Chapter 1101
Bai Yunfei and the others quickly came to a new city wall, but something surprised them happened.

A young man with a sledgehammer quickly blocked Bai Yunfei's path.

"You are the legendary Bai Yunfei. I want to see if your strength is as strong as they say in the legend. If you can't beat me, then don't mention it again. What is number one in the world?"

After Bai Yunfei took a look at the man, he shook his head slightly and said, "What does it matter to you whether I am number one in the world? If you really want to challenge me, then you have to be prepared to die." Get ready, I won't let you go."

The man sneered and said, "I think you are already timid. Give me a good comparison. As long as you can beat me, I will admit that you are number one in the world."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "You are really very helpless, do you see how many people can talk like you? Since I am already number one in the world, Why do I still have to compare with you, why do I have to let you admit it? Does it have anything to do with me whether you admit it or not? "

The strong man swung the hammer in his hand directly and quickly, and quickly smashed it towards Bai Yunfei.

Ma Xiaoliu directly stepped forward to block his hammer, quickly forced him back a few steps, and then said coldly, "You are really a rascal, you dare to do it without anyone's promise, I Seeing that you really don't know how to live or die, if you really want to die, I will help you now."

After the man sneered, he said, "You really are a deceitful person. It's really shameless to rely on other people to block you for yourself."

Bai Yunfei stopped him, and the very angry people sneered, and said to the man, "Although I don't know who made you come, but if you want to wave like this, then I will Complete you."

Bai Yunfei walked over with his bare hands, and the man over there directly picked up his hammer, and quickly threw it at Bai Yunfei.

But what made this man very powerful was that Bai Yunfei caught his hammer very easily, and snatched it from his hand with all his strength.

Bai Yunfei sneered, and swung it quickly. The hammer immediately blew the man away, and at the same time, the man felt great pain in his body before he could react. Flying back and forth like a roller coaster, never stopping.

Just when the man over there felt boundless pain, he suddenly felt a force burst out from his chest, and immediately hit the ground again. A very huge hammer appeared, and this hammer was his hammer, and it immediately knocked out his head.

Seeing the man who died so miserable, Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said indifferently, "What a reckless guy, he dared to say so many bastard words, he deserves his death."

Bai Yunfei continued to walk forward, without even looking at the man's body, he just walked into the city.

Su Liangjun shook his head slightly, and said with a sigh, "I really don't know what these guys are thinking. Knowing that Brother Bai is so strong, they dare to challenge Brother Bai like this. It can be said that they are reckless." , if they could be more sensible, the current situation would definitely not happen."

Jiao Yang chuckled and said, "Who made them want to die like this, but I believe that there will be many such things in the future, and I'm afraid there will be more people who will die by then. The only thing I'm afraid of now is that if Brother Bai If you are directly annoyed by them, will you take away the strength behind these people?"

Chen Weimin nodded slightly and said, "I'm afraid they will, and they will never make it so easy. I want to see how many people dare to challenge Brother Bai, but this is also good. Let these chaos If all sources are removed, the province will be in chaos."

The few of them also followed Bai Yunfei quickly, entered the city quickly, and didn't pay attention to the entity, but soon some people came here quickly, and seeing the actual tragedy of the sentence, all of them were shocked. Showing a trace of unbearable, he finally and quickly disposed of the corpse.

Just as Bai Yunfei sat down at the inn, Chen Weimin and the others quickly walked in and sat beside him, but at this moment, a very young man, holding a fan, slowly sat aside.

Su Liangjun frowned slightly, looked at their young man and said coldly, "Sir, you don't seem to be our friend at all, can you go to other places to do it? We won't welcome you here at all."

The young son-in-law smiled faintly and said, "I know you and I saw your last battle was very exciting, but do you think that you can order a scholar to do what he doesn't want to do?"

Su Liangjun frowned slightly, and said coldly, "What I said just now was to ask you to leave our seat, because you are not our friend at all, so please don't sit here."

The young son over there shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "I am willing to sit here, is it according to you? This inn does not stipulate that this seat is yours, and what can you do?" Proof, this is yours, have I hindered you by sitting here?"

Seeing this sophistry scholar, Su Liangjun took a deep breath, sat aside, and stopped talking, Chen Weimin smiled slightly and said, "You have successfully attracted our attention, your strategy has succeeded , tell me, what exactly do you want to do? Or explain your purpose?"

The scholar showed a slight smile, and said with a soft smile, "My lord, please don't be offended by my impoliteness. Only in this way can I truly make friends with you. I just want to make friends with you." That's all, no other extra thoughts."

Jiaoyang sneered and said, "Do you think none of us will believe what you said? Are you really going to make friends with us? But it's a pity to tell you that we won't make any friends with you."

(End of this chapter)

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