Chapter 1086 The Black Orangutan

What Bai Yunfei was worried about really happened. All the numbers he said were shot down, and at the same time, his enemy also showed his appearance as a very huge Black gorilla.

I saw this very huge orangutan waving its fists directly and quickly, and smashed towards Bai Yunfei quickly.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly while resisting and backed away. Now he can only find that he seems to be cheated by himself. He never imagined that the strength of this black orangutan has reached the half-step martial spirit level. strength.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly waved the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand, constantly fighting with this huge black orangutan, retreating while fighting.

Because Bai Yunfei could clearly feel his own strength, he was no match for this black star at all, so he could only win with skill.

When Bai Yunfei was fighting this black police dog, ten uninvited guests came here quickly, and all these people were running quickly. No one thought that there would be a fight here, just as they were about to escape It was too late, the black orangutan gave up on Bai Yunfei and directly and quickly attacked those people.

Those people were no match for the black orangutan at all, and they were beaten to pieces by the black orangutan before they had time to react. In a short while, everyone was chased and killed by the black orangutan .

Bai Yunfei was sure that he didn't intend to do anything, but was recovering his physical strength quickly, because he had indeed consumed a lot just now, so he had to recover now, and finally perform some lethal martial arts, otherwise it would really be a waste of time. Not a black orangutan counterpart at all.

The black stars patted his chest quickly, and walked towards Bai Yunfei step by step. Obviously he has reached his peak now, so he showed his strength like Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei took this opportunity to recover directly and quickly, counting 10 throwing knives, all of these flying knives were shot at the image of this black orangutan today, but they did not cause any harm to him, all of them were shot by him. He blocked it with one arm.

Bai Yunfei didn't give up at all, instead he jumped up quickly, and the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand hit the chimpanzee's head as fast as a shooting star.

At this time, the black star was obviously very assured of his defense, so he didn't intend to dodge, but quickly waved his fist and hit Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei gritted his teeth at this moment, without any hesitation, he directly and quickly increased the strength, only heard a click, Bai Yunfei flew out backwards, and hit the ground heavily.

However, Bai Yunfei didn't feel sad at all. Instead, he showed a slight smile, and said with a haha ​​smile, "No matter how powerful you are, you still haven't escaped my calculations. I killed you, which is really unfortunate It's easy, but this time I really want to thank you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to break through to the level of Wuling."

As soon as Bai Yunfei finished speaking, his sister's black orangutan fell to the ground quickly, completely lifeless.

Bai Yunfei didn't act rashly, but directly and quickly swung the throwing knife in his hand, and the flying knife flew out in an instant and shot the head of a man who was hiding in the dark
Because as early as when he was watering, he had already felt that someone was peeping in the dark, but at that time he was wholeheartedly fighting with this black horned wild shooter, so he must have not paid attention to the person outside, but now that person is planning to sneak attack It happened to be noticed by Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei jumped up quickly, came to the side of that person, picked up all the things he dropped, and finally left here quickly, because now he still needs to find other people and kill them all. Waiting here, I don't know when to wait.

As time passed slowly, Tianfei gradually came to a very weird town, because this town was full of beasts, but the identities of these people were abnormal, because they also said that they would not stay in one place unless There are people in this place, but there is no trace of anyone around.

Bai Yunfei was at a loss for a moment, he really didn't know what was going on with his son recently, he always misheard things, he clearly heard movement inside, but now he couldn't hear any movement.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any carelessness, instead he quickly took out some Thunderbolt bombs, and quickly threw them towards them.

After hearing a crackling sound, Bai Yunfei suddenly smiled slightly, because he suddenly felt a strengthening in his body, and sure enough, the person inside had been killed by him.

After Bai Yunfei directly and quickly killed all the wild beasts around him, he came inside very easily, and he found that the person who fell after death was not picked up. He really didn't expect that person to be very insidious, he actually hid in the A 10-point four-legged place, waiting for Bai Yunfei's arrival, if Bai Yunfei really went up, he would be completely drowned by him.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from around, obviously someone was also attracted here, Bai Yunfei hid directly and quickly, quietly waiting for the arrival outside.

I saw a woman sneaking in and quickly walked in. After finding that there was no one, she was slightly relieved and rested.

Bai Yunfei did not summon to attack the woman, but quietly waited for the person behind to appear, because this is not one person, but two people working together, yes, but this does not violate the regulations, so it does not was not punished.

I saw a person walking in directly and quickly. This person was wearing a mask to see from the left and right. When only this woman was left, he breathed a sigh of relief and took off the mask. It turned out to be a woman.

"It's really dangerous. I can finally find a place to have a good rest. I really didn't expect this place to be so cruel. If it weren't for the two of us cooperating tacitly, I'm afraid I would have been killed by other people. .”

The woman who entered first nodded slightly, and said seriously, "As long as we can continuously improve our strength here, we can change our own destiny. This is our real chance to turn around, so we must seize it." Hold him."

(End of this chapter)

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