Chapter 1128 Traps and Sneak Attacks

After everyone searched the town directly and quickly, they finally received a lot of supplies. After everyone sat down and rested quickly, and restored all the conditions to the best condition, Then everything started again, running because the dangerous area had begun to spread continuously, if they didn't continue on their way, they would probably be wrapped in it and die without a doubt.

Chen Weimin said helplessly while running, "Brother Bai, is it always like this in the future? If it is like this in the future, it would be too boring. Doesn't it mean that you will not be able to do well in the future?" Have you experienced the world yet?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "This is the normal pattern. The ones before you were all too kind, so it is because of this that I am afraid that such a change will occur. It may be because of my thoughts before. Some were too kind, and that's why they became what they are now."

Jiao Yang looked ahead curiously and said, "It seems that some people are running like us in front, but they seem to be tired. It seems that they don't have these supplies like us, and they haven't rested. If we now If we sneak attack them, can we kill them all quickly?"

Bai Yunfei looked at it carefully and said, "The other party only has 6 people, and there are 4 more people. I don't know where they are, so you must be more careful. If they really only have 6 people, that would be better. If there are It would be bad if four people were hiding in secret."

Ma Xiaoliu really didn't care, but shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, I can kill them all by myself with just 6 yuan, and you didn't see their current state, it's simply It's just drowsy, and there is no fighting power at all."

Su Liangjun said lightly, "Don't be careless, haven't you heard that soldiers are not tired of deceit?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "That's right, we must take more precautions, no one knows whether they will have an ambush in the dark, so now we still have to find out before we start, anyway, their state will definitely not If it gets better all of a sudden, it will only get worse, so we will wait for the time being."

As time passed slowly, the 6 people who were drowsy at first turned into lively and lively people at this time, and quickly checked the surrounding environment. I have my kung fu, and there are 4 people, Actually walked over quickly from the front of them.

Ma Xiaoliu frowned slightly and said, "These guys are too insidious. They really have an ambush. Although their strength can't affect us in any way, they can probably make us suffer a little bit."

Chen Weimin smiled lightly and said, "Now that they've all come out, it's our turn to do it now."

Bai Yunfei and the five of them walked slowly towards the position of the ten people, and then I launched an attack in an instant, and I sometimes killed five of them with the force of a thunderbolt.

The remaining five people all took a quick step back, looking at Bai Yunfei and the others in shock.

Because they really couldn't figure out where the five of Bai Yunfei and the others came from, and their attack was so powerful that they killed all five of them directly.

Ma Xiaoliu waved the two knives in his hands very quickly and killed the remaining five people.

You reacted quickly from those five people, took out their weapons, and immediately rushed towards Bai Yunfei and the others to kill them. As for Ma Xiaoliu, they didn't really take it seriously, so they just sent a person and Ma Xiao Liu duel.

But it was precisely because of their carelessness that Ma Xiaoliu quickly harvested one person's life with the double knives in his hands, and before the remaining 4 people had time to react, they were directly and quickly attacked by Ma Xiaoliu from behind. All of them died under Ma Xiaoliu's knife.

"These people are so stupid that they can look down on me like this, and even give me my back. If I don't steal them, I'm really sorry." Ma Xiaoliu shook his head helplessly and said.

Bai Yunfei said with a chuckle, "Their fate is the fate of your carelessness just now. If you are still as proud and arrogant as them in the future, then your scene is no different from theirs, it's just that you die early and die early." It's only too late."

Ma Xiaoliu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm just a little sloppy, and this situation won't happen again."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said to everyone, "Everyone must remember that this place is not so simple, and traps can be set up, and various conspiracies and tricks can be used, so it is not so simple to obtain the foundation. If I am not careful, it will include me capsizing in the sewer of the city, and let others win."

Chen Weimin and the others nodded slightly and said, "Understood Brother Bai, we will definitely be more careful. Now we should hurry up and collect all the things they dropped. Let's get out of here quickly. I'm afraid there are other People are spying on us in the dark."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said lightly, "Don't worry, no one is breathing in the dark, we don't have to worry so much, we should pack up our things quickly, and we can continue on our way."

The crowd was in a hurry, they picked up all the things that were dropped by one person, and found that the supplies of these 10 people were really rich enough, they definitely did not search for them by themselves, they must have used the previous method, Got it by robbery.

After Bai Yunfei carefully checked the remaining number of people, he frowned slightly and said, "It's the first time for all of us to use this mode. Some are not proficient and some are unfamiliar, so there are still 900 people alive. It's hard to get the first one."

Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said, "I think it won't be long before they will kill each other, or they will die in these dangerous areas, because they don't know that there is a map, so they I don't know where the safe zone is, otherwise this person would never stay here, ambush other people like a fool, instead of quickly returning to the safe zone to set up an ambush."

(End of this chapter)

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