise you will have no way to go on.”

Scorching Yang frowned slightly and said, "In the future, the breakthrough will be 10 times higher. Who will be able to break through? This is really too difficult."

Chen Weimin frowned slightly and said, "What should we do now? Rest here or leave here first?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Yunfei said, "Leave here first. After all, this place has attracted the attention of many people. If you continue to stay, I'm afraid you will encounter some unnecessary troubles."

The four of them left here directly and quickly, and continued to find new, hidden places.

Just as they kept searching, several very powerful monsters suddenly appeared around them, and all of them quickly attacked the four of them.

I saw that the strength of these monsters that appeared was very strong, and they all surpassed them.Therefore, the few of them could only run away blindly and quickly, and did not dare to confront them.

While running, Su Liangjun said in a puzzled way, "Why are these guys so powerful? I thought we were already the strongest, but I didn't expect these guys to be stronger than us. This is really cheating."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said lightly, "This is not cheating, but a balance. Otherwise, the strength of the few of us would have swept everyone away, so what else can people improve their strength in this place?" ?”

"Then how do we get rid of them? It's not a solution to continue like this?" Jiao Yang said helplessly.

Chen Weimin said with a lot of experience: "I feel that we can run all the way to the center. As long as we run out of their world range, they won't attack us."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "It's true that as long as we get out of their attack range, they won't chase us anymore, but I'm afraid we need to run a long way now."

Su Liangjun said helplessly, "It would be great if we could know exactly where the button is pressed, but now we don't know where the safe zone is at all, and where we are going to run. Could it be that we can't run in the opposite position to them?"

Bai Yunfei looked at Su Liangjun slightly surprised and said, "Isn't it true that you didn't run until you died the last time?"

Su Liangjun nodded slightly and said, "That's right, I stayed where I was in the last game, and I didn't need to dodge at all. The materials I searched there are very rich, and the speed of improving my strength by 10 points is just a moment. Some carelessly, I was just attacked by someone, I never thought about it, so I still need to run all the time."

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "Then your luck is really good enough. I ran to my death in the last round. If these damned monsters hadn't been chasing me, I wouldn't have been chased by them." Kill, it's really a pity that I died in the last round."

Bai Yunfei coughed softly and said, "I hope our luck will not be too bad, but I think the distance should not be too far, just keep going, and we should be able to escape the pursuit of these monsters."

The four of them have been running fast under the pursuit of these monsters, and finally the monster behind stopped, but the four of them did not have any contact, but continued to run.

After running for half a day, the four of them found a small village and took a quick rest.

Su Liangjun said out of breath, "Those damned guys should stop chasing after a while. We've already run so far."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, said with a faint smile, "There is really no guarantee, because no one knows where the real safe zone will be, so we can only rest here, so the best way now It is to improve our strength, as long as we are improving our strength now, if we can defeat those monsters for me, those monsters will also improve our strength."

The four of them communicated directly and quickly. After searching the entire small village, they left here and continued to walk towards the forest, because only in this way can they find some wild beasts, and killing wild beasts can improve their strength. Some are hard to say, after all, many people now feel very well-behaved, so there will be no way to find their traces for a while.

When the four of them were looking for the beast, several people quickly appeared in their four weeks. Those people were not together, but they reached a consensus and planned to attack Bai Yunfei and the others.

But none of them thought that Bai Yunfei's ears were very sensitive, and they had already discovered their existence just as they approached.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said to the three of them, "Someone is here, and not alone, there are at least 5 people, all of them are in our four weeks, it seems that they are planning to attack us."

Su Liangjun suddenly said with joy on his face, "Finally, I have seen people. Last time my sister said that I was already annoyed by the ones who made me go up, and she didn't let us improve our strength, and those people must be stronger than us." It is strong, and it will definitely bring us a lot of supplies.”

Chen Weimin nodded slightly, and said happily, "Yes, these things will definitely allow us to get the first place more accurately, so we must find a way to kill all five of them."

Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said, "But how can we catch them all in one go? You must know that these five guys are not together. As long as we kill a few of them, it should directly attract the attention of all of them. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to kill other people later."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's not that difficult about this point. Although we can't be sure how many people there are, but these 5 people are enough. The 4 of us will act separately, one on the left and one on the right." , there is one at the back and two at the front, I will deal with the one at the front, and the three of you can deal with the one at the side."

(End of this chapter)

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