Chapter 1103 The Way of the People

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly at this time, and drove directly and quickly to a young son in the distance, and then came to him in an instant, and said lightly, "Is it very surprising, is it that I have never I thought about it, I can discover your existence, do I feel very good about myself, and I can randomly play these conspiracies behind the scenes?"

The young son was taken aback immediately, took a few steps back quickly, and said in disbelief, "This is impossible, no matter how high your education is, it is impossible for you to be so powerful, how did you discover my existence?" Or is it that there are your spies around or that you found my traces from other places, this is simply impossible, how did you do it?"

Bai Yunfei sneered, grabbed him directly, performed lightness kung fu and left here quickly, came to a relatively remote place, threw him on the ground, looked at the young man lightly and said, "You said to him earlier I've introduced it, I've heard it all, and it's in my ears, but since you plan to use such a vicious method, then I will also use the method of others to deal with others, so that you can enjoy the strategy you came up with Bar."

Bai Yunfei directly took out a thin needle in his hand, flicked it lightly, and instantly stabbed the young man's body, after that, Bai Yunfei left without looking at him.

This young man looked at Bai Yunfei who was leaving with some doubts. He didn't know what the hell Bai Yunfei was doing, and he didn't seem to have suffered any physical injuries.

"Since you didn't kill me, I must let you know the consequences of my offending me. I will make your life worse than death." The young man revealed a vicious mask and looked at Bai Yunfei's back coldly.

But at this moment, the young man suddenly felt a dazzling sensation coming from his body. He scratched unconsciously, but then he felt that the scratching became more and more itchy, and his whole body began to itch continuously. .

Immediately, he felt the uncomfortable feeling of time, and kept scratching his body with his hands. In the future, the clothes on his body were actually torn by him, and his hands were still tearing his body. skin.

At this moment, all his subordinates came here quickly, seeing the miserable appearance of this young son, they all fell down immediately, and fell to the ground one by one as if they had lost their souls, and they dared not have any more For any movement, he could only watch the young son scratch himself to death.

But what surprised them even more was that there was a comfortable smile on Brother Young Master's expression, which made all of them feel chills running down their backs.

At this time, Bai Yunfei had already returned to Chen Weimin's place, and he began to eat food again.

Jiao Yang asked curiously, "Brother Bai, how did you deal with that guy? Did you make him miserable? Did you give him a hard lesson?"

After Bai Yunfei finished eating the food in his bowl, he chuckled and said, "Judging from the current time, I'm afraid he has completely scratched himself to death."

Su Liangjun asked curiously, "What's going on? Brother Bai, what did you do to him?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said lightly, "I didn't do anything else to him, but just gave him an injection. This needle contains some poison that can make a person's body itchy and itchy until he I kept scratching my whole body until I scratched myself to death.”

All the people gasped. Although Bai Yunfei said it very easily, they definitely wouldn't think so, because they could definitely think of a person who could scratch their own child to death, how amazing that would be. pain.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, looked at their surprised expressions, shook his head slightly and said, "The reason why I treat him so cruelly is because this person is really hateful, and he is full of thoughts. It is all an evil plan. If his plan is successful, many people will die in his plan. For such people, there is no kindness at all, the only thing is to retaliate with an eye, let him Enjoy what is called a painful death, this is the greatest punishment for him."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "Yes, when dealing with these wicked people, we should let them know what pain is. Only in this way can these damned guys stop bullying ordinary people. It’s called enough is enough.”

Jiao Yang smiled again and said, "Brother Bai, do you have any antidote for this needle?"

Bai Yunfei nodded, smiled faintly and said, "Of course there is an antidote, why do you want it, do you have someone you want to deal with?"

Jiao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Bai, you really know me well. I just want to use these things for self-defense. I think it should be very simple to use them to ask something I want to know. .”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That's natural, if you get stabbed directly by him, the other party will definitely tell you everything, because they all want to die quickly, or want the antidote, so life and death It's all up to you to choose."

Chen Weimin frowned slightly, looked at Jiaoyang's happy face and couldn't help but said, "Although you can use it, you must be careful not to use it on those innocent people, if you use it on those innocent people I will never spare you."

The sun showed a slight smile, and said with a soft smile, "Don't worry, I will never stay with these innocent people. I will only treat those who hate me. will do something like this."

Su Liangjun couldn't help sighing when he saw that he was about to be so happy. He really felt sad when he heard those who offended the sun.

Because if he offended other people, he would be killed with a knife at most, but if he offended a woman like Jiao Yang, he might be tortured to death alive.

Bai Yunfei, but after drinking the wine, he said helplessly, "It's really helpless. There is no good wine or delicious food here. This city is really boring. Although the fabrics are not bad, but It's useless to me either."

(End of this chapter)

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