Chapter 1074 Hu Yan
I saw all those people showed a hint of disdain and laughed wildly and said, "You boy, you really don't know how to live or die. I will let you know what will happen if you offend us. If you use all your martial arts If you leave it to us, rest assured that you will definitely survive. If you really don’t want to call, then you will die now, and before I kill you, I will let you father and son see each other again. The man rushed out directly and quickly, intending to snatch the child.


I saw someone else quickly hit those two people, and suddenly it turned into two people who were all thrown out.

Jiao Yang directly and quickly hugged the child in his arms, looked at those people coldly and said, "You people are really jerks, you actually managed to write such a method in order to win other people's martial arts cheats, how dare you write such a method?" What a bunch of scum.”

"You girl is really sharp-tongued, but why didn't you notice your existence just now? I think you were hiding just now, but it's useless for you to hide now, because we have all seen it now. It's your turn, since you plan to intervene, then hand over your martial arts to me."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Yanzi, we are really transparent people, the three of us who are so big are so ignored by others here, it can only be said that they really have long eyes It's here, it's gone to heaven."

Su Liangjun snorted coldly, and said to those people, "One last announcement for you, get out of here quickly, or you will blame me for being rude to you. Remember, if you remember to let me do it, your lives will be ruined." It's really hard to guarantee."

Those people before all showed a relentless smile, hehe, pointing at Bai Yunfei with wild laughter, the four of them said, "It seems that you are really planning to ask for your own death, if you enter, we will show up to you little ones!" , Cut all four of them to me."

"I will definitely chop them into meatloaf!"

Those younger brothers all brandished their weapons quickly, and killed Bai Yunfei and the four of them.

Bai Yunfei wasn't in any hurry, instead he smiled faintly and said, "It seems that someone has already treated us all as enough on the chopping board, it's really not fun to deal with them arbitrarily, you guys Who will teach them a lesson?"

Jiao Yang said coldly, "I have some inconveniences. I hold a child in my arms, so I will leave it to the three of you to choose."

Su Liangjun shook his head helplessly and said, "Look, the last chance is in my hands. If that's the case, then I'll deal with them, but I can explain in advance that if I kill them all Well, you can’t blame me for that.”

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Don't worry, these people are all damned, they don't have any kindness in them, so there is absolutely no problem in killing them, so you just kill them all, this The place is just right for them to bury, and people like them are a corpse wilderness."

Chen Weimin shook his head slightly and said, "It's not only that their corpses will attract a lot of bugs, it may cause some bugs at that time, it's not a joke, so we absolutely can't put their The corpses are placed here, and their corpses should be destroyed so that there will be no problems."

My sister and the others quickly struggled, because they had never seen such an arrogant person before, they had never seen anyone, they didn't pay attention to them, and they even regarded them as dead people, which made everyone They all felt a very strong pressure, and they all frantically killed the four of them.

Su Liangjun directly and quickly picked up the knife in his hand, and quickly killed these people like a thunderbolt. The only way to get kung fu, these people were very arrogant, and all of them turned into frightened faces, but they didn't With one move, after a gust of wind, they all fell to the ground and turned into a pile of meat paste.

Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said coldly, "You can kill people as soon as you see them. Why do you have to make it so bloody? You don't know that there is another child here. If you scare the child, what should you do? And He is so young, are you planning to ruin his life?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, squatted down, quickly took out a piece of medicine, gave it to the man, and finally said with a faint smile, "What's your name? Why did you have to come here to make trouble? You must know that if you ran to other places, you would not cause us any trouble at all, and you have a child with you, do you really think that you can escape their pursuit?"

Hu Yan shook her head slightly and said, "I have no other choice. I can't just throw away my child. My family members are all dead. Now this child is my only family. I can only Seeing their own son die at their hands, it is precisely because they saw this that they planned to use my son to threaten me, if it wasn't for my desperate efforts, the child would have been snatched away by them."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled slightly and said, "Now you don't have to worry, because those people have all been killed, but did they really see your martial arts? Then why did your martial arts make them think about it?"

Hu Yan shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know why they are following me, but I know that they must be entrusted by others, otherwise they would never know that I have such martial arts. It has not been shown in other places, and I don't know where they know it. These damned bastards, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be separated from my wife. Now I can only find my own son slowly. To survive in this place, what I want to do most now is to bring up my own children, and don’t live in hatred forever like me.”

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "However, your thoughts are probably useless, because now everyone has been killed, so no one will come to embarrass you again."

(End of this chapter)

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