Chapter 1105 Bai Yunfei's Test
Bai Yunfei shook his head, smiled faintly and said, "It's not that I surrendered him, it's just that he wants something from me now, if he learns some knowledge from me and doesn't need me, he will Turn your face, the easiest thing for a person like this is to betray the teacher, so few people will teach them the real skills."

Jiao Yang was a little puzzled and said, "As for the electric mattress, why do you have to give it to him? Wouldn't it be enough to kill a person like this? People who have no promises like this are really annoying. "

Bai Yunfei shook his head, smiled faintly and said, "Then you just said it, in fact, people like him, he is the most pathetic person, originally they all wanted to learn something sincerely, but just Because I met some selfish people, I changed to the ghostly look I have now, but I think Mo Zidan's character is not good, as long as he corrects it a little, he can change it."

At this time, Mo Zitao came to Bai Yunfei directly and quickly with a lot of good wine, and said with a smile, "Sir, you can taste my wine, I think it will satisfy you very much."

After Bai Yunfei tasted it, his eyes lit up immediately, he nodded and said, "That's right, it really is some good wine, for the sake of giving me these wines, I'll give you a little mention, as for being able to learn How much depends on your own talent."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly passed some of the formations to Mo Zitao. Seeing that Mo Zitao nodded clearly, he immediately smiled and said, "Now there is nothing redundant between you and me. So I hope you can take care of yourself, sometimes you have to firmly believe in your choice, and don’t hesitate too much.”

Everyone left the valley and continued to move forward, but Bai Yunfei was really satisfied at this time, while drinking a small wine, he happily said to the others, "Next, we will go to a nearby city and eat some more. Things, after all, you probably haven’t eaten any good food in the past few days.”

Ma Xiaoliu was a little puzzled and said, "Brother Bai, why didn't you let that Huang Zitao follow us? Having him follow should save a lot of time, and his formation is also 10 points good. If we let him arrange it in In our 4 weeks, some wild animals will not be able to approach us at all, and we can rest outside in a more comfortable way."

Chen Weimin chuckled and said, "It's because of your thoughts that Big Brother Bai wouldn't do this, haven't you noticed? Sometimes relying too much on foreign things will reduce your own strength , it may even make it impossible for you to improve your strength, haven't you discovered it until now?"

Ma Xiaoliu did have some differences. After checking it, he shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't feel anything. Is it really such a thing? But why don't I feel anything like this?"

Su Liangjun smiled slightly and said, "I think it's because you haven't really relied on them yet, but it will definitely appear after a long time, so I advise you to get rid of all the habits of relying on others now, otherwise, you It’s really no longer possible to improve your own strength.”

Bai Yunfei finished drinking the wine in his hand, and said lightly, "So next, I will conduct a small test of 10 points for you. This test is 10 points interesting, and it is also 10 points of help for you, but I want you to do well, and in the meantime each of you is on your own, so it's best to let go of the idea of ​​being dependent on other people too."

Jiao Yang said curiously, "What kind of test is it? It can make us all improve our strength. Brother Bai, what skills do you have that you haven't displayed yet? Why do you feel that you have become so mysterious?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "I have always been so mysterious, it's just that you haven't discovered it, but now you have discovered it, so I'll let you discover the tip of my iceberg."

As soon as Bai Yunfei's voice fell, all four of them spun quickly, and when they all woke up, they found that all four of them had appeared in a very strange place. Seeing things, it seems that there is a layer of mist blocking them.

"You four don't need to be so anxious for the time being. Your opponent will appear soon. At that time, you can only get out of it if you defeat your opponent. If you can't beat it, then you can only be obedient inside. , enjoy their attacks."

Chen Weimin directly took out a long sword, and looked at 4 Zhou warily. He knew that Bai Yunfei was absolutely serious, so he also took it very seriously.

At this moment, a cloud of white mist appeared in front of him, and the white mist quickly changed into his appearance.

"It's too realistic, it can turn into my appearance, and judging by his appearance, it is estimated that he can realize my martial arts. This is really interesting. This is for us to defeat ourselves."

I saw the cloud of white mist stabbing towards Chen Weimin directly and quickly.

Chen Weimin dodged the attack directly and easily, but at this moment he frowned, because he found that the opponent's attack method was very similar to his own, and some habits of saving himself were also very similar. If he could not If you change some of your habits, I'm afraid you will really lose here.

At this moment, Chen Weimin jumped up quickly and high, and the sword in his hand slashed towards the cloud of white mist very quickly.

Without any hesitation, Bai Wu quickly swung the long sword in his hand, and quickly stabbed at Chen Weimin who was in mid-air.

At this moment, Chen Weimin did show a slight smile, and actually threw the sword in his hand, knocking the long sword in Baihu's hand into the air, and then quickly hit the white mist with his fist, breaking the white mist away.

Chen Weimin left directly, and the mysterious space returned to Bai Yunfei's side.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "You performed 10 points well. You were able to find your weakness so quickly, and you were able to use your weakness to defeat yourself. You really didn't disappoint me. Keep working hard."

(End of this chapter)

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