Chapter 1094 Serial War

Jiao Yang nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, I think those who can help him will never let him down, so I will help him now."

The scorching sun directly and quickly moved forward to the hidden weapon in his hand, and quickly shot towards the beasts.

I saw that one of the wild beasts wanted to make a sneak attack on Chen Weimin, but before he could make a sneak attack, it was directly hit by a hidden weapon and fell to the ground.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and sat directly aside, quietly waiting for his battle, because he knew that he had to squeeze the potential of all of them, only in this way could they quickly improve their strength, If their potential is not squeezed, I am afraid that these guys will never have much potential to improve.

Bai Yunfei took out a jug of wine and drank it slowly, while Su Liangjun and Ma Xiaoliu next to him were constantly adjusting, not daring to relax, trying their best to restore their strength.

After Chen Weimin quickly killed all the beasts around him again, he took a short breath, smiled and said to the scorching sun next to him, "I really didn't expect that the effect of the two of us working together is really good, so I can fight There is more time, but do you still have enough hidden weapons?"

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly, and said with some embarrassment, "I don't have many hidden weapons left at all, but I can still hold on for some time, buy some time for everyone, then we can live longer. "

Chen Weimin nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, you can just watch for me here. When I'm in danger, you can shoot the hidden weapon for me. If I can deal with it, you will be by my side." Just watch it, so we can save some hidden weapons."

Jiao Yang nodded slightly, and said earnestly, "Okay, then I will watch for you, and when you can't hold on, I will come for you, and I have two big killers, you should think It will give us all a break."

Chen Weimin quickly cut a beast in front of him in half, and said to the scorching sun with some differences, "Really? You still have two big weapons. What kind of treasures can you call them killers?" ?”

Jiao Yang chuckled and said, "I won't tell you, you'll know when the time comes, how terrifying the killer weapon I'm talking about is, I think it can give us all a quick rest."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said lightly, "But even if you really have a powerful weapon, you must pay attention to it and don't come back here, otherwise we really won't be here. Defended."

Jiaoyang smiled and said, "Don't worry, this place will never be destroyed, don't worry, you will definitely thank me very much at that time, unexpectedly having such a hole card will definitely give you a very huge Surprisingly, you can just watch a good show here."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because he always felt a little uneasy. It can be said that he chose this place after a lot of consideration, but if he really has a weapon that is huge and lethal If it is, it will really destroy their natural and dangerous places. If it is really destroyed, then they may not last long and all of them will die.

Jiaoyang seemed to see everyone's worries, and said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, it will definitely not have any impact on this place, and it will not cause too much threat to the surrounding environment, but, we Maybe it needs to be more ideal, if you accidentally inhale some of his ingredients, it is easy to be poisoned."

Bai Yunfei was very surprised and said, "Don't tell me, you found two Poison Cloud Pills?"

"How do you know? I don't seem to have told anyone. How could you guess it all at once? It seems that you really know a lot about this place, or do you have something like this in your hand?" Jiaoyang immediately said to Bai Yunfei in disbelief.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, nodded and said, "You're really not wrong at all, I really do have such things, but I've always been thinking about the wind direction here, because if the wind direction is good, If it is used, then we can have a long time to rest, but if the risk is not good, it is equivalent to using it for ourselves, and the effect is very serious."

While resisting the attack of wild beasts, Chen Weimin said helplessly, "I just realized now that I am the poorest person, and you all can get so many magical props, but I have never seen them before. It’s such a huge gap.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You don't have to be like this. These are just some minor operations. As long as your luck is good, you will be able to get such supplies. If your luck is not good, There is really no way, but I believe your luck must be divided well."

At this time, Chen Weimin's face also became a little pale, and his breathing was a little uneven.

After the scorching sun directly and quickly fired a few hidden weapons, he took Chen Weimin's place and quickly attacked the beast closest to him with a sword in his hand.

Before, he and the two closest beasts were constantly attacking each other back and forth. The beast behind was very annoyed and angry, and rushed to the front directly and quickly. The same was true for the beasts behind. It's all stuck here.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, quickly took out a thunderbolt, and instantly threw it at the most beasts among them.

After hearing the crackling sound, all the beasts in my sister's place were dead, and there were no more beasts around, and it became an empty place.

And the few wild beasts in the front have also been beheaded by the most difficult sword by the scorching sun.

Bai Yunfei walked over, smiled faintly, and said to the scorching sun, "Your expression is already very good, now you can just take it with you, and leave the rest of the battle to me."

The sun nodded slightly, without any hesitation, he ran to the back quickly and quickly rested.

(End of this chapter)

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