Chapter 1102 Vicious means

The scholar smiled slightly and said, "I believe you will definitely need me, because only I can make you stronger, because in your previous battles, I saw that you have I can correct many bad things for you and make you more united and stronger, I believe you will definitely need me."

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "A clown dares to speak such wild words, do you know what is the setup between us? Do you know what kind of difficulty it will be inside? And it's aimed at you This kind of guy who has been eliminated long ago, do you really think you are qualified to be our friend? And you just know some fallacies, as for some real knowledge, I'm afraid you don't understand anything at all. "

The scholar stood up but said with a faint smile, "If you say that, then I really can't think highly of you anymore, people like you will have no future at all. "

After the scholar finished speaking, he left here directly and walked outside.

But before waiting for a long time, someone outside exclaimed that the scholar had died outside.

At this moment, several soldiers walked in quickly, came to Bai Yunfei's side, and said coldly, "You are accused of murder, so please come with us."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said lightly, "I want to know who told us to kill, and you are talking about the scholar outside. He died outside, not in front of us. , Does this have anything to do with us? If you ask people casually like this, then you really have a big problem."

The soldier frowned slightly, a little puzzled, he could only point to himself and said, "I have something to hear, why don't I know what it is?"

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "Of course your problem is that you came to me too much, and the rest of you didn't ask anything at all, just walked towards me, which is enough to show that all of this was planned by you." Okay, and how did the scholar die? Don't you guys know?"

The soldier took a step back, took out his weapon, and said coldly, "Are you planning to resist? How dare you mess around here like this. Hurry up and follow me back for investigation, otherwise I will kill you right now."

But just after the soldier finished speaking, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and suddenly found that his throat hurt, and finally his feet lost any strength, and he also flew high.

"I can understand that you are threatening me, then I can have a lot of power to resist, so little one, before speaking, it is very important to look at the situation and who to talk to, whether you have the ability. "

The soldier flew upside down and hit the scholar's body. The soldier didn't die, but he couldn't move for a while, and could only lie there like a corpse.

Bai Yunfei looked at the meals on the table, and said regretfully, "I've been delayed by these nasty guys. Now I really have no way to continue eating. Let's go outside and have a look at that scholar." What is the cause of death, I want to see who dares to plot against me like this."

Chen Weimin opened his mouth slightly, but then shook his head helplessly, not daring to say anything, because he knew that Bai Yunfei must be very angry now, so nothing he said would be of any use, so he could hope Tell Bai Yunfei to kill less people.

Scorching Yang frowned slightly and said, "It looks like it must be the fault of the controller of this city, but what is the owner of this city thinking? Why do you dare to provoke us for no reason? They should know about you." They still dare to do this despite their identity, the obvious things don’t take you seriously.”

Su Liangmin frowned slightly and said, "According to what we have seen today, it can only explain one thing, that is, the city owner in this city has decided to rebel, or he has already rebelled."

Ma Xiaoliu shook his head, and said in a puzzled way, "Why? How can we tell that the city lord has rebelled?"

Su Liangjun chuckled and said, "Didn't you notice that some of the actions and decorations of those soldiers have changed a little bit? Generally, all soldiers must be uniformly dressed, but now some subtle things have happened. Change, that can only show that they have begun to pay less attention to the uniform dress now."

Bai Yunfei walked slowly outside the inn, knelt down and threw the soldier away, then carefully examined the scholar's body, then stood up, sneered and said to the people around him, "You guys It's really a lot, to give such a lot of pills to a scholar, and he probably won't know that what he is serving is poison, but I don't care what kind of people you are, if you really plan to fight If I am the enemy, then just use any tricks, as long as you don't get caught by me, after I catch you, I will let you all die without a place to die."

But all the people around looked at Bai Yunfei with fearful eyes, obviously everyone was frightened by Bai Yunfei's aura.

Bai Yunfei took a few steps forward, frowned suddenly, took out a throwing knife from his bosom, and quickly shot it towards the distance.

With a scream, all the people looked over in surprise, and suddenly found a man clutching his arms and fell to the ground, and there was actually a child in front of him, but the child seemed to be frightened and stood there. The ground remained motionless.

Bai Yunfei looked at the man indifferently and said, "I've said it just now, what are you capable of doing to me? Don't insist on those innocent people. He is just a child. How dare you give him poison? I see you are really impatient."

Bai Yunfei's words made everyone's faces change drastically, and they all looked at the people around them vigilantly. They were also afraid that he would be poisoned to frame Bai Yunfei like this child.

(End of this chapter)

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