Chapter 1106 The Test Begins

Chen Weimin chuckled and said, "I really want to thank you, Brother Bai. If it weren't for Brother Bai, your usual care for me, and your usual teaching to me, I wouldn't have been able to overcome it so quickly. Own."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Don't beat around the bush here, boy, but what I want to know more now is, who do you most want to see accept the test?"

After Chen Weimin thought for a while, he said, "I want to see what kind of test Jiaoyang has, and whether she can pass the test."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "Your choice is really good, but what you choose now will definitely open your eyes, because I tested her. But it's different from you."

At this moment, Jiaoyang suddenly looked at 4 weeks with some gaps. He knew that it was his turn to accept the test, but looking at the empty everything, he was indeed a little puzzled, and some didn't know what to test himself.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly at this time, and said to the scorching sun, "The next test for you is to let me give you all these things in front of your eyes, and classify them according to their original positions. You must check them carefully. If you lose, you can only keep repeating here, until you can restore them all to their original state, and then you can leave here again."

I saw something suddenly appeared in front of the scorching sun, and when he saw these things clearly, he spun around quickly. After a while, some sundries that he couldn't understand appeared in front of her.

At the beginning of the sun, he kept trying to put these things he couldn't understand, but he found that he failed every time, and these things were constantly changing and changing positions. No brains.

Chen Weimin frowned slightly, and said with some puzzlement, "It's really strange, why do I feel that these things are so simple, if it were me, I should be able to quickly return them all to their original positions, How did it become so difficult to come to her place? Could there be other changes in it?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled lightly and said, "Maybe it is very simple for you, but it is very difficult for him, because she has always been very patient, so this place is to let her Quiet completely, if he is not quiet for a moment, then she will never succeed."

Sure enough, the scorching sun became more and more irritable inside, and there were even those who directly attacked these sundries behind.The action gradually calmed down after the constant rage.

In the scorching sun that had calmed down, he just looked at what he had done just now, dumbfounded, but Dad didn't expect that he would directly destroy it at will by his own temper just now, which was quite different from what he had done before, just like these Things can arouse her anger, so that she can't deal with them rationally, but now she has regained her sanity, knowing that these things can affect her, so she is no longer affected by these things.

Jiao Yang quickly returned all those things to their original positions, only to see her surroundings disappear quickly, and she herself came directly to Bai Yunfei's side.

But Bai Yunfei shook his head very dissatisfied and said, "You disappointed me a little, I didn't expect you to take such a long time to come out, I thought you only need a few minutes to get out of it Come out, but you only spent an hour on your own."

Jiaoyang took a deep breath, nodded slightly and said, "I'm sorry, Big Brother Bai, I let you down. I didn't have any composure inside, but I was a little restless. Maybe it's because of my restlessness that I became mine." The obstacles that trouble me, but now I have learned to control them slowly, and I will no longer use such emotions to control myself."

Chen Weimin laughed and said, "Although it was not very good at the beginning, your performance later on was really good, so you are really good, don't have such a big pressure."

Jiao Yang shook his head slightly, and said earnestly, "Brother Weimin, don't try to persuade me. I did not do well in some things. I will definitely continue to work hard to improve myself. I will never be like before. So casual and self-willed?"

Bai Yunfei smiled and looked at Ma Xiaoliu and Su Liangmin with a faint smile and said, "Which one do you two plan to watch? I can remind you that the test of the two of them is even more exciting. I just don't know if you Who are you going to see first?"

"Let's look at Ma Xiaoliu first, we want to know what his test is?" The two said in unison.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "You two are really good at choosing, but since you have chosen him, then I will let you watch Su Liangjun's test."

Jiao Yang and Chen Weimin shook their heads helplessly, feeling even more helpless at Bai Yunfei's wicked taste.

Su Liangjun frowned slightly at this time, because many enemies with weapons appeared in front of him, but none of these people launched any attacks on him, they just looked at him there.

"Your test is 10 points simple, that is to find the enemy who is really hostile to you inside, and kill him, even if you pass the test, but you have to remember that each of them is very good at acting, so just It allows you to find out for yourself who is really your enemy."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said remindingly.

After Su Liangjun was stunned for a moment, he looked at these 10 people helplessly, because now he could only complain weakly.

Su Liangjun walked up to the first person directly and quickly, and watched him carefully, but he didn't see any difference, and he was not sure if he was still hostile to him.

Su Liangjun walked up to the second person directly and quickly. The second person stared at him fiercely, as if he was going to eat him alive.

Without any hesitation, Su Liangjun quickly swung the knife in his hand, hacking the second person to death.

But at this moment, he suddenly began to tremble continuously, because he chose to fail, so he directly accepted the punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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