Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1129 Killing the Enemy Easily

Chapter 1129 Killing the Enemy Easily

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "It's really possible that this is the case, otherwise these people would never be so careless, so let's get out as soon as possible, because I think there will definitely be people in the safe zone Ambush people, because they will definitely have some smart people, not all of them, all of them are fools."

Bai Yunfei and the others ran towards the safe area directly and quickly. It took them a whole day to finally reach the safe area and saw that the dangerous area behind was still shrinking. There were still two days left. A new safe area should be refreshed, so they quickly found a small village and took a rest.

At this moment, Jiao Yang walked up to Bai Yunfei holding a very weird prop, and said curiously, "Brother Bai, what is this thing? I can't understand it no matter how I look at it. What is the use of this thing?"

Bai Yunfei took that thing in his hand, looked at it carefully, and said with a smile, "This is a good thing for setting a trap, bury it in the ground, as long as anyone lifts it under it, it will explode , This is a rare treasure, I really didn't expect you to be able to find this, I am afraid that this thing rarely exists in the whole world, yes, this is really a good treasure."

Jiaoyang immediately showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "If this is the case, it is really a very good baby. When the safe zone is the smallest, burying it underground may cause them a big loss."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it will definitely make them unlucky, but let's hurry up and search the whole village, otherwise, when other people come here, it will inevitably be another battle." Fierce battle."

When Bai Yunfei and the others were searching the village, there were 10 people not far away from them. They were all black and dressed in cloaks and quickly lay down on the ground, watching Bai Yunfei and the others searching for things there.

"Boss, should we go over and attack five of them now? We have 5 people now, and they have 10 people. 5 vs 2 will definitely win."

The boss of these 10 people shook his head slightly and said, "Now is not the time to act rashly. Don't you find that they seem to be very vigilant. Although they are looking for things, their eyes are still searching the surrounding situation. If we appear If it is not, I am afraid they will find out in a short time, so it is better not to act rashly and continue to observe."

But the few people behind him were impatient with waiting for everything, and said anxiously, "But if we wait any longer, they will leave, and we will get nothing by then. Now we The materials are getting less and less, and I am afraid that it will not last for a few days."

The boss frowned slightly, snorted coldly and said, "Second brother, what do you mean? Don't tell me you can't trust me that much?"

The second child shook his head and said, "I don't believe that you are the big brother. You can see for yourself. Now the condition of the brothers is getting worse and worse. If we don't get airtight and we don't get some material things, it will be very difficult for us to survive." , live to the end, and win."

The boss frowned slightly, and said coldly, "If that's the case, the command right this time will be handed over to you. If you can succeed this time, then I will listen to what you say in the future. If you fail this time If you do, don’t doubt me or question me in whatever I say from now on.”

The second child nodded slightly and said, "Okay, brother, this is what you said yourself, so let me command now. Let's directly outflank the two sides and attack the five of them directly. We will definitely kill all five of them." They're all fooled."

I saw these 10 people directly and quickly moving towards the location of the village they were searching for, Bai Yunfei, and slowly touched it, and they walked slowly in groups of 5 from two directions.

After Bai Yunfei moved his ears, he said with a faint smile, "There are some blind guys coming, everyone get ready, and there are a total of 10 of them divided into two groups, so now we can completely eliminate one wave and deal with the other." A wave."

Bai Yunfei and the other five took out their weapons and waited quietly for the arrival of those five people.

The five people also felt that something was wrong, and they looked at each other, and the third child said with some doubts, "Boss, why don't you say a word now? The second brother is in another team, so he must not Will you know what we are talking about here, is there really something wrong here?"

The boss nodded slightly, and said helplessly, "If I guessed correctly, I'm afraid the five of us will be attacked first, so we must be careful now."

At this moment, Bai Yunfei and the others launched an attack directly, and Bai Yunfei quickly slapped the boss's body with a palm, killing him directly and quickly, and the few people behind were all killed before they had time to react. Chen Weimin and the others pierced his body with the weapons in their hands and killed him.

The second child had already rushed over with those 4 people, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened immediately, and then he let out an angry roar, and all of them quickly rushed towards Bai Yunfei and the others to kill them.

Bai Yunfei took out a long sword and instantly attacked the five of them. Without giving them any chance to react, the sword in his hand had already sliced ​​through the throats of the five of them.

Ma Xiaoliu said helplessly, "I finally met some people, and I want to have a good competition with them. Brother Bai, your hands are really too fast, and you actually killed them all with one sword."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Here, there is no time to kill the opponent with the greatest strength, so we must use the greatest strength to kill the opponent."

At this moment, Jiao Yang frowned slightly and said, "These people are really poor enough, and they didn't bring any useful supplies. I'm afraid they came to attack us because they were hungry and crazy."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "They probably haven't reached that point yet, it's just that they didn't trust each other, that's why this happened, because I heard what one of them said, obviously that People don't approve of them sneaking up on us."

(End of this chapter)

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