Chapter 1195 Exposure
Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "But don't act rashly, let's see what the hell they want to tell. If they really plan to deal with us, then teach them a lesson, but they are too embarrassed to kill people here, so just Just teach them a profound lesson and let them retreat, and they probably didn't recognize your identities, so you don't have to worry so much. Just let Zhang Tian and the others handle this matter."

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly, and quickly found Zhang Tian and the others and told them what Bai Yunfei had said. After that, they walked outside quickly, waiting for the soldiers to arrive.

At this moment, the sound of cumbersome footsteps came quickly, and all the videos stopped, and finally the weapon was aimed at Bai Yunfei and the others.

Wang Bo strode over directly, blocked their way, and said coldly, "This is a resting place for family members. You people may not be able to go in. If you have anything to say, just say it. If anyone wants to move forward One step, blame us for being rude to you."

One of the leading generals snorted coldly and said, "It's so gutsy to talk to me like that. Are you trying to rebel?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "You must not wrong us, we dare not make any judgments, we are just telling the facts and we have not committed any reaction at all, so there is no power to check We have nothing to do here, so I think you should hurry up and go back where you come, don't make yourself uncomfortable here."

The general frowned slightly and said coldly, "Who the hell are you? Where did you come from? How dare you speak such wild words?"

Zhang Tian sneered and said, "We are just a bunch of people running around, but we are not easy to mess with. Do you think we don't know what you are here for? You are just doing it for those unimportant people." The guy is just exhaling, so I advise you not to lose your life for some small things."

The general sneered and said, "It seems that you really have seen everything very clearly. You are really crazy enough. How dare you leave your name? I want to see it." Where is the great god who is so rampant?"

Mo Da said indifferently, "We can't afford to be the great gods you mentioned. We are just some small people. We are just a group of ordinary bodyguards."

The general frowned and looked carefully, and then said in surprise, "Could you be the most famous Baiyu Escort now?"

Li Fushan nodded with a smile and said, "You're right, it's us, how can you know our name, we shouldn't have come to such a remote place, I really didn't expect our name to be able to spread to It was a surprise that you came here."

After the general swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he laughed and said, "Who doesn't know your nicknames, who doesn't know that all of your bodyguards are masters, and strong men at the level of King Wu and Emperor Wu can be seen everywhere. Who would dare to fight against you?" Ah, even Your Majesty, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to shout loudly at you. I really didn't expect you to come to our territory. I'm really sorry. If you had revealed your identities earlier, I would never have dared to come here to tell you. You don't cause any trouble."

Seeing the general who suddenly changed his attitude, Mo Da frowned, laughed a few times, and said, "What did you say? It was just a misunderstanding just now, so there is no need for us to do this again. Continue to entangle, and when we have the opportunity to buy you a drink in the future, or if you need our help with anything in the future, just ask, we will definitely do our best to help."

The general suddenly smiled and said with a smile, "But it's my honor. With you prawns, I really don't have any danger in the future. If I really need you guys If the heroes help, I hope everyone can help. Of course, money is definitely indispensable. I will not disturb the rest of the heroes here. After all, you still need to hurry, so you should rest early. I will take these little brats Let's check out other places."

Looking at the soldiers who had already left, Li Fushan frowned slightly, and said coldly, "I am afraid that our life will not be as easy as before. Everyone needs to prepare. I am afraid that we will encounter more Danger."

Mo Da also said helplessly, "Now almost everyone already knows the route we are walking, so I am afraid that many experts will come out to block our way, and some will oppose us, and I am afraid they will find opportunities to attack us. This is really a very bad thing.”

Wang Bo shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "These things are just small things, there is no need to care about them, but now I am more concerned about how we should deal with the next things, after all, everyone is here to rest One day we will be on the road, and our identities have been exposed, I am afraid that someone will come to test our strength tonight."

Li Fushan nodded slightly and said, "I'm afraid it's really not peaceful tonight, let's go back and talk to the boss first, and see what kind of arrangements the boss has."

When they found Bai Yunfei, Bai Yunfei said very flatly, "What's the matter, if someone really comes to peep at night, then they will kill them without mercy. And you have to remember that one of the enemies this time is you It's very difficult to fight against. If you don't improve your strength, your life may be in danger at that time, so you should practice hard in the recent period, and the martial arts I wear to you recently, you are now I probably haven’t fully comprehended it yet, so it’s fine for you all to practice martial arts properly for me now.”

All the people were quickly urged by Bai Yunfei to practice martial arts. As for the protection at night, there are naturally some other people to protect them, so these family members will definitely not have any problems, because Tian Yu'er is also in it , if there is a real danger, she will take action directly.

(End of this chapter)

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