Chapter 1073
Chen Weimin sighed slightly and said, "I really don't know when this mysterious world will end, when will it disappear, I really look forward to it disappearing, the changes it brings to everyone are really great. It's too big, I'm afraid not many people can adapt to his changes."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Actually, you don't have to be like this. You just need to remember that as your strength becomes stronger and stronger, you can do more and more things. If you If your strength is not strong, you can't do anything, so you just need to make sure that you become 10 points strong."

Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said, "Actually, what I want to know most now is how far we can stop when our strength reaches, or whether we will have some bottlenecks in the future, or whether we will be able to stop. We have always been able to practice as quickly as we are now?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You just need to know that you can make continuous breakthroughs. As for how far you can reach, you can't even imagine it now, but you can imagine it. You only need to It’s enough to make you live forever.”

Su Liangjun shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have any such idea of ​​immortality. I just need to be able to continuously improve my strength. As for that, if I can really achieve it, it's a good thing. I don’t think I’ll have any regrets until then.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You have to give yourself a very strong original idea. If you don't have a goal, you won't be able to achieve it. So you must set a goal for yourself, so that you can let yourself A quick breakthrough."

Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said, "Then what do you think we should do now? Should we take a good look at the whole world now, or wait for the next time to come and prepare."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "You don't even know when he will be able to come, so let's take a good tour like other places, maybe we can meet some interesting people."

The 4 people left directly from here and continued to walk north. Just after they had walked for less than a day, it rained heavily.

However, the four of them were indeed very lucky, and found a dilapidated house directly, where they rested.

When the night slowly fell, the rain outside did not stop at all, but it continued to fall more and more.

Jiaoyang said with some annoyance, "It's really annoying. Why are you doing so well? It's raining. The weather didn't seem to be raining at all before. This rain is so evil."

Su Liangjun chuckled and said, "I think it's a good thing to have some rain, why are you so troubled, don't you really hate it?"

Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said, "You are really right. He just hates rain very much. Once it rains, he will feel very uncomfortable. If it is the sun, he will like it very much."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You really are a typical person, as your name suggests."

The scorching sun really didn't care about anything, instead he said with a faint smile, "Don't you guys feel that the sun is shining brightly? So aboveboard, so hot."

Su Liangjun frowned slightly and said, "Aren't you worried that your skin will be tanned in this hot weather?"

Jiaoyang said proudly, "Then you probably don't know it. My skin has never been dark. Do you think that I get dark after being exposed to the sun like you? I don't, no matter if I tan under the sun." There won't be any black ones for a long time."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said with some sighs, "If other people hear about your condition, I'm afraid they will be jealous of the dead, but you are really good, and you can have such a physique, but you are so Your physique is really suitable for practicing those Zhiyang martial arts, then I believe your martial arts strength should improve very quickly."

Su Liangjun chuckled and said, "I think, you must not practice, because after you practice, you don't become a man again, then let someone do it completely, and you have the heart to cry."

Jiaoyang immediately pointed at Su Liangjun angrily, and said loudly, "Believe it or not, I will throw you outside right now. Believe it or not, I will make you never approach us again. Believe it or not, if you have a chance to enter next time, When the time comes, we won't take you with us."

Faced with such torture of the soul, Su Liangjun begged for mercy with some helplessness, "Auntie, I'm wrong, it's okay."

"Stop and don't run, stop for me!!!"

Suddenly there was a loud roar from outside, which completely interrupted what Su Liangjun was going to say.

Su Liangjun breathed a sigh of relief quickly, he really didn't know how to continue, this is really a very good thing, and finally he won't continue to say something against his will.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "There are a lot of people chasing outside, a man, this man seems to be holding a baby in his arms, and their position seems to be running towards us."

Chen Weimin stood up immediately, and said in disbelief, "Who the hell are they? They are so cruel that they don't even let a baby go, but they are coming here, let's wait here and see what the hell they are doing." .”

At this moment, the person holding the baby rushed in quickly, but he was already injured in many places at this time, so coupled with his rapid running, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

At this moment, those people behind also rushed in quickly, they didn't pay attention to Bai Yunfei and the others, but directly and quickly turned to the escaped person, and said disdainfully, "It's up to you to teach all the martial arts you have learned. Come out, we can take your son's life, if you don't say anything, I will smash your son to death in front of you right now."

The man turned over, hugged his child, sneered and said, "Do you think I will believe your words? You don't have any integrity at all, so I won't believe your words."

(End of this chapter)

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