Chapter 1191 Xue Wuzhan

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Then you must teach them well, he is our rising star, and the Escort really depends on them in the future, but don't let them be too weak, that will give us a lot of help." Shame."

Everyone was chatting and laughing, and continued to walk quickly. At this time, Lao Zhou suddenly said quickly, "There will be some small dangers in front of the boss, so let's let the people around protect our weak family members. "

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, there is Yu'er taking care of me, I will never have any problems, but what kind of danger is here that you can take so seriously? "

Lao Zhou frowned slightly and said, "That's because there is a group of bandits nearby. They are 10 points hateful, and they are 10 points fierce. Generally, they will only attack the weak, but he is not very cunning. He found that there are strong people They will directly and quickly get out of the way, and they will directly flee thousands of miles away. It is difficult to find their traces. The most terrifying thing is that they have Emperor Wu level powerhouses here. Of course, these are all rumors. Do you know?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "If that's the case, then you all need to be more careful, and it's still the same sentence, I will never make a move. If you can't beat him, then you just have to be careful." You can blame yourselves for not being good at learning, so don't have any fluke mentality."

Wang Bo shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Even if his strength is comparable to ours, we will not have any fear. We are just afraid that he will threaten us with our family members, but now that his sister-in-law is taking care of us, then we I feel more at ease, and I can let go of my hands and feet and fight hard."

At this moment, Lao Zhou's expression changed suddenly, and he said quickly, "What is this thinking? The alarm has just been issued, and it is obvious that there has been an enemy attack. Let us take you to support, otherwise we may be attacked. Something dangerous."

All the people were heading there quickly, and ran over at top speed.When they arrived, they saw that there were indeed many enemies there, and all the bandits quickly besieged the bodyguard who raised the alarm.

However, the bodyguard did not panic at all. Instead, after fighting them calmly, he raised the alarm slowly.

The bandits just seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and they all wanted to evacuate quickly, but when the bodyguard saw that they wanted to leave completely, he immediately activated all his skills and launched an attack on them.

I saw him swiping a knife directly and quickly, and his knife instantly turned into a very powerful tiger, quickly swallowing all those shots.

All the other bandits were desperate to escape, but at this time Bai Yunfei and the others had already arrived here.

The bodyguards behind Bai Yunfei and the others couldn't let these bandits escape, they directly killed them up the mountain quickly, and killed all the bandits one by one.

At this moment, a middle-aged man held a very strange spear and quickly jumped out to block one of the bodyguards.

But when he fought with that bodyguard, the middle-aged man's expression changed a bit, and then he backed away quickly, and said coldly, "Which force are you guys? It's almost the same as I think, you are definitely not ordinary people, who are you?"

At this time, Lao Zhou smiled slightly and said, "You should be the most famous Xue Wuzhan here, and only people like you can block their attacks, but you didn't choose to run away. It's beyond my expectation. According to my information, a master like you should have escaped long ago, but you dare to show up and cover for them. It seems that you really regard these bandits as your closest friends. Otherwise, you would never make such a move, do you regret it now?"

Xue Wuzhan smiled slightly and said, "There is no regret, as long as I can save the lives of my brothers, that's enough. Why do you really think that you can kill me? You are really too young Look at me, I have been able to fight here for so many years without being wiped out, but not because of my strength, but because of my wisdom. All my brothers have been born and died with me, and I can't watch They died like this, so if you want to pass here now, it is simply impossible."

Mo Dahe smiled and said, "Interesting, I like you the most interesting people, do you really think you can stop us? That is simply impossible, so you should wait here obediently to die Bar."

Li Fushan frowned slightly, looked at Xue Wuzhan carefully and said, "You shouldn't be that notorious blood demon head, who are you? And where did your prime ministers come from? You must not be around. Ordinary bandits, just based on your appearance of unity, you are definitely not!"

Xue Wuzhan smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that someone would understand it so carefully, and be able to see it so carefully. You are right, we are not the blood demon you are worried about, but we are indeed here. Bandit, so the nature is exactly the same, this time we have fallen, rest assured, we will never touch any of you again."

Bai Yunfei said curiously, "I'm very curious now. What were you doing before? You don't have a lot of sinful aura on your body. Obviously, you just came here recently. Who are you? What did you do before?" What is it for? If you can answer my question, then I can make the decision and I will never kill any of your brothers again."

Xue Wuzhan smiled wryly and said, "Well, this is not something shameful. We were soldiers before, but now we are just a group of bandits who have fallen into the grass. It's just that we can survive. That's why we treat you as bandits here, but we will never deal with those ordinary people. Seeing that there are so many of you, and your clothes are very prosperous, so we treat all of you as rich and unkind businessmen, but now come Look, we really got it wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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