Chapter 1192 Accepting Newcomers

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Are you interested in working with us? It's so boring to be a bandit here, and how interesting it is to be a bodyguard with us, and it's great to be able to roam the rivers and lakes to your heart's content one thing."

Xue Wuzhan shook his head, and said coldly, "We won't work for anyone anymore, so we won't agree to your business at all. We are 10% happy when we are bandits, so you don't need to move like this." It was a misunderstanding before, and my brothers paid the price, so you go here, don't worry, I will never embarrass any of you again."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, chuckled and said, "I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that we are not going to be in this country, but to go to Jiguo, which is the largest country, and you will go there Only then can you truly develop, and sooner or later you will be wiped out by others here."

Xue Wuzhan frowned slightly and said, "Aren't you worried that we will betray you? You have to know that we have not betrayed once or twice, are you so relieved? If I betray you, then Wouldn't you be 10 points unlucky, wouldn't you really be willing to put the treasure on me."

At this time Li Fushan smiled and said, "You are not Xue Wuzhan! If you really want to be Xue Wuzhan, then have a nice talk."

Xue Wuzhan snorted coldly and said, "As long as you don't worry about me betraying you, then of course I am willing to follow you, but my brothers also follow them, and no one can leave me, do you dare to agree? "

Bai Yunfei suddenly laughed and said, "As long as you are willing to join, then you can, but there are still rules, that is, you can't kill innocent people, you can't bully men and women, as long as you can do such things OK."

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly and said loudly to the brothers behind him, "From now on, we are no longer bandits, but escorts belonging to the Baiyu Escort Bureau. Everyone should have heard the previous rules clearly. Alright, so if he commits a crime, I will kill him in advance, so all of you take care of yourself, don't lose your life in vain, of course, if you don't want to, you can leave here by yourself .”

Those people behind all shook their heads slightly, and stood firmly behind Xue Wuzhan.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "It's really interesting to be interesting, and your brothers are really interesting. If this is the case, I will give you a gift, just right It allows you to make the latest breakthroughs, after all, your strength is really a bit contemptuous."

Bai Yunfei waved his right hand lightly, and countless bright spots flew out quickly and merged with them. Immediately, everyone in the person's body quickly stood in place. All are constantly changing.

Xue Wuzhan's face changed slightly, because his strength directly broke through to Wu Zun's.

His strength was already fixed, but it was impossible to break through, but he didn't expect to break the impossible at this time, which is simply impossible, so now he doesn't know what kind of expression to use to express himself Now the mood is up.

Seeing that everyone had opened their eyes, Bai Yunfei immediately smiled and said, "Okay, now everyone has taken care of everything, so let's continue on our way, our team is finally It has expanded a lot, so in the future everyone will no longer be an enemy, but all friends, no one is allowed to do anything special to me, remember that unity is strength, and if anyone is not united, please leave by yourself.”

At this time, their staff has directly expanded from more than 100 people to more than 300 people, so the team has expanded a lot, and it seems that they are much more prosperous.

At this time, Lao Zhou smiled slightly and said, "Boss, we can go to the front to repair, after all, we didn't expect so many people, so our supplies may not be enough, we can go to the front to buy some supplies. "

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Then you can buy more. After all, you don't know if you will encounter other things on the way, so there is nothing wrong with buying more. You can prepare more." Prevent unnecessary things from happening.”

Lao Zhou nodded slightly and said, "I know Boss, I have already arranged for people to prepare, let's go to the town in front of us to have a rest, after all, everyone is already a little tired, we have nothing to do, but those children are all gone. Unbearable."

Xue Wuzhan found Bai Yunfei directly and quickly, and said coyly, "Boss, I need your help with something. Although there are some people who can't speak, I still can't help it, so I hope you can promise me .”

Bai Yunfei said curiously, "What can make a man like you make such an expression? It seems to be a very serious matter. Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to you."

"Boss, I also want to bring my family to join, because we can't keep our family here, so I hope you can agree."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a chuckle, "It turns out that this is the case, then you can rest assured that you can go to your family, because we will never let it go casually, the family doesn't care, and you I didn’t find that all the bodyguards brought their families with them.”

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly, and immediately ran back very happily, telling everyone that such good news, they all broke out, cheering and wanting them all to bring, to be able to bring their own The family left here and lived a happy life, and felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Lao Zhou said with a mournful face, "Of course, if this is the case, then we will have to spend a lot more money. If this is the case, is our money not enough?"

But Bai Yunfei chuckled and took out a very huge gold brick and threw it to Lao Zhou.

"These should be enough, so there shouldn't be any problems. If it's not enough, then I'll continue to give it to you, and there shouldn't be any other problems."

(End of this chapter)

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