Chapter 1194 Recruiting newcomers
Lao Zhou and the others quickly returned to the inn. After sorting out all the supplies, they sat down to rest.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Did you buy those tents that I asked you to buy?"

Lao Zhou nodded slightly and said with a smile, "It's all full, and I bought a lot of good tents, so that everyone can live like they are in an inn, and they won't feel anything. The exhaustion can also give those people a good rest, but should the troubles we caused today matter?"

Bai Yunfei snorted lightly and said, "What kind of influence do you think those people can have on us? Or are you worried that he can cause a fatal disaster to us?"

Lao Zhou shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Of course I'm not worried. As far as what kind of impact their ants-like existence can have on us, I'm just worried that they will cause some harm to ordinary people like us." Influence, after all, the strength of our family members has not reached too high, so there will always be some dangers?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a chuckle, "You are right, this is really a problem, but I have let the brothers watch carefully, there should be no problems, so you don't I am so worried, I tell everyone that we will go directly on the road tomorrow, and we will not enter any cities in the future. We just set up tents outside to rest. Everyone has to endure it. In half a year, we should be able to reach Jiguo. It’s time for everyone to take a rest.”

Lao Zhou nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Okay, I will inform everyone now, but the boss still has a very important question, that is, if everyone is in the wild, what should we do with the food?" What to do? After all, we can’t carry a lot of fresh food, which will only cause some unnecessary waste, you say, will everyone be malnourished in terms of food?”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully, "You are right, this is indeed a problem, we people don't have a big problem, but these ordinary people can't do it, they can't bear such a thing, This is indeed something that must be resolved, what can you do?"

Lao Zhou shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I can't do anything about it. If we receive a large amount of supplies, they will easily be corroded due to the long journey, so we can only buy some dry food, but We really have too many people, and these children are still growing, and they need a lot of supplies, so we can only buy more vegetables when we are close to the city, as long as we can eat. "

Tian Yu'er smiled slightly and said, "Actually, this matter is very easy to handle. You can buy a few very huge boxes, put some vegetables in them, and then use ice attribute martial arts to freeze them, so that they can be eaten at any time." It's fresh."

Bai Yunfei's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile, "Yes, this is a very good idea, it is absolutely possible to do this, so that everyone can eat fresh food, and as long as some energy is used to freeze, It won't cause any impact, this is really a very good idea, Yu'er, you are really smart."

Tian Yu'er smiled slightly and said, "This is just a small idea of ​​mine, and you don't need to take it to heart, but the version needs to be prepared more, but do we have enough manpower?" A few are few, we should recruit some more orphans here, then everyone will train them more, so that when we get there, our personnel will become more prosperous and prosperous, and our Escort Bureau will be more prosperous. become stronger."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Now we have no way to call more people, because after all, we need to travel, and it takes a long time to travel, so it is not good if there are too many people, and there is no way There will be some other accidents, our hundreds of people have already branched enough, if there are more, there is really no way to take care of them."

Tian Yuer chuckled and said, "Okay, whatever you say, that's what you say. I just want to take them in because I see how pitiful those orphans are, but you're right, we don't There is no way to help so many people, so we can only let them live here by themselves."

Bai Yunfei looked at Tian Yuer, although he was smiling there, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes, and he immediately smiled and said, "Of course, we don't mean that we can't protect you. If you really want to help them, then Call them, but if they are too young, then we really have no way to take them for a walk, we can only find some older ones, of course, if we stay together like brothers and sisters Well, after all, everyone should be able to take care of it with a little more attention."

Lao Zhou shook his head helplessly at the side. In fact, he also wanted to dissuade him just now, but Bai Yunfei had already said it, so he had no way to refute it, so he just shook his head there.

Tian Yu'er nodded slightly, happily ran out with Ouyang Mu and the others to recruit those orphans.

Lao Zhou said helplessly, "Boss, if this is the case, our tasks may be even more onerous. At that time, everyone will not be able to practice properly. We will always waste time taking care of these people. Is there something outweighed the gain?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "But what do you think I can do to change the current situation? Otherwise, go talk to him yourself, as long as you can change Yu'er's mind, then I really want to Thank you very much."

Lao Zhou shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile, "Forget it, boss, you can figure it out yourself. I don't want to go into this muddy water. I won't be able to stand being punished."

Xue Wuzhan walked in quickly, and said with a bad face, "Boss, there are many soldiers outside, all of them are coming towards us, look at their posture, they should be coming towards us, What should we do, shall we prepare to fight them with weapons?"

(End of this chapter)

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