Chapter 1085 Funny Death

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and acted directly and quickly, because he couldn't continue to delay here. If he could find them, that would be considered very good news, but if he couldn't find them, then that would be great news. It can only be considered their bad luck.

While killing the surrounding beasts, Bai Yunfei quickly ran in other directions, because he now understood that there is no so-called safe zone here, and all the surroundings are wild beasts, and these beasts are constantly moving around. Attacking the people around, as long as you can persist until the end, you can win, if you can't persist, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

After Bai Yunfei killed the surrounding beasts, he found that there were no wild beasts around, so he breathed a sigh of relief, found a relatively clean place, and rested.

Strange to say, there was no one around, as if nothing existed.Bai Yunfei Siyuan also wanted to kill some people, but no one could only rest by himself.

Although Bai Yunfei didn't know why the beasts around him didn't come looking for him anymore, but he was also happy to relax, drinking a little wine and slowly looking outside.

Suddenly Bai Yunfei stood up, because he found his target, a man, running extremely fast, and behind him were many beasts.

I saw that although those beasts were following the man, they couldn't match the man no matter what, and the man over there was running crazily, trying to get rid of the beasts behind.

But no matter how he ran and dodged, there was no way to make those beasts.

At this moment, he made a move that surprised Bai Yunfei, that is, he turned his head back again, got into the group of wild beasts, avoided the attacks of those wild beasts, and directly caused the wild beasts to confuse themselves stand up.

At this time, the man ran towards Bai Yunfei directly and quickly.

Bai Yunfei didn't intend to kill that man, but said with a faint smile, "Run this way, I can block all the beasts behind you for you!"

But that man didn't believe Bai Yunfei's words. After all, no one in this world could help him, they were all his enemies, so he ran away directly to the side.

But it's a pity that he didn't choose the right position, and fell directly into a huge deep pit. Before he had time to react, he was rushed in by many wild beasts, and was crushed to death alive.

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly, and said lightly, "I told you everything, I can block those explanations later for you, but you just don't listen to it yourself. This is great, it's easier for me."

Bai Yunfei jumped up quickly, and quickly killed those wild beasts, because he was very idle in this life, so he was 10 points faster, and he killed all these wild beasts in a short time Get it clean.

After Bai Yunfei quickly put away all the supplies, he quickly left here and continued to rest.

As time passed, Bai Yunfei suddenly stood up, because he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because he suddenly felt a hint of danger, as if his life was in danger, he felt 10% trust in him, so he quickly took out his weapon and watched 4 weeks cautiously.

A black beast appeared directly and quickly in front of him. This black beast did not attack rashly, but looked at Bai Yunfei coldly.

Bai Yunfei showed a slight smile, and said with a faint smile, "I just didn't expect that there would be someone with the same strength as me. This is really amazing, but can you let me break through? I'm really looking forward to it!" of."

The beast let out a roar, and flew towards Baiyun extremely quickly.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly swung the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand, and immediately repelled the beast a few steps.

Bai Yunfei jumped up directly and quickly, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand slammed at the wild beast very aggressively, and those beasts screamed, and they were killed by him directly.

Bai Yunfei frowned immediately, because he could clearly feel that it was definitely not this beast that brought him a dangerous aura, but other beasts, but he hadn't found it yet.

Bai Yunfei's ears moved quickly, he quickly listened to all the movements in the four weeks, but unfortunately he didn't hear any movements at all, as everything was very quiet, but Bai Yunfei's dangerous The feeling didn't decrease in any way, but became more intense.

"Interesting, it can actually bring me a sense of danger, and it can also prevent me from noticing anything. It's really interesting. Let me see what kind of thing can actually bring me danger. If it can be eliminated, it should be able to break through its current strength."

Bai Yunfei walked cautiously, but he didn't really take it too seriously, because he was 10% sure that he could take correct precautions when the danger came, so he was here, waiting openly The danger is coming.

As time passed slowly, Bai Yunfei became more and more quiet for 4 weeks, as if there was no movement for 4 weeks, but Bai Yunfei knew that he was not really safe, and then he was in real danger. Because only a very powerful beast can make some of the surrounding beasts dare not approach.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei's heart moved, he quickly took out the bow and arrow, and quickly shot it towards the sky.

And he didn't just shoot one arrow, but directly and quickly shot dozens of arrows.

All those arrows quickly disappeared into the sky without a trace, but Bai Yunfei didn't have any accidents, instead, he waited slowly there.

A few minutes later, Bai Yunfei directly and quickly discovered that he had gained many bright spots, and his strength was still slowly accumulating.

Just when Bai Yunfei thought nothing was going on, suddenly there was a rumbling sound in the distance.

Bai Yunfei quickly shot dozens of arrows in the direction of the sound.But Bai Yunfei didn't feel at ease, instead he became more serious, because he knew that the arrows he shot would have no effect at all.

The most he could do was to threaten him or give him some warnings so that he wouldn't dare to approach, but Bai Yunfei knew that it probably wouldn't have any effect.

(End of this chapter)

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