Chapter 1093 Crazy Battle

Everyone smiled slightly, and went directly to find the house quickly, because they had to use the next time to quickly find some useful supplies, and only when they found these supplies could they survive to the end.

As time passed, they had searched for enough supplies, and found a 10-point, easy-to-defend, hard-to-attack place by the way, and slowly waited for the next battle.

Bai Yunfei saw that everyone was a little nervous and smiled and said, "Why are you so nervous? Don't worry, we will definitely survive to the end. With these things, everyone can take turns defending. Only one person is needed here. If we can resist the subsequent attacks, we can take turns to do this, and we will definitely be able to persevere until the end."

Chen Weimin frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "Brother Bai, why didn't we just kill all those wild beasts in one go, but choose a relatively narrow place here, and if there is an accident here If there are too many beasts, what should we do? Will it directly affect us?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, it won't affect us in any way, and these beasts are not as scary as you imagined, you just need to wait here, why don't they Everything has been cleaned up, that's because the next battle is definitely not what you could have imagined before, because those beasts can't be killed at all, so just wait here slowly."

I saw that just as Bai Yunfei said, all the beasts howled quickly, and rushed towards the place where Bai Yunfei left.

Ma Xiaoliu volunteered to stand in the first position, and saw that he held a long knife and quickly cut off several wild beasts rushing up.

But the wild beasts behind continued to attack him, but only three or two wild beasts could appear at a time, and if they caught up with larger wild beasts, there could only be one.

Ma Xiaoliu directly and quickly swung the knife in his hand, beheading all the attacking beasts to death, but the beasts behind continued to charge towards him.

Su Liangjun said with a little emotion, "I just didn't expect that if you hadn't thought of such a way in advance, Brother Bai, all of us would have died under the attack of these beasts. These beasts simply don't have any wisdom, and Not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, this is the scariest thing."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's true, only those who are not afraid of any death can be truly fearless, and only fearless people can truly survive. In fact, this can also let you know what is called true fearlessness."

At this moment, Ma Xiaoliu was suddenly sweating profusely, and his breathing became very rapid. It was obvious that the battle just now had consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Su Liangjun stepped forward to take his place, and continued to attack those wild beasts. All the wild beasts kept attacking Su Liangjun, but they could only continue helplessly, and all of them died under his knife.

Ma Xiaoliu took a short breath, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Their attack strength is really too great. If this continues, I'm afraid we won't be able to really rest. What should we do? Is there really no way for us to continue defending?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "The next battle may really be 10 points difficult, but as long as we cooperate well, everyone should be able to rest, so there is no need to be like this, let's go quickly have a rest."

Jiao Yang looked at the whip in his hand and said helplessly, "I just didn't expect it to feel so narrow here. My whip can't be used at all, I can only use the sword, but my swordsmanship is not as good as the whip. I'm afraid there will be some people who are not very good." it is good."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I told you before, don't just practice one weapon, you should practice several more, but if you didn't listen, you regret it now, but these beasts can just become your swordsmanship." The best goal, I believe it will definitely allow you to quickly improve your swordsmanship."

Jiao Yang suddenly felt helpless, shook his head, and said lightly, "But I always feel that this is not very good. If it is true, then I will definitely hold you back."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, such a situation will never happen, you just need to perform well, as long as you can buy more time for everyone .”

It was Su Liangjun who had quickly killed hundreds of wild beasts, but he was also exhausted at this time, he was panting continuously, and his face was still very pale.

But he was not in a hurry to get someone to replace him. Instead, he continued to persevere because he knew that if he could persevere a little longer, the people behind him could rest a little longer.

Chen Weimin couldn't stand it any longer, so he quickly took his place, and said loudly to him, "Don't be brave, go back and rest quickly, you have to know that if you die, then the real loss outweighs the gain, hurry up!" Go back and rest."

Chen Weiming waved the sword in his hand directly and quickly, and saw that the light quickly enveloped the beasts in front of him, and all the beasts died quickly under his sword. There is a blank space in the middle.

But before he could really catch his breath, the beasts behind rushed up again, and those beasts still had no fear, and quickly attacked him.

Chen Weimin had no choice but to directly and quickly use the most practical melee attack to kill the beast in front of him continuously.

Jiaoyang suddenly remembered something, directly and quickly took out many hidden weapons, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Although I can't use the reform method, I can still use hidden weapons. In the past, if I use hidden weapons, Would it be better to share the burden for him beside him?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, nodded and said, "If you think that your love status can help him 10 points, then you can help him according to your own ideas, but if you don't care about yourself If you don’t have any confidence in the tranquility, then you just wait obediently.”

(End of this chapter)

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