Chapter 1066 Chen Weiming

The three nodded at the same time. According to Bai Yunfei's plan, the four of them immediately and quickly put on clothes, and the five secretly attacked.

I saw that all five of them showed the same expression, because none of them thought that, because the five of them who planned to attack would actually sing that the five of them launched a counterattack, and these five people were even more innocent. Thinking, Bai Yunfei and the others were stronger than they had imagined, and they were killed in just one round, killing all five of them.

After searching all the materials of these five people together, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that the people who survived to the end are really rich enough, and these materials can definitely make us improve again." With little strength, let’s leave here quickly, and I’m afraid this place will become a chaotic place if we waste our time, because I heard a lot of movement in the distance, and obviously a large number of wild beasts are rushing towards us.”

Su Liangjun frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "Isn't this a good thing? Why do we leave here? No matter how many beasts there are, they should not be our opponents. As long as we find a good position, we can take them away." Kill them all, isn't this a very good way to improve our strength?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "It's not the same, because there are still monsters like the ones we saw hidden in these beasts, if you really plan to fight these beasts to win, then I'm afraid those monsters will tear us to pieces."

Chen Weimin shook his head slightly immediately and said, "If this is the case, let's leave here quickly. If we don't leave, I'm afraid we will really suffer from a catastrophe. I don't want to. I haven't got it yet. The first one died like this. "

Jiao Yang agreed and said, "Brother Min is right. If we really stay like this, I'm afraid we will really be in danger, so I think we should leave here as soon as possible, and we can live to the end if we get a safe place." of the most fundamental."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and quickly left here with the three of them, continuing to rush to the center.

After the long journey of the three of them, they finally came to a relatively safe place, and they will not have to worry about continuing to escape for a while, because there are some wild beasts eating there very peacefully, obviously this is a relatively safe area.

The four of them directly and quickly cleaned up all the wild beasts around them, and after discovering that their strength had finally made a new breakthrough, they all showed a little smile.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had officially become a powerhouse at the level of Wu Zun, and all three of them were at the level of Wudi.

"But I didn't expect that the strength can be improved so quickly, and there are no side effects. This is really a very good world. Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with choosing this place. If I could have such a world before, then My strength will improve very quickly, and I won't be so troublesome anymore."

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, and said to himself.

Chen Weimin frowned slightly and looked at a man in front of him, and said, "He came in anyway, and he came in alone, but fortunately he came in alone, otherwise he would have been eliminated at the beginning. "

Bai Yunfei followed his gaze, and found that there was a person in front of him, and he didn't hear any movement, which was suddenly a bit unbelievable?

"Who is he? How can he escape my ears? He is not too far away from us. If he takes action, I should be able to hear it. How can I not hear any movement from him? Some of them are unreasonable, unless he knows some lightness techniques, so he can hide from my ears."

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "The person in front of you is Chen Weiming, the emperor of our empire. I just didn't expect how he came here, it's simply incredible."

Bai Yunfei nodded thoughtfully and said, "I'm afraid it's because he knows the magic here, so he came here, and the reason why he can live until now is because he came in alone, not like The four of us came in, unlike other people, who came in with the whole strength, so he didn't suffer, there was no need for loss because of this, but what is the relationship between the two of them as brothers?"

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly, and said, "The two of them are twin brothers, so none of us know what will happen to them. Anyway, we know that their relationship is sometimes good and sometimes bad."

Bai Yunfei was a little different, looked at Chen Weiming and said, "But one thing is really strange, why didn't I see anything in common between the two of them? You said that they are twins, but the two of them grew up They are all 10 points different, are these really twins?"

Su Liangjun nodded seriously and said, "Yes, the two of them are really twins, and they have grown up since they were young, so there is no problem at all. It's just that one of them follows their mother and the other follows their father."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a chuckle, "This is really a very interesting thing, and I don't know what the two brothers will say when they meet? Do you think the two of them will fight directly later?" How about getting up?"

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly and said, "No one can say for sure about this matter, maybe the two of them will fight later, you might not fight at all, but if the two of them plan to join forces , then will we be eliminated directly?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, if there is only one person, there is no possibility of being eliminated at all, unless four people are added on top of the four, then it is possible to be like those unlucky ones before." Eggs were all removed."

At this time, Chen Weimin quickly arrived beside Chen Weiming, frowned slightly and said, "How can you, a majestic imperial monarch, come here in person? If you really encounter some danger, what should you do? You think for the people of Liming." Have you been?"

Chen Weiming snorted and said, "You think I'm like you, so willing to be this poor emperor, and finally have the possibility of immortality, do you think I still care about this poor position?"

(End of this chapter)

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