Secret sneak attack
Jiaoyang smiled faintly and said, "But let's not think about so many things for now. What we are thinking about now is how to get the first place. Now there are only more than 1 people left, and those who should not be seen are all full. So we are pretty good now, we just need to wait here, and when they arrive, we can kill them all."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Things are definitely not as simple as you think. Don't you realize that although we are still in the safe zone, the safe zone has completely deviated. I'm afraid this is no longer the central location, so we Now if you want to truly occupy the most central position, you must carefully observe the movement of these safety zones, and finally determine which position the last safety zone will stop at."

As time slowly passed, the new safe zone was refreshed again. Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei said, this time the safe zone left them completely, and even ran to the opposite side of them.

Ma Xiaoliu said curiously, "Brother Bai, you are really right, so do we have to go there immediately? And I checked the time, it seems to be much shorter than before, and the speed is also faster Are we going to evacuate immediately?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled and said, "Of course we have to evacuate immediately. If we don't evacuate quickly, we will really be in some danger, and the speed of discovery in the safe area behind will be faster." Hurry up, so we must stay in the safe zone at all times, otherwise we may really capsize in the gutter and die outside."

Chen Weimin shook his head helplessly and said, "I really didn't expect that there are a lot of things going on here, so let's get out of here as soon as possible. I hope we can find the center of the safe zone, otherwise we have to keep running, and I'm afraid there will be a battle at that time." There are many more, if many of them unite together, I am afraid we will not be able to really defend well."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said that he just didn't expect it to be everywhere. For you, let's leave here now, and we'll talk about other things after we find a new place. "

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly came to the center of the safety zone, but this time they didn't rest immediately, nor did they take any action, but just waited there slowly.

"Do you feel that the people around you are interesting? This place is really getting more and more interesting, as long as it takes a little longer, I believe that the strength of the people inside should be strengthened a lot." Bai Yunfei said with a faint smile.

Ma Xiaoliu said curiously, "Come on, why don't we go any further, even though the front is the real middle place, have we deviated a bit here?"

Su Liangjun shook his head slightly and said, "Brother Bai didn't let us continue to go forward, that's because the front is not so easy to go at all, and if we continue to go forward, we will meet some more people." The enemy might as well be safer in this fringe area."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded with some understanding and said, "That's right, if we continue to move forward, I'm afraid we will become the tricks in everyone's hearts. It's better to play by ear in the dark, which will make things easier. .”

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "No matter what you do in the future, you must change your mind, so don't be the same as now, silly, because you are very easy to be deceived by your current appearance, I am afraid that even why you will be deceived by the time comes." You don’t even know you’re cheating, that’s the greatest tragedy, being cheated by someone you trust the most is a very painful feeling.”

Jiao Yang frowned slightly and looked at the front and said, "Brother Bai, there seem to be some traps in front of him. Someone must have deliberately designed them. Shouldn't we find a way to pull out all those traps?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said with a faint smile, "Don't rush to act now, we can just see it from the outside, they hit them at will, anyway, there are only these people left, the more people they die, the more they die The more you say it, the more beneficial you feel, so you can see it slowly.”

When the time passed slowly, I saw that all the traps in front were encountered by 10 people. These 10 people had no time to react and were directly killed by these traps, but all their things fell to the ground. Nobody was going to go over there to pick up their weapons, or anything.

At this moment, 10 men appeared directly and quickly from the dark. All 10 of them searched the surroundings quickly, and after packing up all the supplies, they wanted to leave here quickly.

Bai Yunfei snorted coldly, pulled the knife out of its sheath in an instant, and quickly slashed towards the 10 people who were blatantly blatant.

All the more than 10 people were taken aback. They didn't expect that someone was covering them in the dark. Fortunately, the other party directly exposed their position. Otherwise, they would be really unlucky, but what happened later surprised them even more. As expected, because their mechanism and traps were set up 10 points well, so they have such a big confidence that they can win the final victory, but it's just a pity that they met Bai Yunfei, and all their efforts were reduced to ashes up.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly killed all these 10 people, put away everything, and then smiled slightly and said, "The current version should continue quickly, find another place to hide, such a harvest It is the best, and now there are only more than 30 people left, abandoning a few of us, there are just 20 people left, just wait quietly."

Ma Xiaoliu said impatiently, "It's finally here. I really hope it will come sooner. I really can't wait. I really hope it will come sooner. I also want to see what it's like to win the final victory. Really." It’s very much looking forward to it.”

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "I think you'd better just wait here obediently, and you should be more careful at the end, because no one knows what will happen in the end, and the other party's in the end Will it set up traps, so the last is the hardest."

(End of this chapter)

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