Chapter 1133
While Bai Yunfei and the others were waiting in secret, the two men found them directly and quickly, and they didn't know what method they used to find Bai Yunfei and the others.

Chen Weimin frowned slightly, looked at the two men in front of him and said, "What do you mean by coming to us? Are you planning to evacuate here, or are you planning to come here to issue a warning?"

One of the men shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Then you really misunderstood us. We don't think like this. Our main idea is to be able to contact you and wipe out the most powerful team." After the fall, we are each relying on our own abilities."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Why do I feel that you are the most powerful in the world? Should I contact other people to kill you together, wouldn't it be better for us to lead each of us according to our own abilities?"

The man who hadn't spoken all this time shook his head slightly and said lightly, "Although there are only more than 10 people left in our mother's team now, I have already received the news that more than 10 of them have been completely united. Together, we plan to clean up all the remaining people, so go drink with us, cooperation is your only choice."

Jiaoyang sneered and said, "You guys are really good enough. Do you really think that we will believe your lies? Everyone is an enemy, so for us, the enemy is to be eliminated, so I'm sorry, you guys The two have left here."

The two men immediately frowned, and snorted coldly and said, "You don't have to drink a toast, and if that's the case, let you know what it means to ask for insult."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It seems that you are really sure that you can deal with us, that is really interesting, we really want to see how you can deal with us, if you If you don't have such ability, then don't say such crazy words, it will only annoy people."

After the two men looked at each other, they quickly threw many black beads towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei took a step earlier, and swung his sleeves quickly. In an instant, all the black beads were thrown out and hit the two people.

I saw that these two people ran quickly and quickly halfway through, flames continued to emerge from their bodies, and they all died before they had time to ask for help.

At this moment, more people killed them all quickly, but it is a pity that although their strength is indeed a little bit, they are not the opponents of Bai Yunfei and the others at all, so they are killed by Bai Yunfei and the others. After a while, he all quickly evacuated here.

At this time, there are only 15 people left in the safe area to run away. Besides Bai Yunfei and the others, there are 5 people who survived, but these 10 people are not in the same group, but Bai Yunfei and the others frowned slightly. However, these 10 people did not contribute to the attack, but were just waiting for Bai Yunfei and the others to appear.

Jiao Yang snorted coldly and said, "These damned guys, I think they are all here, deliberately trying to trouble us. These are a group of guys who deserve to be beaten."

Su Liangjun sneered and said, "Now the safe zone is here with us. They haven't come here yet, so we can arrange some phenomena around them. When 10 of them come here and encounter traps, it will definitely reduce their personnel. , when the time comes, we will cut the mess straight away, and I believe we will be able to win the final victory."

Sister Chen Weimin smiled and said, "That's right, we have taken the initiative now, so today's waiting is just the appearance of the unit, and they actually dare to unite together. They are really a group of guys who want to die."

At this moment, the 15 people who were hiding in the dark had all been waiting and rushed out quickly.

But when they all rushed halfway, suddenly they got off the boat, and there was a click sound, and the two of them fell into the deep pit quickly and died, and the sound of driving came again from behind, recommending countless The arrow pierced quickly, and the three people behind them were shot to death before they could react in time.

"It's really disgusting. We haven't even started yet, but we have already lost 4 masters. These people are really too cunning. Shall we continue to rush forward? I don't know how many traps there are in front of us. I think we'd better wait here."

"But we can't wait here for a long time, because we are not in a safe zone at all. If we continue to delay at home, I'm afraid we will die outside, and the other party will be able to reap the benefits .”

At this moment, Bai Yunfei launched an attack directly and quickly, and the knife in his hand changed like a meteor in an instant and harvested the lives of several people.

When everything calmed down again, there were only three people left on the opposite side, and all three of them had already become somewhat collapsed, and all of them were quickly on guard for 4 weeks, and at the same time they were still there non-stop, careful See the environment for 4 weeks.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, looked at the three people and said, "You have no chance now, so I will give you a very good treatment, that is, leave here by yourself, so that you can retain your dignity for a while. "

One of the fatter people snorted coldly and said, "Don't waste your energy here, we will never compromise, even if we die, we will cause you some trouble, and we must not let you I won the final victory, so you just give it to me obediently..."

But before he finished speaking, Bai Yunfei shot through the heart with a bow and arrow, taking his life.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, saw the remaining two people, and said with a chuckle, "Now it's 5 vs 2, how sure do you think the two of you can win?"

I saw the two people looked at each other, both of them had a little collapse, and they left completely helplessly.

Bai Yunfei and the others directly won the final victory, and a large wave of energy quickly gathered on them, transforming their bodies, making their strength grow rapidly.And they got the win here too.

(End of this chapter)

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