Chapter 1087 Conversation
Bai Yunfei came out from his hiding place, and said with a faint smile, "That's right, as long as you seize the opportunity, you will definitely be able to turn over. If you can't catch it, you won't be able to turn over."

The two women were all taken aback, took a quick step back, looked at Bai Yunfei warily and said, "Who are you? Why didn't you find you here just now? What are you going to do? Tell you that the two of us are not afraid of you alone!"

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a slight smile, and said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, I don't have any malice towards you two. If I have any malice towards you two, do you think you two can live to this day? I Killed both of you a long time ago."

One of the women looked at Bai Yunfei boldly and said, "Then what are you going to do? Let me tell you, we won't form a team with you. The two of us should still be within a narrow range. If we add you and form a team with us Otherwise, all three of us will be eliminated."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I don't intend to form a team with you, I just want to chat with you for a while."

The two women obviously didn't believe Bai Yunfei's words, they frowned and said, "How is this possible? Everyone in this world is killing each other. The two of us know each other and know each other, that's why we form a peaceful team. But you How could you have such an idea?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "The main reason is that I'm too boring. I haven't seen people like you for a long time here, so I plan to have a good communication with you. Isn't this a normal thing? "

The younger woman shook her head in confusion, "What's going on? Don't those beasts make you tired? It's really strange that you still have the mood to think about these things."

"What do you know, I have killed all those wild beasts completely, and there have been no wild beasts around me for a long time, and just now a very powerful beast appeared, and I have already killed them, so It's become 10 points boring again."

The two women looked at each other, and they were all a little speechless. They already knew that this was a powerful existence that they looked up to. They looked at each other immediately, and stepped back a few steps unsafely and said, " You are so powerful, so why are you still here, you can go out and hunt other people at will, if you kill them all, can't you leave this world?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Why would I do such a thing? Even if I don't kill them, as long as they can't hold on to the attacks of those beasts, they will die sooner or later, so there is absolutely no need for me to do this Wicked man, I just need to wait here slowly."

After the two women looked at each other, they all felt a little helpless, and said in a puzzled way, "Then if the two of us rely on you, wouldn't it be very safe for the two of us, because all the beasts I will definitely be killed by you."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Do you know why this world doesn't prevent the two of you from forming a team? If it were in the previous world, the two of you would have been completely eliminated long ago. The reason why we didn't see you two eliminated , that’s because this world is teamed up by default.”

After the two women looked at each other, the older woman said in surprise, "If this is the case, wouldn't it be better for many people to gather together and develop together? Yet?"

Bai Yunfei yelled and said, "I can tell you that the beast behind everyone is the same. If other people kill your beast, it means that your strength will be weaker than others. Of course, Unless you didn't kill me all the beasts."

The older woman suddenly said in surprise, "If this is the case, does it mean that it is possible to gather all of them together to make a person stronger, then can we form How about more people?"

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "You can try it like this. Of course, the premise is that you don't have to worry. Everyone will die. You must know that as long as there are more than 10 people in the team, what you will face is not an ordinary beast." , all of them are beasts of a higher level."

The younger woman suddenly said in horror, "If you say it like this, does it mean that no matter how we try to take advantage of the loopholes in this world, it is impossible? For those endless beasts, not to mention defense, even escape is impossible, let alone those of a higher level, it is simply asking for a dead end."

Bai Yunfei said with a chuckle, "That's a good question, it's just looking for death, but you two have caused me some trouble now, because some wild beasts have appeared behind you, I'm afraid it won't take long The beasts of both of you will be here quickly."

The two women looked at each other, all of them showed a trace of panic, and said with some despair, "If there are so many people before there, then the two of us are really doomed, can we two have a good time here with you?" How about surviving?"

Bai Yunfei did show a smile and said, "I'm very sorry, I'm just chatting with you here for a while, and I don't intend to help you. This is your own chance. Didn't you two just say that you should seize the opportunity?" ? This is your chance, so it's up to you."

The two women felt a little helpless at once, but finally they also admitted that what Bai Yunfei said was correct, so the two left the place quickly and ran at top speed while using the terrain to fight with the beasts behind.

Bai Yunfei smiled when he saw the two women who had already left.

"It's boring to stay here, and it's time to go outside and have a good time. I really hope that the people behind will bring me some interesting beasts, otherwise I will be too heartless."

After Bai Yunfei moved his hands and feet, he quickly left his resting place and went looking for wild animals everywhere.

Everyone else was avoiding wild beasts, but when it came to Bai Yunfei, it turned into looking for wild beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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