Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1095 Failure of the First Position

Chapter 1095 Failure of the First Position

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly fired a hidden weapon.I saw this hidden weapon passing through the bodies of many beasts directly and quickly.

Today, all these beasts fell to the ground. Bai Yunfei slowly waited for the beasts behind to continue to come up, but after waiting for a long time, none of the beasts came up. Obviously, the hidden weapon he just shot was a little far away. , There are a few more beasts killed.

At this moment, a very powerful roar came from the front suddenly.

I saw a black beast rushing out quickly, Bai Yunfei looked carefully but found that this black beast was actually a wild boar.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a faint smile and said with a faint smile, "I really didn't expect that wild boars can make such a mighty roar all the time. This is really interesting. I really didn't expect that this world is still so interesting."

I saw this black wild boar directly and quickly supercharged Bai Yunfei, and Bai Yunfei quickly waved Fang Tian's painted halberd towards this black wild boar.

With a bang, the black wild boar was directly pierced by Bai Yunfei, and was thrown flying out to block the path of the beast behind.

Bai Yunfei stood there with a phone in his hand, slowly waiting for the beasts behind to arrive, but for some reason, the beasts behind did not rush up directly, but all of them were spinning back and forth non-stop , just dare not step forward.

Bai Yunfei did frowned slightly. Their abnormality made Bai Yunfei even more worried, because these beasts didn't have their own soul wisdom at all, so if they didn't dare to come up, it meant that there must be others. thing.

Bai Yunfei directly inserted Fang Tian's painting halberd beside him, took out two throwing knives in his hands, and quietly waited for some abnormalities around him.

At this moment, only two sounds of "click" and "click" came quickly, and two black pangolins appeared in the stones on both sides. They directly expanded the easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack road a lot.

"I'm going. I really didn't expect to be able to play like this. It's too shameless. The surrounding environment can be used in this way. This is simply driving people to death!" Su Liangjun had recovered at this time, and saw the This scene, suddenly said in surprise.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly threw out the hidden weapon in his hand, killing all the pangolins, and then quickly took a few steps forward, rushing towards the beasts.

All the wild beasts went crazy and continued to attack Bai Yunfei, and Bai Yunfei was immediately surrounded by many wild beasts.

Just when Su Liangjun wanted to help, Bai Yunfei said lightly, "But I don't need your help, you can just rest there, and I can do it myself."

Bai Yunfei quickly waved the Fang Tian painting halberd in his hand, and all the wild beasts surrounded by him were knocked out by him, and the wild beasts behind him were directly knocked away by the corpses of these wild beasts. There is a vacuum.

Bai Yunfei stood on the spot with a slight smile, looked at the beasts that continued to struggle and wanted to attack, snorted and said, "It's just you beasts who want to attack us. Take a good shot."

Bai Yunfei directly took out a red knife. This red knife exuded a red light, which was very strange.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly made a horizontal slash, only to see a red sword glow flying out from the high school, and in an instant, all the beasts in front of him were swallowed by this red sword glow.

Bai Yunfei quickly turned to the people behind who had all recovered, and said loudly, "There can no longer be any defenses here, hurry up and leave here and go to our second position."

Chen Weimin and the others quickly followed Bai Yunfei's words, left here quickly, and ran to the second position, which was even better than the first position.

Jiao Yang frowned slightly, and said worriedly, "If we can't hold on here, it will definitely be a disaster. We have no other way out."

Su Liangjun nodded slightly and said, "Yeah, it's really too bad. I really didn't expect that there is such a weird attack method. Don't these damned people say that they have no wisdom? How can they know that they are sent from the side?" How about we sabotage our existing facilities?"

Chen Weimin frowned slightly and said, "Although these beasts don't have any souls, their goal is to kill us, so they will definitely kill us by any means, so no matter what means, they will kill us." It can be displayed, so we must be more careful, and we must not be as careless as before."

Ma Xiaoliu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Actually, we found these two places to be 10 points. At least we don't have to worry about the crisis in the sky, because the beasts in the sky are the most terrifying. It is 10 points more terrifying than these land beasts."

The sun nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "Yes, the place that Brother Bai found is really good. If he hadn't found this place, it would be really difficult for us to spend these days here so peacefully." Danger, I can guess now, I am afraid there are not many people left outside now."

Su Liangjun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, even if they can find such a good place like us, there is no way they can defend as well as we do. They can only wait for the army of these beasts to completely wipe them all out." To be devoured."

Bai Yunfei swung the red knife in his hand again, and after killing all the beasts in front of him, he quickly evacuated from here, but when he evacuated, he directly and quickly took all the destructive weapons, all of them Throw it out.

I saw bursts of terrifying explosion sounds coming from behind him quickly, all the beasts were swallowed by these terrifying flames, and Bai Yunfei left here quickly.

Bai Yunfei quickly came to the second position, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone, "It's up to you, I'm going to take a rest now, I'm really tired, these damned beasts really There are too many of them, and they can’t be killed at all.”

(End of this chapter)

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