Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1196 The Different Xue Wuzhan

Chapter 1196 The Different Xue Wuzhan

In the early morning of the second day, everyone got up, and after all the people had tidied up, they left here directly, and continued on their way quickly, without any temper, because everyone knew that their current difficulties, the current The pain is all prepared for the future glory and wealth.

All the people are driving fast, and in the convoy of hundreds of people, no one has made any mistakes, just driving slowly like this, if it is placed on the side of other people, there will always be some abnormalities , but the Baiyu Escort was very united and did not make any mistakes. They just drove slowly in this great plain.

When night fell, all the people put up tents very consciously and quickly, and the children also quickly used the rest time to practice martial arts. In just one month, they have all become The existence of the military level.

Although their strength is at the bottom, they have the ability to protect themselves anyway, at least they will not be killed by someone inexplicably, or die of other diseases, so everyone now has a certain degree of protection. It's easier for everyone to exercise.

Xue Wuzhan walked to Bai Yunfei's side, saw the children in front of him playing and practicing martial arts recklessly, he immediately smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I've lived so peacefully, and I really miss this kind of life." Yes, I have been thinking about when I can live the life I am now, but looking at it now, it is really great, I can live such a life now, I really did not make any wrong choices ah."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Of course you didn't make any wrong choice, your choice is indeed 10% correct, and don't you realize that you are not the same as them at all, they are actually all for the sake of being able to Better to live and live, and what you are for, I'm afraid you can't explain it clearly now."

Xue Wuzhan chuckled and said, "You're right, I can't make it clear now, because before I thought I was living for those brothers who were born and died for me, but in the end I found out that I No, I live to protect them, but it doesn't feel like I really want to protect them. Anyway, this feeling is very strange, but I can be very clear. If they are in danger, I will sacrifice my life rescued."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Actually, you are really living for a righteous character. You are indeed very loyal, but it is a pity that you ignore it because you are too loyal." Don’t you realize that your family is actually not happy? Don’t you find that your heart is not happy? Even sometimes, there is no need to show too much loyalty, and it’s okay to treat people who make mistakes Punish them well, if you pamper them too much, it will only lead them all to go astray and go astray, and in the end they will not be grateful to you, but will hate you instead."

Xue Wuzhan frowned slightly, thought about it carefully and said, "You are right, I seem to have done something wrong, and I really did some harm to them. It is indeed because of some of my previous behaviors. Some are too much, I shouldn’t cover them too much, if they make mistakes, they must be punished, only in this way can they realize their mistakes, so as not to go on the wrong path, I’m really sorry, I just woke up.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Actually, what I value more is you, a guy who puts loyalty first. If it weren't for your great loyalty, do you think I would take you in? So you don't have to take it too seriously." , your main task now is to cultivate well, although you have now become the strength of Wu Zun, but you have not really embarked on the road of cultivation."

Xue Wuzhan said curiously, "Is it true that I have not really set foot on the path of cultivation with my current strength? How much strength does it take to truly reach the path of cultivation?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Only when you enter the strength of Wuling level can you really enter the state of cultivation. You are just laying the foundation now."

Xue Wuzhan said with a wry smile, "You really think highly of me, don't you? I don't have such abilities. I've always thought before that if I can reach the level of Wu Zun, I already have 10 points." I am satisfied, as for becoming a martial spirit level, this is just a luxury for me."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "Don't think so, I'm 10% optimistic about you, and you have 10% potential, as long as you do well, you will be able to succeed, remember, You must have confidence in yourself. If you don't have confidence in yourself, you won't be able to make real changes at all, but you just need to remember that after you break through and become a martial spirit, you are the real one. to a new life.”

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly, walked aside, and began to practice slowly.

Bai Yunfei yelled slightly, and went back directly to his tent, seeing Tian Yu'er was already there, and when he brought him back, he immediately smiled.

"Why do you look at him with admiration? But he is really interesting, but there are two kinds of aura, but now it has begun to merge slowly. Aren't you afraid that it will go astray? ?” Tian Yuer said with a chuckle.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Of course I won't be afraid of him going on an evil path, because he has already started to find his own path, as long as he sticks to his own path, there will be no harm." and this guy is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. Although I don't know who he is reincarnated, I know that he will never have any impact on us, so I can help him, of course Just need to help him."

Tian Yu'er smiled and said, "But I didn't talk about this, it's just an ordinary world, and there are some powerful people from other worlds reincarnated. It's true that every world has some surprises. Maybe we go to other worlds The world can also see such a surprise.”

(End of this chapter)

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